Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Mailer Alleges Superintendent Resignation
Lynwood, CA - An underground mailer was sent to Lynwood residents alleging that the Superintendent has submitted his resignation. This mailer marks the beginning of 2007 campaign.

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I bet you that the newsletter has no credits to the writers.
Solache and everyone mentioned in that crapletter should sue the SH!T out of whoever had anything to do with it!
I agree just like Councilmember Vasquez and Johnson should sue the people involved with printing lies their LIES!!!
Why are Lynwood politics so dirty? Don't mess with people that are making a real good change in our city. The superintendent has made lots of good changes. You guys should look across the street were the council members are nothing but bad elected officals.
That newsletter is seriously misrepresenting itself as a credible news source.
Solache! Talk to your lawyer and SUE!SUE!SUE!SUE!
You and your colleagues are doing a great job. Dont let this crap stop you. You have the community's support!
Its funny how the one's pointing fingers are always the ones who end up on the 6 o'clock news (i.e. Cong. Foley and others) 'cause they had unnatural relationships with boys and/or male prostitutes...
makes me wonder who's sending out that chismeletter! Hmmmmm
Right!!!But Don't Forget That It's Those Who Are Making Changes That Are Always The Targets!!! Both On The City Council & School Board.
Solache, Aide, Lupe, Ramon, and Maria are now the targets for trying to make a difference. Let's make sure that we speak to our neighbors and let them know that we need to stand next to them and defend and support them.
The community is with you guys. Don't let anyone get you down.
Yes, Just Like Councilmember Vasquez Doing The Right Thing. She Have Always Been A Target!!!!
Lupe, Ramon and Maria are the worst; they don't care that their actions hurt people; Lupe claims to be a good catholic but her gossip has caused a lot of grief to a lot of people including children; Ramon is nothing but Lupe's puppet, he does whatever she tells him to do; Maria is not immaculate, she is a whore and will continue to sell herself in order to have money and power.
Ramon...now isn't he the one who had several "family members" voting from his home address, the hardware store!
Didn't he also vote on paying himself city money in violation of the conflict of interest laws, give me a break, he's the worst kind of politician, only looking to feather his own nest with taxpayer money!
Dirty Lynwood politics starts with people like Ramon, we got rid of him once...keep him out.
"she HAVE always been a target"?????
See what I mean?
I'm concerned that such information can pass through a community and have no merit. If the Superintendent did not announce his resignation then no one else should. By doing so, this can cause problems and confusion in school district and the community.
Bola de chismosos!!!
yya dejen a solache en paz, si quiere dar su culito que lo de al fin de al cabo que es de el.
solo miren el trabajo que esta haciendo y el ejemplo que le esta dando a sus hijos
quien dijo que solache es gay que lo compruebe, porque no se le nota nadita de nada.
solache se ve mas hombrecito que ramon.
SOLACHE es maricon.los que no saben nomas hablan por hablar.SOLACHE ya no protejas mucha ala MARCO ANTONIO HIGH SCHOOL,
Who gives a rats ass if Solache is gay. All I care is that he makes decisions based on the benifit of our children. And he has!!! We as individuals have no right to judge others by the color, orgin,or sexual preferance. We are all products of some situation or another. Respect yourself!!!!
mmmjjjj. that is right.
dejenlo que se las quiera dar a quienquiera asi es que es muy su culito.
SOY MARICA Y QUE??????????
SOY MARICA Y QUE??????????
Remember the last gay we had on the board. Remember what he did with a young boy. Solache even though you are gay don't do the same thing as your predosessor.
there is nothing wrong with sex preferences, but this solache is to gay for being so close to our kids, there are at least three ready to testify against solache,
we are talking about teenegars under 17 years old. that solache has made sexual advances.
as a roll model, our kids might think that being gay is ok, or is part of daily life. i strongly believe that solache must to resign before this gets real bad.
he is nothing better than fernie the pervie. we need to get rid of solache he is no good for our educational system. i know people that are close to him, pretend that they like him. just to get favor and staff from him. but nothing is tru. they are snakes.
some people from the district even are saying that solache and morales are engaged. we had problems with one, but two on the same district. no good, they should move to the hollywood district
hola patito
no te enojes patito que te puede dar un ataque al higado y puedes mestruar.
sigue adivinando, sigue adivinando
hasta la vista patito
hola patito
no te he visto en la calle agarrando firmas, para el recall, por alli me dijo un pajarito que quieres correr para consejal y por eso andas con el arguende de que quieres ayudar a la comunidad,
acuerdate patito que tu le ayudaste a pedroza para entrar al puesto junto con la lesbiana jorobada de la domitila. y tambien le ayudaste al maldito del reverendo y no te olvides que leticia apoyo a tu pareja morales en la contienda pasada entonces porque lo del recall. o es que pediste algo y no te lo dieron cual es el enojo o es que santillan te convencio junto con su amante el mentado ramon. agarra la onda patito, todos te quieren usar me extraña que una persona tan preparada como tu se deje manipular tan friamente y no me vengas con el cuento que quieres ayudar a tu comunidad. por que si asi fuera buscarias otros medios y metodos mira a tu alrededor patito y cuando veas la tempestad nadie de tus allegados va a estar contigo.
Te comento que hay personas muy cercanas a ti que estan analizando y platicando con las personas que tu les has insinuado o pedido favores sexuales.
escucha patito no me interesa tu inclinacion pero hay que respetar el area de trabajo. si el amor es puro no importa el sexo, pero elije muy bien a tus victimas porque te puede pasar lo mismo que al señor erick lee.
hasta luego patito y si no te veo escribime.
i love you
good morning litle duck, (patito)
i know you read this blog,
porque no me has escrito, porque no me has mandado siquiera una postal, tu sabes que me mata tu indifirencia cruel.
te estas haciendo menso, porque sabes que es verdad lo de este comentario.
adios papi
buenos dias, patito,
te cuendo que hoy no trabaje
adios y feliz fin de semana
hola patito, te cuento que me dijo un pajarito (de los que vuelan)
que te vieron en una escuela y que estas muy disgustado con la mentad martina, me caias bien cuando ayudaste a tila, pero desde que ayudaste al estupido de pedroza, eres para mi peor que ellos, porque cuando votamos confiamos en tu propio juicio, pero ahora con tando ladron que anda suelto en la ciudad mejor ya no te escribo mas, porque hasta las palabras me han robado, saludame a la lesbiana jorobada de la tila. y que te vaya bien patito
i love you after all
For those of you that wrote this offensive newsletter should really look at what they are doing, regardless of someones sexual orientation they are first of all human beings and should be respected.
Whether Solache is gay or not is not the issue here, he is doing his job and cares for the youth in Lynwood. The attacks made on him are made out of fear and are clearly childish. Our world has come very far for us to continually disrespect people/human beings for something as meaningless as sexual orientation.
Solache(Ferbie) keep your head up!
Que lastima me da leer toda la pudrision que se escribe en esta pagina.
Se ve que la gente que escribio todo eso es homofobica. Sera por que muy adentro ellos tambien son homosexuales y no quieren salir del closet? oh sera que entre sus hijos o hijas tambien algo va por el mismo camino?
Bueno sera melon sera sandia o sera la fea de Maria .. Pero eso es lo que menos importa lo importante es que el distrito escolar sea llevado por buen camino eso mis amigos es lo importante.
Por que no se pregunta bola de ignorantes o leen sobre la homosexualida... eso no se pega ni se aprende eso se nace.. no se an puesto a pensar que los homosexuales en realidad no son felices , que sufren y es muy dificil destacar en cualquier medio gracias a gente idiota e ingorante como la que escribe esos comentarios????
Tenemos en esta sociedad gente que son heterosexuales y se la pasan violando a niños y niñas.. no es necesario ser homosexual para violar a niños ni tampoco por que son homosexuales se la pasan pensando en sexo y menos con niños.. esos que estan encontra de soloche o son jotos tambien o se los arimaron y lloran por la herida les aconsejo que tomen terapia para que alguna dia llegen a respetar a la gente y que piensen que no estan libre de que en su famila pueda llegarles un sorpresa. enfoquemonos en la educacion y no en la orientacion sexual de las personas. Como pediles a nuestros hijos que sigan nuestro ejemplo si lo que tenemos es mierda en la cabeza. Si queremos sacar a solache que sea por que no esta haciendo su trabajo y no por su preferencia sexual.
Este mensaje va para el idiota que no hace nada mas que decier "PAPI" Y "PATITO" es muy fisto que es un renegado de la sociedad. difinitivamente necesita terapia y una buena cojida. parece que solache no le hizo ningun caso y es por eso que esta de mamon.
No se si usteds saben que el hecho de ser homosexual no quiere decir que el hecho que sea hombre en tre "'s quiera decir que a solache le va a gustar.
entiendan bola de inutiles, ratas de dos patas. no es asi
por eso papito metete el dedito tu solito solache no quiere nada contigo y deja de joder .
hay que comentarios mas enloquecidos, que me hacen vibrar de pasion, y se me nubla la vista, se me corta el pensamiento.
lastima que tenga mis sueños con solache y lo mas triste es que este pinche puto no me pueda cojer porque es marica. tan marica que ni el mismo se puede esconder en el closet aunque el muy pendejo sepa de que ya esta afuera del closet.
pero de todos modos te amo papi.
te cuento que el dia de hoy no trabaje por que como empleado del gobierno, tengo mis dias festivos pagados. a costa de todos los pendejos que tienen que trabajar los 5 dias completitos y yo disfrutando. apenas me desperte hace como 1 minutos.
bueno papi te dejo, me voy a tomar un cafe u un vaso de lechita de vaca.
adios papi, si no te veo escribeme.
si no me escribes dile a uno de tus gatos que me escriba y me mantenga informado.
gracias por lo del comentario que llamo idiota.
te cuento que no se me habia ocurrido eso de meterme el dedo y te dijo que probe y me gusto.
gracias por la receta y cuando escribas un libro mas de fantacias sexuales, escribeme para tratar de asimilirlas. porque no hay como las experiencias vividas para comentarlas.
oye y como se te ocurrio eso del dedito, o acaso tu te violaste solito. mmmmmmmmm
that is very weird. comentame mas de tus aventuritas, pllllllllease!!!!
se ne hace que de hoy te he bautizado como litle duck #2
hasta luego yo tambien te amo.
ps: mandame un email de otras fantiacis que tengas.
good morning litle ducks
duck #1
and duck #2
les comento que apenas llegue al trabajo, despues de esos tres dias festivos.
vengo bien descansado y con ganas de seguir descansando al fin y al cabo que el pueblo paga.
adios que ya llegaron mis estudiantes.
good morning patitos:
espero que hayan amanecido muy bien y esten muy listas para conseguir firmas para el recall.
las amo a las dos litle ducks
Many people are talking about how they are worried that their children see Solache as a romodel and they are afraid that they might follow in his foot steps. Being gay/straight/lesbian/transexual/bisexual does not matter, what matters is what everyone is teaching the children of this generation. People should really look within themselves and see that your children are looking up to you as parents, if you dont show them respect and an open mind you are just as bad as everyone else.
I dont believe that anyone on the board will harm any of the children, someone's sexuality does not make them dangerous. What makes someone dangerous is the negative closeminded comments that are coming out of your mouths.
Word of advice, look at yourself in the mirror and judge yourself before you begin to judge anyone else.
good morning litle ducks.
every time i look at the mirror. i see all those gay people right behind me, trying to take over the lynwood school district. and that is a real bad news for all parents of lynwood.
bye, chao, hasta la vista
What Mr. Solache and Dr. Lal did for the Lynwood Unified School district in the past two years, will take others a lifetime to accomplish. People, look at the District before Dr. Lal became superintendent and look at the district now, the changes are obvious. Now you negative people comment on this!
this is my first time on this website, and its sad to see adults belittle themselves in such a fashion. I find it ironic that this newsletter targets Dr. lal and a great supporter of him.hmmmm genius. As for Solache's sexual prefernce, who cares. The comment made about him being to close to children is just plain ignorant. Straight men molest little children too. And so do straight women. So grow up.
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