Kothe was arrested as a result of Operation Predator, an ongoing probe by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) into the downloading of child pornography off the Internet.
Officers found hundreds of pictures of child pornography at his home in Alhambra. The Lynwood Unified School District have placed Kothe on unpaid administrative leave.
Read story here.
Is this Solache's buddy in the photo?
Solache are you going to protect this teacher like you protected the janitor from Cesar Chavez,you know the kid that was push n dragged out of thr lockeroom.
Look out for Oscar Espinoza he'll be the next one to made these headlines!Keep the kids away.
Hey why should Solache care about what happends to our children if he is still going to get paid. Solache if you read this why don't you tell us what your plan is if any?
Tony, don't worry about the pictures. That's an old story.
Whatever you decide to do with your personal life is your business, however you have a job to do and that's what you get paid for.
Same goes to the lady!
Yeah, don't worry about the pictures Tony. If Claudia and you are having an affair, it's obvious things are not working at home for either of you. If the pictures issue is true, and your wife sees them, and asks you to take hit the highway, heck,you'll be free to do what you want.
I also agree that whatever you two do is your business, but you do get paid to do a job. So do it.
Aide, you have no money to put into your campaign either. I saw the reports and the people that financed your campaign are people that are now controlling the city. Those people are Mark Kudler, Emilio Franco, Fat billy Martinez (you are still a hog, pinche prieto even after you gastro bypass surgery that removed some of your lard)Arnoldo Beltran el otro puerco and the list goes on! This has already been reported to the authoritites. They funneled cash contribution to Christopher Robles and then gave it to you. I know that good will prevail and the authorities will continue to investigate your corruption. Your friends and accomplices Jose Antonio "Tony" Martinez and Alfredo Flores will come down with you too!
Oh and you criminal rat pack that includes you felon friend an co-conspirator Silvia Ortiz too!
A message to the community...
1.Billboard deals
2. Alameda Triangle
3. El Farallon Night Club coming soon!
More corruption to come and indictments to follow!
It also very obvious that some people have nothing better to do but to butt in people's business. Yes, I agree...mind your own...So you should also get back to work while you're taking the time to nose off to be on the web site and be in things that do not concern you. And if it's after work and you all don't have nothing to do go clean your ass to keep yourselves busy......
SUGGESTION: If you're so concern go up to them and express your anxiety!!!Don't be a hypocrite...
I agree with the comment that says pictures is an old story. If some one is talking on the phone all the time to sombody else you can find it in the cell fone bill.
Where's your proof? Exactly,you don't have any. Aide has her own money,unlike yourself who slept with Ron Wilson to pay for your campaign. Once a tramp always a tramp.
I like fat woman!
Alex es un mentiroso, chismoso y un sabelo todo!
Alex, deja de estar dando inforcion incorrecta a tus amigos (Mr. Morales).
Porque siempre quieres saber todo? Y lo que no lo inventas.
Dear Mr. Blogger,
Please post all the candidates financial reports so the real people of Lynwood can see where the money came from.
Or let the real people of Lynwood know where to send the info. so you can post it. We want to see the TRUTH!!!
And Pat Carr wasn't lying at the council meeting when she said Aide has slept with everything and anthing that walks.
I even heard she got busted in Mexico doing animals
and bottles.
Doesn't surprise anyone. I beleive it!
Did you see Aide at the last council meeting. She still looks like she has down syndrome.It looks like its getting worst.
Aide, you have no money to put into your campaign either. I saw the reports and the people that financed your campaign are people that are now controlling the city. Those people are Mark Kudler, Emilio Franco, Fat billy Martinez (you are still a hog, pinche prieto even after you gastro bypass surgery that removed some of your lard)Arnoldo Beltran el otro puerco and the list goes on! This has already been reported to the authoritites. They funneled cash contribution to Christopher Robles and then gave it to you. I know that good will prevail and the authorities will continue to investigate your corruption. Your friends and accomplices Jose Antonio "Tony" Martinez and Alfredo Flores will come down with you too!
Oh and you criminal rat pack that includes you felon friend an co-conspirator Silvia Ortiz too!
A message to the community...
1.Billboard deals
2. Alameda Triangle
3. El Farallon Night Club coming soon!
More corruption to come and indictments to follow!
Alex is everywhere even with the school board and there matters. He knows and has no boundaries
Alex will talk to who ever will listen to him like Morales, and Solache of the school board, Silicone Santillan, and Ramon El Mamon. Alex is an equal opportunity exploiter. We agree he knows no boundaries. Bola de Chismosos.
It's funny how those who psted here began talking about the teacher then ended up talking about everything else... Back 2 EDUCATION...Someone needs to take responsibility for what happened @ Lincoln Elementary... A letter was sent out by the SCHOOL DISTRICT stating that "internet pornography" was found at the teachers house...NOOOOO mention at all that the pornography involved children... What about that? Who in the School district has said anything? Who in the city council has addressed this issue? More importantly, WHO AT LINCOLN (principal or vice-principal) has addressed this serious issue? NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are our children, and all of the corruption takes the attention away from the fact that our children (schools & youth) are not being given the attention they DESERVE...
HEY man, I posted a comment here yesterday... Where is it?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I have gone through the proper protocol in addressing Lincoln Elementary. I've spoken with board members and the Superintendent. Dr. Harps, the principal has failed these children . This pervert has been teaching in Lynwood for eight years. He also is the school photographer. Dr. Harps hasn't contacted any of the parents directly from that class. I'm now organizing the parents of Lincoln. If this situation goes ignored we the community, will suffer the consequences. See all the prostitutes on Long Beach Blvd? Many of them are children who grew up here. 90% of them were victomized as children. I urge all parents and community leaders to demand the resignation of any and all who do not stand up and protect these children. See ya at the board meeting!!!!!!!!
Sylvia Ortiz
I have gone through the proper protocol in addressing Lincoln Elementary. I've spoken with board members and the Superintendent. Dr. Harps, the principal has failed these children . This pervert has been teaching in Lynwood for eight years. He also is the school photographer. Dr. Harps hasn't contacted any of the parents directly from that class. I'm now organizing the parents of Lincoln. If this situation goes ignored we the community, will suffer the consequences. See all the prostitutes on Long Beach Blvd? Many of them are children who grew up here. 90% of them were victomized as children. I urge all parents and community leaders to demand the resignation of any and all who do not stand up and protect these children. See ya at the board meeting!!!!!!!!
Sylvia Ortiz
When are the Board meetings?
Sylvia Ortiz is a felon herself. She is a drug user a self admitted prostitute from Long Beach Blvd just to name a few of her crimes. Why should anyone follow someone like that much yet listen to her complain about another criminal. What a joke!!!
She should hook up with her friends and take up a collection for some lipo and a face lift that's what she should spend her time and energy doing!
Harps is superintent-WHAT? I thought she was the principal at Lincoln Elementary ( or miss "doctor harps" as she likes to be called). Is she principal at Lincoln Elementary or does she have anothet title? Regardless, ALL LYNWOOD PARENTS NEED TO COME TOGETHER FOR OUR CHILDREN AND YOUTH. Yes, our YOUTH need help as well. This is a Call for ALL Lynwood parents who read this blog-spot->Come together for our kids. We can't let our children/youth down.
Has anyone on this blog ever heard of "Innocent until proven guilty"?
What web sites have you, your husband or wife, significant other, or children been drooling over in the dark? Does that make them serial murderers???
If so, let's arrest all of them, lock them up and throw away the key.
And while your at it how about trying to separate the individual from your apparent dislike for the school board. You might find these are two separate issues.
Oh, and has the Government ever spun things just to take the heat off of them? No, Never. The Government never spins things just to excite the masses.
So how about waiting for the facts before building the Gallows. AR_'
To the person who out "innocent until proven guilty" THIS INVOLVED OUR CHILDREN. Who cares if people are watching other stuff in privacy, but THIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER had pics of CHILDREN! HE was at a school with small children and some say he was the school photographer. Yeah, I agree with the fact that government will use other stories to cover up other more shamefull acts, but the fact is that: THE CORRUPTION IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND WHAT OCCURRED AT LINCOLN ELEMENTARY GO HAND-IN-HAND. What happened at Lincoln shows that there needs to be an IMPROVEMENT and ACCOUNTABILITY at the CITY and the SCHOOL level. ALSO, for those who do not know, Lincoln Elementary is well-known for its outstanding students, but why has there not been any improvement for 20+ years. The front of the school looks great (for all the people who just pass by) but when you go behind the school, you get the real picture of how Lynwood has taken care of it's well-performing school (No green grass, tagged restrooms, and the same fence has been there for 20 years) Oh yeah, by the way, the teachers and the administration complain that the kids don't want to read or have a hard time reading; IT MIGHT HELP TO HAVE A FORMAL LIBRARY to spark interest in the children, not a storage room library. "It costs too much money: books, material, librarian. BUT THEY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THEIR FANCY CARS. Drive by the school for yourselves and everyone will see what I mean.
This jerk is bailed out of jail and probely half way to Canada by now. LUSD has not updated parents regarding this important information. Hopefully, the perv doesn't stop in Lynwood to escape with one of Lynwood students. LUSD fails again!!!!
viva la rasa corupta hahaha
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