Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rodent Infestation at Lynwood Middle School Cafeteria

Lynwood, CA - Newspaper and TV report rodent infestation at Lynwood Middle School.

Read story here.


Anonymous said...

Desde hace mucho tiempo el grupo de padres pide a la mesa directiva que hagan responsables a las personas adecuadas,pero tienen miedo a los directores.Algo les han de saber los directores a los boardmembers.

Anonymous said...

Blog Master, you take too long to update,,,,

Anonymous said...

Quien no tiene un ratonsito en casa? Que pronto se les olvida como vivian en su rancho.

Who doesn't have a little mouse at home? How soon you forget how you used to live in your hometown.

Anonymous said...

Yo no se de que se admiran si todo el tiempo asido asi my hija estuvo ahi por un ano y gracias a dios ya no asiste ase plantel educativo pero lo que nesecitan es cambiar de directora por que preguntenle alos ninos cuantos de ellos la conosen por que nunca se presenta ni apoya alos padres o estudiantes.

Anonymous said...

Lo que paso, paso.... entre tu y llo.

Anonymous said...

This school should be closed forever. It's an insult to our children that they attend a school thats filled with rodents and rats. I guess the custodians never saw all that right? All the custodians in Lynwood are lazy. You can go into any Lynwood elementary school and check the restrooms sinks and you will find filth and bacteria daily. The doors and faucets that our kids use are riddled with germs and bacteria. Maybe the district could hire Latinos for once to do the cleaning. Then maybe our schools would look and be clean and disinfected.All Lynwood custodians are lazy especially the night custodians. Did we ever get a final report on all those stolen computors that night custodians were being questioned about? Probelly not, you know the negros in this city get away with everthing. All they have to do is cry "racisim" and then they collect money and time off from the district.