Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Leticia Vasquez' Teaching Credentials
We are posting a brief summary of current Mayor Pro Tem Leticia Vasquez' teaching credentials.
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Lynwood Watch keeps watch on our elected officials and how City resources are handled.
Fake it 'till you make it, then you go work for a politician or become a consultant, pay off your house, buy properties across the border!
Last year Leticia Vazquez didn't want Posadas, this year she changed her mind, and the council is giving $15,000 for whom ever wants to host one. Why did you change your mind? Because all along you've been a "carreer politician" and this are campaign occasions? I heard employees got a $25.00 gift because most of them didn't want a christmas party, this shows you how low employee morale is, why only $25.00 for employees and $15,000 for posadas? aren't we cutting unnecessary expenses? Another thing the City Council should do is to remove their picture from their business cards, that's like a campaign (self promotion) piece being paid with public funds. Same thing as Posadas, that's self promotion with public funds. If people don't want to host a posada, there has to be a reason, maybe people prefer to have prostitutes removed, streets paved, sidewalks repaired, gang crime reduced instead of looking a all of you there campaigning. Your city events only serve to give your ex radio hosts a job, and your close friends catering jobs (by the way, cooking at home for your catering business is against the law). We don't want to see you hosting events to show us Lynwood is OK. NO. Lynwood is NOT OK. You only need to drive down Long Beach Blvd to see how deteriorated our City is, prostitutes, gangs, graffitti, drug dealing in plain day light on Long Beach and Cedar. WE DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU. WE WANT TO SEE RESULTS.
I am extremely upset at the ridiculous commentaries that are posted on this website. It's saddening to see that this is what the city that I was raised and educated in has become. A bunch of blubbering idiots with entirely no common sense and no education. When you post a comment on a website for many people to read you should at least get the facts straight. I do not condone the behavior that Councilmembers have displayed through out the years. I don't support corruption by any means. If justice is truly served in the end all those culpable will pay dire consequences for their actions. It's always the same story with the same people always saying the same thing. Why don't we use city funds to repair the streets and the graffiti problem and bla bla bla. They use the city credit cards and they buy porn and they drive expensive cars. You are the people that put these people in office. Don't whine about it now. Wait until their term is up and then elect someone else to represent you all. Recognize once and for all that whining and complaining only makes all of you look worse than the people you're complaining about. At one time this was a racial was the blacks who brought our city down(Supposedly) Now it's a Latino thing. How saddening for me to witness as a young Latina. That people of my own ethnicity are tearing each other apart. Over a position that they do nothing with. For God's sake it's the City of Lynwood, Not the City of Los Angeles. Get over it people and move on with your lives.
The gull and nerve of some people. Our block is hosting a Posada and by no means am I defending Leticia Vasquez but I will say this we are not receiving 15,000 dollars from anyone and if we were. Well we are the constituents and deserve that and more.
In regards to the comment made by "Latina" above. I agree with you, I guess one can criticize one's own ethnic group more fiercly because no one can tell you you're being racist. Plus, isn't it expected with the dramatic demographic change that has taken place in Lynwood? The same happened when Blacks surpassed Whites, and it will very likely happen when Asians outnumber Latinos.
And like my Mom tells me, if you don't like that program, don't watch it or turn off the TV or simply change the channel!
And just because we elect them, doesn't mean that we need to put up with them, we need to tell them we're not happy with what they're doing, and ultemately, that's why there are recalls!
I am very upset at the Lynwood School Board of Education. While the Black Majority council did everything possible to improve the learning conditions of African-American, this Latino Majority council is doing the opposite for our Latino student population. It was an insult to our people when this council decided not to name the new Middle school to our greatest Latino Leader of all time CESAR E. CHAVEZ . While still naming a school after ROSA PARK... In addition, this council does not support the parents choice-options of the waiver Bilingual program. We as parent should know wha'ts best for our children.. We should begin a recall to bring people that will really represent us!!!!
In regards to the comment previously made. You are right about the improvements to the learnig conditions towards the education of the black students only not the latino students. They did everything possible to keep our students away from competitive sports and academic progress. I never seeen any programs to get the latino students involve in sports, instead they discriminated the few that manage to get in, unless you dress and act like them. Like Council woman Vasquez. I was personally discriminated by black teachers and councilors just because I was not black. I seen how black students got scholarships by the black councelors. When I asked for an application, she would say "It is not for you." I was also placed in the non collage preparation program, when I requested to be change, I was told that I was not capable to deal with the collage bound program. Until Mr Herrera put me in the right track I was able to attend cal state long beach and the latino students there help me find scholarships and student support. So how can you say that they did everything to help latino. How you seen how hard it is to get employment at the district if you are not black, how you ever wonder why there is so many black employees doing no work and the few latinos doing the worse jobs. Do not expect the new latino members to fix what the black members did (many consulting services that drain the district funds to friends)for years. What we need is more latinos in upper level position and management to see an improvement in the education of latinos.
I am a parent that has a lot to say about the District and the board members. It's shameful that the Latino majority is our own worst enemy. What were we thinking when we elected that young boy who's just getting out of puberty? Now we need to come together to change it. and we will.
We need to keep a very close eye on this guy. We don't want the Eric Lee thing to happen again.
What does it going to take for the black communituy to deal with reality?, the majority of Lynwood residents are latino and we are entitle to control the politics and education of our own latino community. This is a new field for many of us and we will make mistakes along the way; and a young generation of latinos that are getting involve in politics will improve. The majority of latinos are nobody's worse enemy. We are a community that was and still is in some areas doninated by blacks. Fortunately, that is coming to an end, little by little we are taking control and the black community is having a big problem coping with it. They criticize our elected officials, they call us racist, they organize recalls against our latino officials and they even pay for campaigns of latinos to divide and conquer our community. They will not prevail because we are tire of being dominated by blacks and the numbers tell the whole story. We are the majority and we are ready to take control. So, please stop criticizing our community and our elected officials. Leaders that do not perform, we get them out (Reyes, Rea, Sanchez and Pedroza is next). But the black community did the opposite, they re-elected Bird even after they read the extensive investigation of corruption and misuse of public fund done and published by the L.A. Times reporters. They just wanted a black person in office after the sucessful recall of Richards. The recall was not a racial issue, it was the responce of the Latino community tire of black officials donination and corruption.
leticia and other latinos (majority of school board) are afraid of Blacks....and they kissed their a..
I grew up in LYnwood Unified and was also discriminated and throught my educationa carrer my Latino culture was not validated!! We celebrated Martin Luther King MOnth All of January, February Black History MOnth, March Black Women Month , June, Juneteenth and April Black Inventor MOnth, WHILE IN CINCO DE MAYO (ONE DAY) THE SCHOOL CHANGED IT TO INTERNATIONAL DAY!!! What a slap on the face.... Now that we have latino Majority they are afraid to name a school after our greatest leader!! While blacks nominated in city council and school board, they named parks, transit centers, schools, streets and they give Cesar Chavez a fricking alley!!!!!!!! Wake Up and have the HUEVOS YOU NEED TO REPRESENT A BEAUTIFUL, PROUD CULTURE, DONT FORGET THAT!!!!
Ms Vasques was a teacher of one of my PE classes when there was election time. We were talking about the election and the canidates and Ms. Vasques told stop talking about politics. You shoudn't discuss nothing about politics while your in school. I'm very disappointed for 2 things. 1 she was never a teacher she is a substitute teacher with an emergency credential. and 2. She became a politician. Why did you tell us we can't discuss politics? I know why now. Because you didn't want us to open our eyes because you were going to be doing the same stuff and you didn't want us to bust you. but like another teacher told us one time. everything that goes up must come down. Sooner or later you will come down. You lied to us then, and you lie to us now. You are doing everything you promised you weren't going to do.
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