Lynwood, CA - More than 30 days after the election, candidate signs are still hanging on city streets. These candidate signs are placed in violation of the City's Municipal Code. The new law adopted by the City clearly states that signs may be erected for forty five (45) days prior to and ten (10) days following the election to which they relate. Candidates who have left their signs are in violation of the City's code.
It doesn't surprise me that Edwin Jacinto doesn't remove his useless signs, but Sal Alatorre?
For someone that works for the state as an inspector, one would think that Sal Alatorre would've followed the city code and removed his signs.
I will assume that Sal Alatorre will remove his signs now that its been posted on this website.
I will monitor his signs and see if he has removed them by next week. If he hasn't I will be sure to tell my friends and family not support him if he runs for office again.
As far as Edwin Jacinto is concerned, he is a loser and I will never support him.
The other part of the problem is our wimpy code enforcement. Why havent' they issued a ticket? After I read this posting, I drove around the City. There's Jacinnto signs, Aide Castro signs, Fernando Pedroza Signs. I hope they remove them. They make the city look very trashy.
I checked. They got 10 days baby, 10 days. What's the City doing about it?: NOTHING.
I will remove my signs from the streets, I know I missed some at MLK Blvd. and Wright Rd.
Hope that the rest will do the same.
Note; A recomendation from the Lynwood Public Safety Commision to
charge a fee of about $ 200.00 to all candidates as part of the registration fee to ensure the sighns were rempoved soon after the election was over.
Also to reduce the size of them to what is use at an other cities like Downey.
Keep on puting pressure it works!
Sincerely Sal Alatorre
Good job Sal, last two elections you left your signs for the whole year.
The question is, where the hell is Code Enforcement? Why haven't they given Jacinto a ticket? Why do they let him leave the signs up? Because he showed Leticia and Byrd and Johnson in his flyers?
have you seen the al ferddie signs are still up to
have you seen the al ferddie signs are still up to
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