Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meeting at Mayor's Home Criticized

Lynwood, CA - Local newspaper reports that a meeting held at current Mayor Santillan's home is criticized.

Read story here.


Anonymous said...

Between the two high school drop outs on the council (Maria the Moran and Parrot Face Castro) how can we expect any different. They can barely read and write much less interpret the law.

Anonymous said...

seems like miss piggy and martha aka woodrat have alot in common. they deal with bussiness matters outside the office. everybody already knows all the deputies you slept with martha? like seven? you probably lost track yourself and you represent human resoures, what a freakin shame. you dirty rodents shall be exterminated! hey silicone the surgeries are not working for you give it up already you old hag.

Anonymous said...

Que chingen a su madre todos los consejales. Pche bola de corruptos.

Todos valen madre....incluyendo al stupido de Armando Rea. Este guey es igual de corrupto que Louis Byrd y Fernando Pernoza. El baboso de REA solamente quiere entrar al concilio otra vez. Por que no se va a controlar a el "Jotito" de su hijo.....

Anonymous said...

Well I that Santillan is wrong. Just like employees are required to wear their supervisory hats at all times. She needs to understand that she is a mayor at all times. If people can sue supervisors at meetings held in restaurants or other places outside work. I think that it's fair to say that Santillan is a mayor at all times.

Anonymous said...

I think that she if trying her best to do what's right. I have faith in her and at least she is 100% better than that ugly lady (Leticia)

Anonymous said...

At least she is doing something what is the school board doing about all this bad teachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aide should be more worried about saving her marriage and getting a job. As always she can't seem to keep a stable job. After just 1 month of work she was fired. That is nothing new. That's the story of her life! Her life of lies is finally catching up to her. How is it that a self proclaimed "self made businesswoman" seem to have no money to make her house payment. How is it that a "self made successful businesswoman" have to cheat Lynwood taxpayers out of a low income home. Looks as if this loser is really losing it! You should stop trying to play both sides. First you talk ?@#& about Silicone then you defend her.Well we all know you have deeeeep psychological problems anyway. Don't forget to take your medication today.

Anonymous said...

There we go again,
When the Angeles Fields Project was on the table Santillan took a position as a "Resident" and spoke agaisnt the project, later she was sued by the Developer and council voted to PAY the attorney's fees to defend her with Tax Payers Money.
Those 3 Compadres Maria, Ramon And Morton need to take a course on the Robert Rule Of Order, The Brown Act and pass it or Resigned from public office.

Lynwood Watch Dog

Anonymous said...

I just saw the Video. Good job Mayor!

Anonymous said...

Where's the city attorneys in all of this? Aren't they supposed to be advising the mayor and the council about brown act matters? I guess they are all just into over billing.

Anonymous said...

When people speak about the school board they should at least write it good......I mean well. "All this board memebers not doing good. They can't not teach my kids." Stop complaining and do something!!!!

Anonymous said...

unfortunatly, the Mayor is getting reckless. She's walking the fine line between legal and illegal.I thought we paid the Davis group 50k to market the UUT? Why is the Mayor acting like she alone is going to save city hall? She was elected to represant the residents. What happened to that? Instead she is more conserned with saving employee jobs. Who in their right mind would give money to crooks? No one! The residents don't trust city hall to manage money correctly. Look how all the council members (past and presant) have done to depleat lynwoods general fund. Either the Mayor is completely out of touch with her residents or,she's slipped and hit her head. Whichever it is,no re election for her.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Council is not protecting employees, council is just being realistic and responsible. This council is correcting something that the other past councils didn't have the balls to do.

Armando Rea was on the council and why didn't he do anything about this issue. On the contrary, he voted to add the 10%.

The residents are currently paying 10%, if they don't want to support the reduction (9%) then the council will have to revisit the budget and cut wherever they (council) feels it's necessary.

That is what councilmembers are elected to do ..... Tough Decisions!

Anonymous said...

I heard the Mayors movie. I watched for a hour how people were responding and they all said "Hell NO" to the UUT.So this plan into tricking the residents isn't working. Just like I said, NO ONE trusts City hall but the handfull of council followers. People can't do anything about gas prices or food cost increases. But they can do something about UUT. Maybe if the council didn't have such big COUNCIL HEADS they would have remembered that Lynwood residents can't stand council members and won't trust them to manage the general fund. Council is still traveling to Talpa, giving money and jobs to thier friends,lovers, and political pay backs. I got the proof of it ALL. And I am showing it off to residents for you. Oh yea, not to mention all the MONEY WASHING that goes on at election time. And let's not forget the tape recording of Maria's house meeting. HA HA, got cha!

Anonymous said...

Aide, you need a full-time job. You will get into to much trouble with too much time on your hands.

Spying on employees is not cool!

Anonymous said...

Aide needs a job period. The problem is that no one will hire garbage like her.

Anonymous said...

You guys really should stop with all the ugly comments. Remember regardless of how someone looks it cannot be helped and when you were helping her get into office she was not all these names. People are still human beings and if you don't like them that is personal however they are still elected officials and should be treated with respect otherwise don't say anything at all. What a shame the time we have on our hands.

Anonymous said...

the clowncil says the UUT pays for the sheriff and the fire department... but both are paid by the county... so... what does the UUT really pays for?

Anonymous said...

You stupid people, what is your problem? Don't you understand what it takes to run a city and do it right. You bitch and bitch about the crime, the graffity, furniture on the sidewalk, street maintenance, illegal vendors, no decent stores to shop, no nice place to go and have clean fun. Etc., etc. With other words you want all of this to change, but you don't want to pay for it.
Hello! did somebody forgot to tell you all of this cost money. I'm willing to pay to keep my city clean and save. YES FOR THE UUT.
I guess you are the ones that are always free-loading and living off the good tax paying citizens. You are the ones that always get welfare, social security, lying about your disability, and always scheming to find a way to get something for nothing. For ones, do the right thing, VOTE YES FOR THE UUT, so we can change the plight of our city, keep our services and improve the quality of life.
Always remember the old saying "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR". On the other hand, if you can not afford to live in Lynwood, or you do not want to make a change, move to the desert. Taxes are low there, and you can live in your own filth.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "free loaders", the Calderons were seen at the Habitat for Humanity Open House.

The owners openned their modest home to a few neighbors and the Calderon's were the first ones to arrive and stuff their faces.

They have no shame!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You stupid people

Always remember the old saying "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR".



We have been getting 10 years of corruption for our tax money.

How about:

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. ...

Who are you?

"You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem".

No more money until you have a plan to fix this mess...

Anonymous said...

You got what you voted for. Why is everybody still talking about the past corrupt council? You got rid of them (the old council)and now you don't trust the new one YOU voted for.
What is it you people want exactly?
If the new council is as crooked as you say, have a re-call again.
I think all your problems with the council are personal and have nothing to do with city business.
Somebody hurt somebodies feelings and now is revenge time. Just like in kindergarten. Move on people, put your stupid feelings aside and try to change things for the better. Support your council instead constantly putting them down. And what is your trip with the Calderon's? Are you paying for the food they eat? Why does it bother you so much? Did you not get enough to eat? Why are you watching people where they go and how much they eat? What a creep you must be! Seems to me you people try to destroy the Calderon's reputation. Why are you so afraid of them. Do they know something about you? What are you hiding?
Most of all, what exactly are they doing to you. Get rid of your gang mentality. Just because they had a fall out with your body, everybody is bad-mouthing the Calderone's. You people ought to be a shame. I bet you call yourselfs good christians too. huh.

Anonymous said...

the Calderons actually care enough to be outside City Hall everyday protesting against the UUT. How dare you talk $#*@ about old people who are not even required to pay for the UUT, but still protest against it, for all of us! who are you anyway? what kind of person hates on old folks?!

Anonymous said...

Whoever told the "LIE" about the Calderones at the habitat housewarming need not only ask for a blessing with holy water but to be exorcised.


Frank P. Calderon

Anonymous said...

Business plan 1st

UUT Tax 2nd

The question isn't the honesty of this group of elected officials vs those that have been here before them.

The fact is you want support, you want money, give us a business development plan we the citizens of Lynwood can vote on and support.

You need money to run the city, get rid of the wasteful spending and some of the dead weight employees in city hall.

Inspect that work is done right the first time.

Make everyone accountable for the efficiency running of their departments.

The city has to be run like a business.

Everyone is accountable.

No financing until we have a sound business plan for the city...

Anonymous said...

11:41am - Sept. 26th

I can assure you I'm not part of the problem and I hope and pray I can be part of the solution. I respect people, always try to do the right thing, and have common sense when certain situations arise. But let me make one thing clear: Do not take this as a weakness and DO NOT TREAD ON ME. If you decide to do it anyway, believe me,I will become your worse nightmare.

5:02pm - Sept. 26th

The Calderon's have the right to practice freedom of speech, demonstrate for what ever the stand for, in this case against the UUT. But do not forget that people also have the right to disagree and speak up for the UUT without being harrassed. This is called AMERICA.
I love your comment Mr. Calderon

Anonymous said...

To the comment "they are still elected officials and should be treated with respect" or Aide Castro we know its you making this foolish comment. Respect is earned not given because of a position. You have led a lowly life of cheating, lying and stealing every opportunity you've had and now you expect to have respect because you are an "elected official". Ha ha what a joke you are!

Anonymous said...


There is no attempt to thread on anyone here.

This is a 50 year resident of Lynwood that knows money has to be spent to rebuild Lynwood. This has been a fact since the 105 freeway split the city in half.

I dont like seeing the approach to get people to accept ideas by using the method of calling residents idiot's or stupid.

If the residents of Lynwood are to buy into new ideas, this has to be done in a professional business like approach.

The leaders of this city may very well have good intentions. I have observed small positive changes from this group, but they have to step it up and show us the strength of their leadership and this is not by force, this is by creating a plan and selling it to the people of lynwood that it is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

The Caldarons are full of demons and are the ones who need an exorcist. Always looking for pity and recognition.

Anonymous said...

Lorene when will you ever give up bad-mouthing the Calderon's. What in the world have they done so terrible that you can not leave them alone.
If they are against the UUT, that is their right, if you are for it, that is your right. It's called democracy.
The reason no one want's them (the Calderon's) around is because you have turned half of Lynwood against them. I see you and your so-called followers snicker, roll your eyes and wisper in each others ears every time the Calderon's show up. You even have your side kicks follow them around. How sick is that? From what I understand you try this with a few other people to,(it did'nt work)you get your gang together and trash these people just because they disagree with you at one point or an other.
You need to stop it. You to old for this sh.. and you ought to be a shamed. You are consumed with hate, and you are so insecure that you may have to give up some of your silly titles that make you feel sooooo important. Be aware, many people do not want you around either. You be surprised, if you know who they are. You are not as well liked as you think.

Anonymous said...

Calderons are "old folks" got that right!

Anonymous said...

Ask the Calderon's how many grants they got from the City.

Ask Andrea Hooper why she got into a confrontation with Mrs. Calderon.

Ask the Mayor why they are upset with her. Everything revolves around the word "FREE"

Anonymous said...

The Calderon's are ignorant "free loaders". All they care about is getting free food and services. They are a couple of ignorant pieces of sh*ts.

As far as Aide CAstro goes, she is another piece of Sh!t just like her cousin Fernando Pernoza. She wants to carry herself as a proffessional business person. When all she is is an ignorant donkey drop out who only wants to manage every employee like an eagle. She should look at her lazy self first then return back to school to get her education. She is a piece of Sh!t.

Finally, for the people that don't know, Aide CAstro and Ramon (el mamon) Rodriguez illegally went to the city wateryard to tell all the orange shirts to kick out the association board because they weren't doing anything for the employees. The only reason they want a new board is because they want their puppets Eddie Fuentes, Raul Ortega, and Arturo Solorsano to be on the board so they can control what the employees get. These freakin' corrupt bastards think we are stupid to believe the employees are not getting anything because the board is not doing anything. Well let me tell you that this is not true. How can the corrupt council say this when they are the ones that have to approve what is placed on the table. They are also the bosses. Council are the ones that decide what the employees get, but we all know that the only employees the current council want to help out is Rita and Jonathan. These are the true lazy employees and puppets for council.

Anonymous said...

How many of the fattys from City Hall were at this meeting?

Anonymous said...

Yes on Measure II

Anonymous said...

The Calderons aren't the people who are wasting tax payer dollars.Just look at how much money is being spent on marketing the UUT. I heard that the DA was at city hall today investigating the violation of the brown act at Maria's house. Here we go again.corruption in Lynwood!

Anonymous said...

You heard wrong --- the Calderons have the nerve to question, everyone they see in a suit and tie. LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Hey Frog Body!

What? You can't afford all the documents you requested from the City Clerk's office?

Anonymous said...

2:53pm - sept. 30th

If this is the way you feel about the city, why don't you move.
Promise, you will not be missed!
I pity you, if volgarity is the only way you can communicate.

Anonymous said...

2:53pm - sept. 30th

If this is the way you feel about the city, why don't you move.
Promise, you will not be missed!
I pity you, if vulgarity is the only way you can communicate.

Anonymous said...

Hey blog master why did you not publish my comment.
Are you afraid the people of Lynwood will find out the truth about you?

Anonymous said...


YES ON THE UUT!!!!!!!!!

YES ON THE UUT!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

9-30-08 9:06 p.m.
"Look at how much money is being spent marketing the UUT."



YES ON THE UUT!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Vote, Yes on Measure II

Vote, Si en Measure II

Anonymous said...

Who is the frog body?

Anonymous said...

what the hell is it w/ the obsession over a "sylvia ortiz"? who is she?
Dude, don't you guys have more important things to worry about? every other blogger mentions sylvia sylvia sylvia... its gettin old.

Some residents have put real concerns like: Education, the school system, businesses, and childrens safety, BUT everyone ignores these issues and goes back to talking trash.

It's no wonder more concerned residents don't place their opinions on this "community blog". It has become just a chat room to talk trash. Trash about residents and trash about the council INSTEAD of becoming a place where residents can contribute to the good of their city.

those of that keep mentioning her = find something better to do w/ your time, like hooking up your city, and here's a CRAZY idea, hooking up the kids.

Anonymous said...

6:04, 10/01

Anonymous said...

I actually hope the UUT doesn't pass. Then the Calderon's are actually going to cook a meal at home instead of freeloading. If you don't know who Syliva is she is a Commissioner. By the way how was she made a commissioner.

Don't vote on the UUT and this whole city is going down more then it already has.