Mayor Ramon Rodriguez
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Lynwood Has New Mayor
Lynwood, CA- The Lynwood City Council reorganized on December 7, 2004. Ramon Rodriguez was voted as Lynwod Mayor, and Maria Teresa Santillan will serve as Mayor Pro Tem.

Mayor Ramon Rodriguez
Mayor Ramon Rodriguez
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Did you all make sure his family didn't vote to elect him as mayor?
maybee now lynwood can once again be a respectable city!
----maybee now lynwood can once again be a respectable city!----
Man...that's deep...
A little blast from the past for all you Lynwood Watch blog lovers:
I hope that this year employees don't spend so much time with you at starbucks. Something happens in the head to people who hang out with the council just imagine what will happen now that you're the mayor!
We call it the "6th Element" phenomenom, others call it the "6th Councilman" syndrome, it happens all the time, everytime. When you get it, you think you have the same or even more power than the council because you (it's usually only "you" who thinks that) helped them get there. This makes you think you can do whatever you want, whenever you want to, it makes you think you're invincible. You show your face everywhere, expect everyone to do as you say, you think you can give orders, etc. When the effect wears off though, that is, when you're no longer the "6th element" or "6th councilman", you're wiped out from the face of the earth. You dissappear, you hide, nobody sees or hears from you again. The rest of us just wait to see who the next "6th element" will be... Cheers.We should do a memorial with the picture of all fallen "6th councilmembers"!
Let's not blame and judge a person for the mistakes of others. Mr. Rodriguez is not responsible for the mistakes of his relatives, he is responsible for his own mistakes. Also, let's not forget that the Richards have done the same and nobody has mess around with them. We know that his sisters and nephews do not live in the city, but during election time they vote as Lynwood reisdents. We need to learn to respect the families of candidates, they are not part of the dirty politics that some candidates use to get elected, you should have some decency and respect them.
FAVORITISM, NEPOTISM or Working Your Way to a Position
the Old Fashioned Way.........Orally!
As a resident of Lynwood, I'd like to think that somehow, someway, there is a remance of decency in SOME of the individuals that dwell amidst the human excremant running this town...........but I think NOT!!
For reasons that need not be mentioned, I won't divulge my ethnicity, but I'm not of Hispanic Decent, thank God, otherwise I'd have to be hide my face in shame when I tell people where I reside.
As if it weren't bad enough, we're no where being done wipping the crap that was left over by the previous administration, and now we have to worry about having to deal with "What lies in Store for the City of Lynwood"........Hell I feel like I'm reliving a tasteless rerun of "As the World Turns".
Folks, as far as I'm concerened, we've just been granted the privilege of having another swine for a Mayor. Talk about walls having ears...........PEOPLE, beware of who you confide in..... "I just heard a city employee that's close to the Mayor, let the cat out of the bag and divulge that one of the Parking Enforcement positions has already been given.
No doubt it was bestowed to someone who is either related, a favorite or simply someone who spent their time doing their footwork to get the job one on their knees. I'm sure the individual was quite good at it, and I certainly hope the job was worth the taste!!
today is January 10 2005. why didn't we hear this last week? I know someone who fits the profile you mention and is close to the gods that just came in this morning. I'm a file a law suit for discrimination.
let the race issue die already. greed only has one color and thats green. We already saw what happened to the last mayor and mayor b-4 that, so lets just see what happens with the new one b-4 we pass judgement. For what i can see as far as legal matters and stealing our money is conserned our new mayor has done no such thing. Hell he's only spent the minimum dollar for his travel expences, has not been fined to pay back any money that the law has required, so what are we complaining about. Unless what we like to see is that our money is going to there travel expences? There family contractors buisiness? pornografic movies? or how about hotel costs that dont even exist, let alone the meetings that served no purpose, which some our former counsel and current councel have been paid for, which they are having to pay back.Ha Ha Ha HA HA. Lets just complain when we have rason too.
I heard Leticia Vazquez was shocked to hear that she wasnt appointed as MAYOR ....She truly believes that she deserves that position.....WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE
Does he have to go to Sturbucks with the Mayor and his buddy to smell the coffee?
Well Mr. Rodriguez your first month is finally over. You have done a great job not spending our money like the previous mayors. We have not felt safe in Lynwood since i can remember. Now you are adding a few more patrol cars to protect us. Of course for every positive there is a negative. Some city positions NOT WORKERS will lose there jobs. I cant say i dont feel bad for them but i'm sure they didn't feel bad for us when we were paying there rediculous salaries. Most positions were invented by RICHARDS himself, so i'm sure we arn't losing much. I'm tired of not feeling the saftey in the comfort of my own home. Maybee 4 of 5 more patrol cars won't make Lynwood a sfe place but it's a start.
the mayor's son's car was impounded. 11 tickets he had not even paid and not even current tags. how can you explain that? is it because momy and daddy are mayor and schoolboard president?
If this is true, that's great. That will teach him a lesson! I'm glad that "mommy and daddy" didn't pay for his tickets.
"In a revolution, it's people who suffer," sighs a toothless old man whose chicken has been snatched.
"All over the world, revolutions come and go. Presidents rise and fall. They all steal your chickens."
-The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
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