Thursday, December 09, 2004
The Mary Lee Geter Foundation Suspended by Franchise Tax Board June, 2001
Lynwood, CA – A Press Release from the office of Congresswoman Linda Sanchez dated November 29, 2004 points out that “The City of Lynwood is collaborating with the Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD), Lynwood Chamber of Commerce, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and the Mary Lee Geter Educational Foundation on [funding $165,000 For Lynwood After-school Programs]” . Click here for more details.
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I could just picture Ralph the "Tick" Gonzales saying "you ain't got nothin' on me, I'm a tell my girl, I'm her manager, I put her there you know, she'll take care of you". We need to go to the next council meeting dressed in black, with a ribbon and a big sign that reads: "WE OPPOSE THE MARY LEE GETER FOUNDATION" just like Ralph the "Tick" did when they had the El Farallon meeting. Does everyone remeber how he was at the door greeting people, pointing the finger at Franco? You shouldn't spit up because it'll fall in your face, and this is a good example. Does the "tick" even know how to turn on a computer? I hope that when they give Leticia her recall papers, they give one to this guy too. What kind of a City is this where you give delinquent businesses the right to represent us? WHAT AN EMBARRASSMENT, suspended corporation, delinquent licenses for 2 years in two cities, and representing the City before a Congresswoman. Linda Sanchez needs to be more careful of who she gives the money to, and I HOPE THEY DON'T GIVE THIS RAT MONEY, AND IF THEY DO, THEY SHOULD AUDIT THE ORGANIZATION. Someone should also check to see if this guy is registered as a lobbyist, I bet anything he isn't. Leticia is always talking about "being educated". She should start with this guy, if it's true that he is her campaign manager, WHAT AN ENBARRASSMENT!!!!!!
earlier this year Ralph Gonzales was going around asking people for donations for his foundation. he told people the money was to buy books for children. people gave him checks but later this people where afraid to come forward for fear of retaliation, and they didn't want to give copies of the cancelled checks. what do we need to do have the City audit this organization? or even better for the District attorney's office to investigate them?
I think a better nickname for Ralph Gonzalez would be "GONZO"
JAJAJAJAJA. So be it! It's just like a xerox copy! So now we have Power Puff Girl and Gonzo! Pretty Good!
What is the City Coucil doing about this?
What about Linda Sanchez? Anyone told her about the problems this Foundation has? There are many more organizations in Lynwood that can do more for the community. One of the most respectable ones is the Rotary Club. Linda Sanchez and the City of Lynwood should invite these other organizations to participate in the process.
First we had the Latino Coalition which disappeared when Sanchez left, they had access to everything. Than there was United Families of Lynwood who led all the activities, and later disappeared when the towing contract was attacked by Vasquez.
Now we have the Geter Foundation. Ralph Gonzalez hasn't missed a day since Vasquez was elected to office, we all see him walking down Bullis Rd with his briefcase and sitting great part of the day at City Manager's Office, peeping through different City offices. He seems to have adopted City business hours as his business hours.
The issue is that these are 1 or 2 people organizations that tag along elected officials, the City Clerk doesn't even have a copy of their financial records, so we don't know if they're legit or not. The Latino Coalition, United Families of Lynwood, and Mary Lee Geter Foundation have all had the same President for years! What happens to their elections? Do they even have any?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the three organizations defended Richards during the Recall, do they have anything to do with him? Better yet, what bonds Sanchez, Pedroza, and Vasquez to Richards? and what about Byrd?
It seems that he continues to be the puppeteer, and pulls the strings for Pedroza, Vasquez, and Byrd, he stopped coming to the meetings after the arrest, but do they continue to keep contact? have they just become more reserved about how they communicate?
It's obvious many monsters lurk the turbulent waters of City Hall, and they are all starting to come out, but I'm sure ther are many, many more secrets hidden inside the walls of City Hall, we need to continue looking...
You forgot to mention consultants, anything from child care consultants to catering businesses that are friends of councilmembers, they're getting rich with City money.
You guys should post Linda Sanchez' email address so we can send her this article. It's very important that she stops this crook from taking advantage of our city. I'm disappointed, I voted for Leticia thinking she was different, we were wrong, very wrong. She is doing everything she promised she would never do, like this case, giving money to family or friends, and look at the THIEF AS A CAMPAIGN MANAGER (he also told me he was)! If this guy gets money illegaly, LETICIA IS AN ACCOMPLICE, and so is Linda Sanchez. We need to stop the Green Geter Foundation, and we need to do it NOW >:(
Lynwood Resident
I went to Starbucks (12/16/04) and I saw Ralph "Gonzo" Gonzales with a guy with pony tail. He looked as if nothing is happening. I can't believe this! I guess when you live in a lie, you eventually believe it, don't you? He believes everything is ok, and he's probably thinking what he's going to do with the money he gets. It'll be a big mistake for Linda and Leticia to give this guy money. Even if he fixed it, how can you expect anything from a company that has been suspended for nearly 3 years? The state should make an audit, apparently they were asking for funds, and got funds, where did all the money go? I haven't seen Alice Gonzales around, she's supposed to be the President, then she should be held accountable for this. Where is she anyway? Does she even know that Ralph "Gonzo" Gonzales is going around asking for money? What a lousy campaign manager! This is another sign that there was something fishy in the election. CROOKED MANAGER + CROOKED POLITICIAN = CORRUPTION!!!!!
Did anyone tell Franco? I'll bet he'll get a good laugh watching how things have truned around. He should bring his many supporters to the next council meeting with banners that say "We Oppose The Mary Lee Geter Foundation".
Nobody said nothing about an audit for the Geter Foundation. It's very likely that Gonzalez is protected because of his involvement in the VAsques campaign. What about the other council? Shouldn't they ask the District Attorney's Office to do an investigation? The City Clerk will very likely cover up for him, but I'm sure there's other agencies that can investigate. He's wants money from congresswoman Linda Sanchez and from the City of Lynwood, and nobody's doing nothing about it. Can someone give us the information of where we we request an investigation for this Foundation?
The IRS Website says that if you suspect Tax Fraud Activity, you can repor it at 1800-829-0433.
Oh, I forgot to mention that you are not required to identify yourself, but if you do, it will remain confidential. You may also be entitled to a reward, so call them!
Ok, I called and they told me that other people had already called and that they were going to start an investigation. I also talked to someone who gave him a check for $50.00. Ralph Gonzalez told this person that the money was to buy books for kids. The City Clerk should start an investigation too to see where the money has gone. It seems that the Gonzalez' have used the Mary Lee Geter Foundation to support themselves financially. What is the City doing about it? Is he really protected because of is political affiliation with Vazquez?
I've heard that Gonzalez goes with someone in the City to have stuff notarized, anyone know about this?
Where is gonzo? Did he get over the "6th councilman syndrome"? Looks like it, he disappeared from the face of the earth. You don't see him early in the morning at city hall anymore. He no longer demands meetings with the city manager or with the city attorney, you don't see him walking in and out offices at city hall anymore. Hey Rea, I'm beginning to think you're just talk with that recall for Vasquez that your putting together supposedly with the billboard guy, but just in case it's true, make sure you give Gozno his own recall too!
You're right, where is he now? We kind of miss him (Nah, we don't!!!!). We miss Gonzo walking in with his briefcase and jc penny suit, telling you to do things and always threatening you with "oh jeah, I'm her manager, I put her there, my girl will take care of you". Many of us are glad its over! I'm glad someone put a leash on him, plus he was always checking you out, like if he was an 18 year old stud and it made us unconfortable.
He asked me out too. I don't understand how a man who could be my granpa has the nerve to ask me on a date. The older they get, the sicker they get. I'm glad is over and hopefully it'll stay over.
lla me imajino a la muchacha diciendo: "levantate animal muerto, levantate y gonzo preocupado porque no le funsiono su pastillita.
A poco a esa edad todavia se puende?
YOu pig - you should be home with your wife instead of picking on young girls. How can we trust you with our kids in an after school program. I hope linda Sanchez don't give you money.
capas que con una veinteanera le da un infarto al viejito. mira que ocurrensias.
What a campaign manager Leticia: DELINQUENT, CORRUPT, AND PERVERTED.
I still remember how highly he spoke about Council Women Vasquez throughout the city. She is very educated, she is very professional, she is coming back to the city and she is ready for politcs. I just wonder the things she had to do to gain the support of this dirty old man. Honestly, I do not think he did it for free, he was very please and enchanted with her.
Estaba un Gonzo bañandose en una bañera, cuando de repente empieza a dar gritos como loco llamando a la viejita:
"Vieja, vieja, vieja, ven pa que veas esto, mira fíjate como va para ariba, ay qué sabroso, se siente un friíto divino, ay siento que me revive ay, ay..."
La viejita, que era un poco odiosa, le responde:
"No, viejo, eso no va para arriba, ese bicho lo que está es flotando."
i did'nt realize that this chick was so fake!! I was fool!! She's not even and educator because with the NCLB No child left Behind legislation, a teacher must posses a teaching credential to be consider a TEACHER!! PLEASE DONT LEAVE LYNWOOD BEHIND!!!
I found this photo of Gonzo. The full body picture is Gonzo before his dirty laundry was exposed. The half body shot is Gonzo saying "huh? Me, nah, not me, I'm clean, I'm her manager you know.". And the third one is after Gonzo didn't get the money and stopped coming.
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