Lynwood, CA - Councilmember Fernando Pedroza tells Spanish newspaper Hoy that he supports Governor because of the Governor's efforts towards national security and the border.
Perro traicionero!!! Ya nos distes la espalda una vez con paul richar. ay andavas de ipocrita en las marchas de los imigrantes y ve ahorita. ya se te olvido que eres mexicano? aunque tengas ciudadania no se te va a quitar nunca perro porque lo trais en la sangre. eso sin ablar del nopalote que trais en la jeta.
Ciudadanos de Lynwood, no se dejen enganar por este traicionero. Ya traisiono al pueblo una ves y no vamos a dejar que pase otra ves. tu eres el siguente recall fernandito.
De Angelides a Arnold, mejor Arnold. En Arnold ya invirtimos 3 años en su education como gobernador.
Ademas, yo apoye en las marchas a los Mexicanos y Latinos que ya estan aqui. Para que le den legalizacion y asi puedan contribuir mas a las economias famiiares y nacionales.
Yo aopyo al Concejal Pedroza por tener el valor de apoyar a Arnold.
Nadie lo puede negar la frontera debe de ser controloada.
Varios amigos y familiares que son residentes legales o nacidos aqui. Han perdido sus trabajos porque los empleadores han contratado mano de obra ilegla a un precio de exclavitud.
YA NO CABEMOS EN LOS ANGELES, por la gran cantidad de immigrantes ilegales que siguen viniendo.
El trabajo que protejas amigo que puso el comentatio anterior es le tuyo mismo. No permitas que el ingreso desmedido de nuestros compariotas le quite el pan de la boca a us hijos.
Fernando Pedroza tambien estuvo en contra de que se aceptara la matricula consular como identificacion en la ciudad de Lynwood. No se acuerda de que el mismo estuvo de ilegal por mas de veinte anos.
No se puede apoyar al Arnold y ser importa que ya tenemos tres anos con el...a Davis lo quitaron en uno...Vasta con esta mentira que Arnold es por el latino...Arnold es por el voto latino pero no para el sean siegos...que ya no los miren la cara de pendejos....Los Angeles y los Estados Unidos tienen bastante campo para la gente que quiere trabajar no quieren que les quiten los trabajos pongance a ay que dejar que no miren la carra...
A mi se hace que al que le van a quitar el trabajo es a ti amigo de la nota anterior. Ademas debes seguir tu propio consejo e ir a la escuela para aprender a escribir sin faltas de ortografia.
Vasta - se escriba BASTA con "b" de burro.
Carra - querras decir cara.
No te enojes, el buen predicador por su casa comienza.
Everyone has a right to support who ever they want, this is a free country. The illegals comming in now are bringing in the bad people from their country gangs,drugs and are taking the jobs that once paid good money, now employers are paying less to put more money in their own pocket.Mr.Fox could care less that people are living his country because they send alot of money home to there mother land and he does'nt have to do nothing to help his people.
I think the meaning of the picture is ambiguity. Either you support anti-immigrant efforts, or you support illegal immigrants. You can't support boths sides.
We have enough illegals in our Lynwood streets selling tamales. And what's even worst, we may have people in high positions within our City hall who are illegal.
illegal: 1. Prohibited by law. 2. Prohibited by official rules 3. A criminal act
I agree with ARNOLD and many like Pedroza who are for LEGAL immigration.
We're becoming a third world country. We need to control our border.
Mexico controls its border to the south. If fact they are merciless against ILLEGAL Guatemalans, Salvadoreans, etc...
Mexican immigration Service and Mexican laws are very hard against illegal workers and deport back thousands every day to Central and South America. In order to protect jobs and the quality of life (whatever little) of Mexicans.
Isn't that hipocritical?
Why doesn't the Mexican government give amnisty and citizenship to the thousands of illegals in their country. Mostly Salvadorean and Central Americans?
We had to wait in Mexico for 6 years for our visa in order to enter the U.S. legally.
Giving amnesty to lawbreakers is a big insult to immigrants who are waiting patiently to come here legally!
Viva Arnold and Pedroza and all legal immigrants who make our new country great!
Otra vez mas Ferni se las hace alos de Lynwood! Por Mexicanos Malinchistas come Fernando Pedroza estamos come estamos , solo se necesita "Una Gorda Dura y un espejito" para que traicione a los nuestros. La Matricula Consular de Fernado todavia estava vigente cuando Fernado fue elegido por primera vez como concejal en Lynwood. Nunca Voto en favor para convertir La Bullis Rd a Cesar Chavez Rd. porque su papi Richards les vendio la idea de que la Atlantic era mejor optcion. Y ahora los vemos con su primita Aide que tambien quiere ser parte de la familia de corruptos en Lynwood sigan creyendose! Por eso etamos como estamos porque el dinero bale mas que los buenos sentiminentos. Esto me encabrona pero Lynwood tiene lo que merece por no ponerse las pilas por no usar una palabra ofenciva. Esto se traduce en mas impuestos/anti immigrant /anti labor para todos aquellos que trabajan no como Fernado. Attentamente,
Tienes mucha razon Lynwood tiene el gobierno que merece porque los residentes no se pone las pilas.Si todos se dejaran de caprichos y agendas personales otro seria el cantar.segun los que estan empapados en la politica quieren hacer la diferencia nadie hace nada todos con las manas cruzadas.Yo hago un llamado ala cumunidad que hay que dejarnos de agendas personales y hay que poner primero a la comunidad recuerden que el servir a la comunidad de Lynwood es un previlejio.
Pretty damn stupid. The pictures she took supporting illegal immigrants, and then the pictures she took supporting anti-immigrant efforts are a very clear sign of AIDE'S STUPIDITY. Does it run in the family?
Just like Fernando, she proudly said her family were immigrants, including Fernando who became a us citizen very recently.
This shows that she's only looking for a photo opportunity, and doesn't know a damn thing about politics. She should not even attempt to run for office.
No mo Mexicans, this is a land of laws!I support Arnold and I'll suppor Aide Caster and Fernando if they too support the efforts of riding this blessed land of all illegals.
Quien dijo que Aide se tomo fotos con el Arnold?A mi me sorprendio ver a Maria Lopez,Lupe Rodriguez,Dr.Lal que se les olvido que, Arnold agarro dinero de la educacion de los ninos.Que pronto se les olvido que Arnold apoya a los minute men yo lo espero de Leticia vasquez y Fernando pedroza PERROS TRAIDORES.
read before you text, and you will see who mentioned her. why would she feel guilty even if she was their, she's always at plaza mexico? if you don't want her to get attention don't mention her. you defend your republican Ramon and his confused democrat Maria and I'll defend Aide.
It was postponed at the last meeting. First the city manager was proposing to go dark, but that decision was put off. The city manager wants to make sure to be at council meetings so he decided to postpone it instead.
I laughed my ass off when I read some of these stupid comments. I love the way people try to blame everything on one particular individual. (City Manager, Council or the Mayor)
I laughed my ass off when I read some of these stupid comments. I love the way people try to blame everything on one particular individual. (City Manager, Council or the Mayor)
In every major election there is something controversial that comes up to break up the Democratic vote?
Last time wasn't it Gay Marriage, and a Right to Life?
Lead by intimidation and fear.
What is the color of the terror alert now? Will it go up before the next election with threats against Los Angeles?
Republican groups are going around offering support in many forms for any Latino politician willing to sell out their people and sign on the dotted line.
Wake Up and look beyond Immigration, it is all an orchestrated scare tactic.
Another sucker minority for the democratic party to rape and pillage. All you need to do is look at your black brethern and their years of loyalty to the democratic party, and what and how has it benefited them? And now my brown brethern to the forfront, why not suck them in and at the very least we will get their votes and all it will cost us are a few entitlements. Look and learn from independants and the GOP on how to assemalate, and prosper in this country. Become a part, DO NOT become what you so desperately left behind in Mexico. Stop giving into the lip service of the left, give others a chance. Prove me wrong, what has the Democratic party done for minorities?
The Democratic party has created a phenomenon similar to one that can be witnessed in many latin American countries. While "mainstream" America has been raised on a culture of self-help, the Democrats have instilled in most minorities a sentiment of entitlement which eliminates the "self-help" culture entirely and rather than allow them to go out and earn one's own, it has turn large numbers of minorities into dependants of a state who has no obligation [other than in the mind of an ideological few] to absorb the responsibility of said people.
This culture of dependance can best be identified when the "dependants" immediately blame their misfortunes on those in power, usually it's one person who is targetted.
The Asian-American culture, which as been more keen to integrate, has absorbed the "self-help" culture and is less likely to fall into this dependency.
It's funny how you can have insulting comments, yet you don't like it when other people have an opinion of their own. It's also obvious that no matter what anyone comments you will find something to pick at. ehog's mistake was insignificant. You are making an assumption that people are desperately trying to become something that they are not. On what basis do you have that opinion? Let me educate you on Mexican politics. Mexico has 2 main parties, wich are El PRI and El PAN. Of course they have other parties, but these are the most popular. El PRI is more like our Republican party. El PAN is like our Democrat party. In Mexico you always have people saying " ganale al PRI " why is that? It is my opinion that el PRI always wins because like in every country we don't take the time to research who we are voting for. Everyone feels that the government owes them something, poor or rich. We the Latinos are in the situation that we are in because of people like you who don't take the time to educate their fellow brother or sister. It is easy to point a finger but can you find a solution? To answer your question no party is good for the people. We must look out for ourselves and not expect anything from anyone. We are not the minority, we are the majority. The solution is we start actually helping each other instead of bringing each other down every chance we get. I would like to know how much you do for your community? Maybe your a great person, but until you have a full understanding of your culture, if you are latino, will you actually be able to understand why certain decisions are being made. That goes for ehog as well. Remember if you hit expect to be hit back. The way I see it both of you have lots to learn. The most important part you both need to learn is humanity and good social skills. To be a good leader you must know how to follow. Both of you want to lead a road neither one of you knows. The attitude you both have is what has Leticia Vasquez and Alfredie Johnson in trouble with their own people. It is the attitude that because you have a college education, a fancy title, or even money that you are above everyone and that you know best. A good leader knows that everyone is different and what might be good for one is not for the other. When the both of you can identify this amongst your people you will have a total different opinion.
PS ehog you know who I am, so watch what you say. Remember that you are a reflection of your family. It can be assumed that your opinions are those of your family. You are coming off like an arrogant know it all along with the other blogger. I know that you are neither but your insensitive comments don't help. As you can see no one really wants an honest educated opinion. They only want what they want to hear. Ask yourself this, if your theory of the republican party being better than the democratic why is it that Mexico is in the situation of corruption that it's in? It has technically been ran by republicans. Proves my point that no party is good. It's all up to us.
During their 70 year term PRI stood for: big government, media censorship, high taxes, promoting a culture of "entitlement", social issues over economic issues, etc. etc. etc. I'm sorry, that's the Democratic party right there.
I don't want to be offensive and I don't mean this as an insult but please do use a little more common sense when speaking about Mexican politics.
I'll assume that you were referring to the unpopularity that both PRI and the Republican party suffer, but that's where the differences end. PRI's policies are most similar to the proposals from Democrats. PAN shares many of the beliefs of the Republican party. Although to attempt to say that either is the equivalent of the other is a grave mistake.
Also, there are THREE main parties in Mexico. PRD has been a mainstay for the past 18 years, so I hardly think anybody can argue that Mexico is a two-party nation. Unless you missed the elections this year, PRI has crumbled, PAN has become the top party in the nation, and PRD is the strongest party out of power. PAN has won the election for a second time [thank God] and PRI came in 3rd with only 18% of the total vote.
I agree with you that we gotta look out for ourselves and not expect handouts. But when I say "ourselves" I mean, everybody has to watch out for their own self. Each man is responsible for his own destiny and the longer he relies on government aid, or aid from his "community" the more he'll struggle.
Why must Latinos be chained down to a particular group based on ethnicity alone? Like Clarence Mason Weaver said, it's okay to leave the plantation.
We're living in a global era, and a multicultural nation and we're supposed to continue with the mentality of the clans?
E-Hog and the assclown here OBVIOUSLY have deep ideological differences -- but of course they're expected to start sucking each others' dicks just 'cuz they have a similar skin tone? Bullshit.
The concept of race is something that has been exploited by some to keep those who are weak and have nothing of real value.
Think about it, assholes like Hitler and the KKK exploited the myth of "race" and there's a whole lot of fucks out there who bought it. Instead of denying the concept as a whole you've gone and embraced it -- "yes, we're all one big happy race"
-- If you believe you have a race, or even worse, if you believe in your race, or the worst, if you feel proud of your race.... congratulations, you're as stupid as those idiots who claim "white pride" Have a cookie.
As far as illegal immigration goes --
1. Do you realize that there are people here who made all the effots to come through legal means and they are penalized [the process slows down] thanks to illegals?
2. Do you realize how much harm remittances do to the Mexican economy?
3. Do you realize that you are living in a sovereign country that has the right to protect its own borders and deal with immigration as it wishes?
4. Do you realize that there are millions of immigrants living here illegally and the fact that the government simply chooses to "look away" has changed their lives dramatically?
5. Do you realize that Mexico treats its illegall immigrants like absolute dogshit?
6. Do you realize that Mexican politicians profit of the remittances you send your family members?
7. Do you realize that Mexico offers the U.S. very limited international support? [you gotta give if you wanna receive]
8. Do you realize that immigration laws do not specifically target any groups? ESPECIALLY not based on race?
9. Can you accept that latinos are not morally obligated to support illegal immigration just because you feel like it?
10. Can you accept that there are many sides to the illegal immigration debate?
11. Can you accept that not all "white" people are racist?
12. Do you realize how racist and prejudiced the term "white" really is? Lets not mention the term "gringo."
13. Do you realize that latin Americans and latin American culture are about as racist if not more so than "white" people?
14. Do you realize that if you deny number 13 you're probably racist?
15. Do you realize that it's racist to believe that somebody is morally or ethically obligated to offer you support based on the the assumption of "race" alone?
There's a couple of things for you all to think about.
It's amazing what two well written responses will do to a stupid argument like this. It's like kryptonite for retards. Not a single intelligent response... wait, not a single ATTEMPT at an intelligent response to mine or E-Hog's last reply.
Please someone shoot me with a stray bullet. You people are boring the shit out of me. We all live a democratic life. At one time or another we all need some type of assistance. So you four Repulicans are fooling yourself.
To all bloggers. Councilman Pedroza did not tell HOY Newspaper that he supports Arnold and his ridicoulus ideas about the border. He told HOY that we as Latinos needed to take advantage of the fact that Arnold needs the latino vote to be re-elected for Governor. The fact that he went to plaza Mexico in Lynwood and neither the Mayor or MPT failed to ask the Governor to help this Community with more state funded after school programs, jobs for our residents! Your hate for a person is so great, that you do not see things clearly. You just believe what you read and add all the hate, sprinkle the truth with hate and mallice and you have your self a recipe for diarrhea. Lord help them, Lynwood Senior,
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Perro traicionero!!! Ya nos distes la espalda una vez con paul richar. ay andavas de ipocrita en las marchas de los imigrantes y ve ahorita. ya se te olvido que eres mexicano? aunque tengas ciudadania no se te va a quitar nunca perro porque lo trais en la sangre. eso sin ablar del nopalote que trais en la jeta.
Ciudadanos de Lynwood, no se dejen enganar por este traicionero. Ya traisiono al pueblo una ves y no vamos a dejar que pase otra ves. tu eres el siguente recall fernandito.
Estoy de acuerdo, no hay nada peor que un traicionero. Olvidarte de tu pueblo es olvidarte de la madre que te dio vida. Tienes madre Fernando?
De Angelides a Arnold, mejor Arnold. En Arnold ya invirtimos 3 años en su education como gobernador.
Ademas, yo apoye en las marchas a los Mexicanos y Latinos
que ya estan aqui. Para que le den legalizacion y asi puedan contribuir mas a las economias famiiares y nacionales.
Yo aopyo al Concejal Pedroza por tener el valor de apoyar a Arnold.
Nadie lo puede negar la frontera debe de ser controloada.
Varios amigos y familiares que son residentes legales o nacidos aqui. Han perdido sus trabajos porque los empleadores han contratado mano de obra ilegla a un precio de exclavitud.
YA NO CABEMOS EN LOS ANGELES, por la gran cantidad de immigrantes ilegales que siguen viniendo.
El trabajo que protejas amigo que puso el comentatio anterior es le tuyo mismo. No permitas que el ingreso
desmedido de nuestros compariotas le quite el pan de la boca a us hijos.
Viva Arnold!
Fernando Pedroza tambien estuvo en contra de que se aceptara la matricula consular como identificacion en la ciudad de Lynwood. No se acuerda de que el mismo estuvo de ilegal por mas de veinte anos.
No se puede apoyar al Arnold y ser importa que ya tenemos tres anos con el...a Davis lo quitaron en uno...Vasta con esta mentira que Arnold es por el latino...Arnold es por el voto latino pero no para el sean siegos...que ya no los miren la cara de pendejos....Los Angeles y los Estados Unidos tienen bastante campo para la gente que quiere trabajar no quieren que les quiten los trabajos pongance a ay que dejar que no miren la carra...
A mi se hace que al que le van a quitar el trabajo es a ti amigo de la nota anterior. Ademas debes seguir tu propio consejo e ir a la escuela para aprender a escribir sin faltas de ortografia.
Vasta - se escriba BASTA con "b" de burro.
Carra - querras decir cara.
No te enojes, el buen predicador por su casa comienza.
You all need to learn english. You are out of the mainstream.
Everyone has a right to support who ever they want, this is a free country. The illegals comming in now are bringing in the bad people from their country gangs,drugs and are taking the jobs that once paid good money, now employers are paying less to put more money in their own pocket.Mr.Fox could care less that people are living his country because they send alot of money home to there mother land and he does'nt have to do nothing to help his people.
I think the meaning of the picture is ambiguity. Either you support anti-immigrant efforts, or you support illegal immigrants. You can't support boths sides.
We have enough illegals in our Lynwood streets selling tamales. And what's even worst, we may have people in high positions within our City hall who are illegal.
Take a wild guess, who may it be?
Pedroza what happened? Are you trying to get a position in Arnol'd team? you have lost at least seven votes just within my family.
People wake up!!!
The key word is ILLEGAL (against the law)
1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules
3. A criminal act
I agree with ARNOLD and many like Pedroza who are for LEGAL immigration.
We're becoming a third world country. We need to control our
Mexico controls its border to the south. If fact they are
merciless against ILLEGAL Guatemalans, Salvadoreans, etc...
Mexican immigration Service and Mexican laws are very hard against
illegal workers and deport back thousands every day to Central and
South America. In order to protect jobs and the quality of life (whatever little) of Mexicans.
Isn't that hipocritical?
Why doesn't the Mexican government give amnisty and citizenship to the thousands of illegals in their country. Mostly Salvadorean and Central Americans?
We had to wait in Mexico for 6 years for our visa in order to
enter the U.S. legally.
Giving amnesty to lawbreakers is a big insult to immigrants who
are waiting patiently to come here legally!
Viva Arnold and Pedroza and all legal immigrants who make our
new country great!
Otra vez mas Ferni se las hace alos de Lynwood!
Por Mexicanos Malinchistas come Fernando Pedroza estamos come estamos , solo se necesita "Una Gorda Dura y un espejito" para que traicione a los nuestros. La Matricula Consular de Fernado todavia estava vigente cuando Fernado fue elegido por primera vez como concejal en Lynwood.
Nunca Voto en favor para convertir La Bullis Rd a Cesar Chavez Rd. porque su papi Richards les vendio la idea de que la Atlantic era mejor optcion.
Y ahora los vemos con su primita Aide que tambien quiere ser parte de la familia de corruptos en Lynwood sigan creyendose!
Por eso etamos como estamos porque el dinero bale mas que los buenos sentiminentos.
Esto me encabrona pero Lynwood tiene lo que merece por no ponerse las pilas por no usar una palabra ofenciva.
Esto se traduce en mas impuestos/anti immigrant /anti labor para todos aquellos que trabajan no como Fernado.
Lynwood Watch Dog....
Tienes mucha razon Lynwood tiene el gobierno que merece porque los residentes no se pone las pilas.Si todos se dejaran de caprichos y agendas personales otro seria el cantar.segun los que estan empapados en la politica quieren hacer la diferencia nadie hace nada todos con las manas cruzadas.Yo hago un llamado ala cumunidad que hay que dejarnos de agendas personales y hay que poner primero a la comunidad recuerden que el servir a la comunidad de Lynwood es un previlejio.
Ya vuelven ha fregar. Porque nunca critican a los inutiles de Ramon y Maria. So una bola de envidiosos.
Porque train ala la gente que no tiene velo en este entierro,los papelitos hablan y el envidioso es otro.
Is that that stupid Aide still trying to stay in the political picture.
obviously not stupid if she is actually their.
Pretty damn stupid. The pictures she took supporting illegal immigrants, and then the pictures she took supporting anti-immigrant efforts are a very clear sign of AIDE'S STUPIDITY. Does it run in the family?
Just like Fernando, she proudly said her family were immigrants, including Fernando who became a us citizen very recently.
This shows that she's only looking for a photo opportunity, and doesn't know a damn thing about politics. She should not even attempt to run for office.
No mo Mexicans, this is a land of laws!I support Arnold and I'll suppor Aide Caster and Fernando if they too support the efforts of riding this blessed land of all illegals.
La lista de traidores que apoyan a Arnold:
Plaza Mexico (que se espera de un koreano que solo se hace rico con los mexicanos)
Leticia Vasquez
Guadalupe Rodriguez
Maria Lopez
Mario Cardenas
Juan Enciso
Vean sus hipoocritas sonrisas en
cuales fotos se to mo la Aide con Arnold?
Quien dijo que Aide se tomo fotos con el Arnold?A mi me sorprendio ver a Maria Lopez,Lupe Rodriguez,Dr.Lal que se les olvido que, Arnold agarro dinero de la educacion de los ninos.Que pronto se les olvido que Arnold apoya a los minute men yo lo espero de Leticia vasquez y Fernando pedroza PERROS TRAIDORES.
4 comentarios anterior dicen que la Aide se tomo fotos pero no las veo. Creo que ya no mas quieren joder.
¡Si usted está intentando alcanzar las masas, lo dice, lo escribe, en inglés, si no, tómele el sur!
what? que?
read before you text, and you will see who mentioned her. why would she feel guilty even if she was their, she's always at plaza mexico? if you don't want her to get attention don't mention her. you defend your republican Ramon and his confused democrat Maria and I'll defend Aide.
Aide is a bozo and Ramon is a follower without direction.
Does anyone know why the council meeting was cancelled last night?
It was postponed at the last meeting. First the city manager was proposing to go dark, but that decision was put off. The city manager wants to make sure to be at council meetings so he decided to postpone it instead.
I laughed my ass off when I read some of these stupid comments. I love the way people try to blame everything on one particular individual. (City Manager, Council or the Mayor)
I laughed my ass off when I read some of these stupid comments. I love the way people try to blame everything on one particular individual. (City Manager, Council or the Mayor)
In every major election there is something controversial that comes up to break up the Democratic vote?
Last time wasn't it Gay Marriage, and a Right to Life?
Lead by intimidation and fear.
What is the color of the terror alert now?
Will it go up before the next election with threats against Los Angeles?
Republican groups are going around offering support in many forms for any Latino politician willing to sell out their people and sign on the dotted line.
Wake Up and look beyond Immigration, it is all an orchestrated scare tactic.
Another sucker minority for the democratic party to rape and pillage. All you need to do is look at your black brethern and their years of loyalty to the democratic party, and what and how has it benefited them? And now my brown brethern to the forfront, why not suck them in and at the very least we will get their votes and all it will cost us are a few entitlements. Look and learn from independants and the GOP on how to assemalate, and prosper in this country. Become a part, DO NOT become what you so desperately left behind in Mexico. Stop giving into the lip service of the left, give others a chance. Prove me wrong, what has the Democratic party done for minorities?
I am the author of the previous thought, I await an iteligent response.
I am the author of the previous thought, I await an iteligent response.
I await for someone who can spell intelligent.
For EHOG who wrote:
since a lot of these people have no historical context on anything, they judgements are poor.
It must be nice to be part of the superior Lynwood elite. If your going to insult people, please do so with proper grammer.
They judgements are poor??
The Democratic party has created a phenomenon similar to one that can be witnessed in many latin American countries. While "mainstream" America has been raised on a culture of self-help, the Democrats have instilled in most minorities a sentiment of entitlement which eliminates the "self-help" culture entirely and rather than allow them to go out and earn one's own, it has turn large numbers of minorities into dependants of a state who has no obligation [other than in the mind of an ideological few] to absorb the responsibility of said people.
This culture of dependance can best be identified when the "dependants" immediately blame their misfortunes on those in power, usually it's one person who is targetted.
The Asian-American culture, which as been more keen to integrate, has absorbed the "self-help" culture and is less likely to fall into this dependency.
- HR
It's funny how you can have insulting comments, yet you don't like it when other people have an opinion of their own. It's also obvious that no matter what anyone comments you will find something to pick at. ehog's mistake was insignificant. You are making an assumption that people are desperately trying to become something that they are not. On what basis do you have that opinion? Let me educate you on Mexican politics. Mexico has 2 main parties, wich are El PRI and El PAN. Of course they have other parties, but these are the most popular. El PRI is more like our Republican party. El PAN is like our Democrat party. In Mexico you always have people saying " ganale al PRI " why is that? It is my opinion that el PRI always wins because like in every country we don't take the time to research who we are voting for. Everyone feels that the government owes them something, poor or rich. We the Latinos are in the situation that we are in because of people like you who don't take the time to educate their fellow brother or sister. It is easy to point a finger but can you find a solution? To answer your question no party is good for the people. We must look out for ourselves and not expect anything from anyone. We are not the minority, we are the majority. The solution is we start actually helping each other instead of bringing each other down every chance we get. I would like to know how much you do for your community? Maybe your a great person, but until you have a full understanding of your culture, if you are latino, will you actually be able to understand why certain decisions are being made. That goes for ehog as well. Remember if you hit expect to be hit back. The way I see it both of you have lots to learn. The most important part you both need to learn is humanity and good social skills. To be a good leader you must know how to follow. Both of you want to lead a road neither one of you knows. The attitude you both have is what has Leticia Vasquez and Alfredie Johnson in trouble with their own people. It is the attitude that because you have a college education, a fancy title, or even money that you are above everyone and that you know best. A good leader knows that everyone is different and what might be good for one is not for the other. When the both of you can identify this amongst your people you will have a total different opinion.
PS ehog you know who I am, so watch what you say. Remember that you are a reflection of your family. It can be assumed that your opinions are those of your family. You are coming off like an arrogant know it all along with the other blogger. I know that you are neither but your insensitive comments don't help. As you can see no one really wants an honest educated opinion. They only want what they want to hear. Ask yourself this, if your theory of the republican party being better than the democratic why is it that Mexico is in the situation of corruption that it's in? It has technically been ran by republicans. Proves my point that no party is good. It's all up to us.
During their 70 year term PRI stood for: big government, media censorship, high taxes, promoting a culture of "entitlement", social issues over economic issues, etc. etc. etc. I'm sorry, that's the Democratic party right there.
I don't want to be offensive and I don't mean this as an insult but please do use a little more common sense when speaking about Mexican politics.
I'll assume that you were referring to the unpopularity that both PRI and the Republican party suffer, but that's where the differences end. PRI's policies are most similar to the proposals from Democrats. PAN shares many of the beliefs of the Republican party. Although to attempt to say that either is the equivalent of the other is a grave mistake.
Also, there are THREE main parties in Mexico. PRD has been a mainstay for the past 18 years, so I hardly think anybody can argue that Mexico is a two-party nation. Unless you missed the elections this year, PRI has crumbled, PAN has become the top party in the nation, and PRD is the strongest party out of power. PAN has won the election for a second time [thank God] and PRI came in 3rd with only 18% of the total vote.
I agree with you that we gotta look out for ourselves and not expect handouts. But when I say "ourselves" I mean, everybody has to watch out for their own self. Each man is responsible for his own destiny and the longer he relies on government aid, or aid from his "community" the more he'll struggle.
Why must Latinos be chained down to a particular group based on ethnicity alone? Like Clarence Mason Weaver said, it's okay to leave the plantation.
We're living in a global era, and a multicultural nation and we're supposed to continue with the mentality of the clans?
E-Hog and the assclown here OBVIOUSLY have deep ideological differences -- but of course they're expected to start sucking each others' dicks just 'cuz they have a similar skin tone? Bullshit.
The concept of race is something that has been exploited by some to keep those who are weak and have nothing of real value.
Think about it, assholes like Hitler and the KKK exploited the myth of "race" and there's a whole lot of fucks out there who bought it. Instead of denying the concept as a whole you've gone and embraced it -- "yes, we're all one big happy race"
-- If you believe you have a race, or even worse, if you believe in your race, or the worst, if you feel proud of your race.... congratulations, you're as stupid as those idiots who claim "white pride" Have a cookie.
As far as illegal immigration goes --
1. Do you realize that there are people here who made all the effots to come through legal means and they are penalized [the process slows down] thanks to illegals?
2. Do you realize how much harm remittances do to the Mexican economy?
3. Do you realize that you are living in a sovereign country that has the right to protect its own borders and deal with immigration as it wishes?
4. Do you realize that there are millions of immigrants living here illegally and the fact that the government simply chooses to "look away" has changed their lives dramatically?
5. Do you realize that Mexico treats its illegall immigrants like absolute dogshit?
6. Do you realize that Mexican politicians profit of the remittances you send your family members?
7. Do you realize that Mexico offers the U.S. very limited international support? [you gotta give if you wanna receive]
8. Do you realize that immigration laws do not specifically target any groups? ESPECIALLY not based on race?
9. Can you accept that latinos are not morally obligated to support illegal immigration just because you feel like it?
10. Can you accept that there are many sides to the illegal immigration debate?
11. Can you accept that not all "white" people are racist?
12. Do you realize how racist and prejudiced the term "white" really is? Lets not mention the term "gringo."
13. Do you realize that latin Americans and latin American culture are about as racist if not more so than "white" people?
14. Do you realize that if you deny number 13 you're probably racist?
15. Do you realize that it's racist to believe that somebody is morally or ethically obligated to offer you support based on the the assumption of "race" alone?
There's a couple of things for you all to think about.
- HR
Hey e-hog: FU.
thank you
It's amazing what two well written responses will do to a stupid argument like this. It's like kryptonite for retards. Not a single intelligent response... wait, not a single ATTEMPT at an intelligent response to mine or E-Hog's last reply.
- HR
Please someone shoot me with a stray bullet. You people are boring the shit out of me. We all live a democratic life. At one time or another we all need some type of assistance. So you four Repulicans are fooling yourself.
To all bloggers. Councilman Pedroza did not tell HOY Newspaper that he supports Arnold and his ridicoulus ideas about the border.
He told HOY that we as Latinos needed to take advantage of the fact that Arnold needs the latino vote to be re-elected for Governor.
The fact that he went to plaza Mexico in Lynwood and neither the Mayor or MPT failed to ask the Governor to help this Community with more state funded after school programs, jobs for our residents! Your hate for a person is so great, that you do not see
things clearly. You just believe what you read and add all the hate,
sprinkle the truth with hate and mallice and you have your self a recipe for diarrhea.
Lord help them,
Lynwood Senior,
Lord help us all!
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