ABA, Anybody but Aide. Aide Supports Billy Belly Martinez gift of public funds project, Supported Lefrancis Arnold after he stole housing money and Aide wanted the Council to give him more money, Got a low income house and $40,000 after lying on her application using additional kids to qualify. We'll stop there with more to come later. Bottom we support the recall and ABA.
ABA. Anybody but Aide. This woman has no idea what the word 'ethics' means. She's loud and will be an embarrassment to our already discredited city. She refuses to accept that she took $40,000 from our tax dollars and she's in bed with the big time developers that only want to rape Lynwood. Please ABA.
Aide has done nothing for the Lynwood. Whatever action she has taken it has been out of self-interest. Think about it. She worked hard on the recall. For the sake of Lynwood or because she knows that it was her only chance to get elected. Under the normal process she has no chances. She met with everyone she could regarding the electoral process in September. Again. Was it for the sake of our city or for the sake of her own political (or should I say Economic) interest. Come on Aide, we know what you want and all that you have done so far has been out of self interest. We are on to you!!!
Angelito, Angelito no empieses halgo que no puedes terminar.
Angel Gonzalez brother in law of Albert Robles. Under investigation himself. Is running the campaign for Fernando Pedroza and Letcia Vasquez.
Try a better one guys. Do you guys really think we would be falling for this one. Let's see who's name is on the law suit against the city? Aide Castro
Who requested a bill be passed to take the election from the city? Aide Castro
Who worked on the recall? Aide Castro Ramon Rodriguez Jose Antonio Martinez Joanette Gutierrez Sylvia Ortiz Olga Real Carmen Sanchez Evelia Hernandez Ramona Reyes Gloria Jaimes and many others
Who continues to make sure the community is united? Aide Castro and Ramon Rodriguez
Who's mad because their getting recalled? Leticia Vasquez and Fernando Pedroza
One more thing Angelito don't mess with my girl Sylvia. She's not alone we have her back 100% even if you don't see us around her. She will see your evil ways and come home to the right team when she is ready. All the money you can offer her won't give her piece of mind or protection.
Surprise, surprise; who did the campaign for Maria Santillan? Answer: Angel Gonzalez Who did Ramon's campaign? Answer: Angel Gonzalez Is Aide related to Ramon and Maria? Yes. Is Angel Gonzalez going to do Aide's campaign? Probably yes.
One more thing Angelito don't mess with my girl Sylvia. She's not alone we have her back 100% even if you don't see us around her. She will see your evil ways and come home to the right team when she is ready. All the money you can offer her won't give her piece of mind or protection.
It's you that should not mess with 'Angelito' He has a lot more information about you that you suspect Aide. You should be careful!!!
Angelito Angelito I'm not Aide just an old enemy of yours. You probably don't even remember me anymore. Just know that you are being watched. For you to hurt Aide, Ramon, and Sylvia you actually got to make shit up. The stuff on you is true. The DA and I are on to you.
Aide, why are you named first on who worked the recall. Wasn't it you who hid in your house until the last two weeks of the recall? Sylvia Ortiz is the only person I saw daily working it! It was Ortiz that served the council with the letter of intent. It was Ortiz that made the recall happen. She did ALL the work, took all the chances and got fucked in the end. Give credit were credit is due. Sylvia Ortiz should have pulled papers for the recall election she would have deserved and earned the seat.It is her face that the residents remember not yours Aide. I hope Ortiz runs soon and stops helping greedy individuals. The others names that you have listed are mostly made up of people you have brainwashed or paid for thier campaigns. You should know that anyone who is anyone now knows how you are and how low you will go to sit on council. Everyone is on to you and laughing at you.
I remember Aide in the front since the first meeting at Firebaugh. And Sylvia Served one council member. Jose Antonio Martinez and Ignacio Arrellano served the other ones. Talk about trying to take credit for something. The list is not in order of who did what. No one brain washed us. We did what we needed to do to save our homes and contiue to do so. Why people are trying to start fights makes no sense. I think it's you Leticia. Nothing you do will ever make us believe in you again. Sylvia knows her worth and doesn't need you.
Silvia and Aida what is your agenda for real? From what I learned about you two, you are two sorry bi..hes. Aida why don't you just go away. Why the personal vendetta on Ms. Vasques? Is it because she is better looking? Or you two are just frustrated women? Does either of you have a steady man in you life? You are such loosers. God help us and make them go away.
ABA, ABA, ABA, ABA, ABA, ABA, ABA Aide, You were supposed to substantiate your charges of corruption against Leticia. What happened? As for you we already know you are corrupt. Or what do you call when you illegally take $40,000 for our money?
The real question is, how the hell is Aide going to get the most votes out of all of the others? I know, ignorant voters. Can we begin to see what a good starting point may be for solving Lynwood's councilperson problem. Educate the voters, make the candidates sweat a bit more. It's too easy.. way too easy.
to the comment of: Aide I have seen and heard how nasty you talked, and how disrespectful you treated that senior citizen in front of the city hall. Did you forget to take your pills you crazy bitch? If you had talked to me like this I would have kicked your sorry ass. But I guess you are only bad with your mob that is so ignorant and follows you. You really called them quick to gang up on this poor lady. Looks like by your self you would have shit in your pants. We all know what your problem is. Next time you come to a meeting take your pills so you calm down. One more episode like this and I will not stand back and watch, I will seriously kick your ass. I'm not a senior citizen. Keep this in mind.
5:07 PM, July 31, 2007
I was their that morning and witnessed what happenned. That lady made a very racist comment about all of us ladies standing around. That lady deserved that and more. Most of the ladies Aide was with were seniors themselves. She was defending their rights. The one that didn't take her pills was that crazy lady. Prior to insulting Aide she insulted William Araujo. Prior to that she had insulted my sister. In past meetings she has made very racist comments about the latino race. I hope that lady realizes that what she did was wrong. And who ever you are, before you start talking shit and calling people crazy bitches get your story straight.
Aide, I heard you screaming at the senior citizen outside of City hall on Monday. In my opinion, that is very tacky. You are running for council and you need every vote you can get.
Every vote is needed. But why waste time with someone who already had their mind made up. Tacky is kissing up to people pretending to be something you are not. I was their also. The tacky one was that lady. Not to mention racist.
Aide was also screaming at the city council when she demanded $ 40,000.00 for her new house which was also given to her by her cousin Fernando Pedroza. What a pattern!!.
Aide not only is Fernando's cousin; she is also as corrupt as him (probably more) because she stole $ 40,000.00 from the city plus a house when no one knew who she was and had no position at city hall. Just imagine what she is going to do for herself if she is elected.
The mob that Aide hangs around with are not even registered voters. I think one old lady is Tony Martinez mama. Aide hopes that these old ladies will get her in but they may die before election day. Aide will yell and scream at anyone who disagrees with her and her invalid opinions.
wOW!!after reviewing the comments I made my mind to support Aide , after reading that she fought a racist comment and fought back , shows that she has a back bone. GOOD FOR YOU AIDE, YOU GOT MY VOTE, WIFE, 2 BROTHERS AND 1 SISTER.
Aide is worse than Fernando Pedroza. She's alredy engaged in corruption and fraud and she's not even an elected. Can you imagine what she will do if she wins?
Blood is thicker than water, Aide and Fernando, if he survives the recall, will team up to rape Lynwood.
Carefull Billie "Fatboy" Martinez, Aide will dump your ass as soon as she gets what she wants, after all it runs in the family.
Under the direction of your advisers(ha ha),you have lost tons of support. You had a chance b-4 you brought these unknowns to the party. Your credibility is gone. Don't listen to Billy or Chris. They are using you. They will do to you what they did to Fernando the minute you don't follow orders. You should have stuck to the original plan. Now Ramon and Maria and all thier supporters will boycot voting for you. They just deal with you because they have too for now. Stay tuned...
Fernando Pornoza will be considered one of the worst council members in the history of lynwood. He will be compared to the likes of Paul Richards, Louise Byrd, and Ricardo Sanchez.
Fernando Pornoza is the worst thing that happen to the city of lynwood. This bastard should be locked up and they should throw away the key.
This city will never prosper with these types of corrupt, unethical, and selfish candidates.
I beg for the D.A.'s office to save our poor city from these greedy wolves.....
Aide is just a common twat. ABA ABA ABA, Anybody but Aide. We are stupid if we elect Aide for Council. The idea is to move Lynwood forward not backwards. Aide will take us in the wrong direction.
Aide, your bulletin with half truths is a sham. How come you don't tell the Lynwood residents that you benefited from your corrupt cousin Fernando Pedroza? How come you don't tell them about your house? How did you get it? How about the $ 40,000.00 you stole from the residents through your cousin Fernando Pedroza? How come you are not running against him? When you talk about your family, are you including your godchildren? Remember, the ones you used in order to steal the house you live in from a deserving resident? I feel sorry for you Aide, with your 19,000 signatures. 19,000? The Lynwood registered voters do not amount to that many. What dis you do Aide? Lie again?
If you could read,you would know that the newspaper states 19,000 residents not registered voters. You call yourself a teacher? No wonder Lynwood education experience is a joke. Teachers like YOU LETICIA!
How about the other questions, Aide? No answer. By the way how did you count 19,000 residents when the only figure you know how to count is 40,000? That's $ 40,000.00 dollars. I am right Aide? You're only interested in money same as your cousin Fernando and friends Leticia, Louis Byrd, Alfreddie Johnson and the rest of your gang. Wake up Lynwood, do not vote for Aide, she's been corrupt for years.
Hey nubscull, did you actually mean 19,000 NOT registered voters have signed the re-call petition? I hope you are smart enough and realize what you are saying. 19,000 signatures are fake. Anyway before you make a statement about someone not reading right, here is what is said in that smot paper:
Aide Castro and Joanette Gutierez to force the City to follow state law and respect the 19,000 Lynwood residents who signed the recall petition.
19,0000 signatures, what a crock od sh-t. And by the way I'm not a teacher, my education level is much higher. No more insults please.
Aide, where do you think you are going with your mob demonstrating? Do you actually think you get more votes? All these illegal people you have bused in CAN'T VOTE. When do you start to see the light? The good Citizens of Lynwood can not be scarred by your mob. Majority of voters think demonstrations like this are revolting, especially if the people demonstrating are not U.S. Citizens, and the majority of them can't speak english. Looks like you pulling on the last and shortest straw. Give it up. YOU WILL LOSE.
Over 4,600 signatures were collected per councilmember. Four councilmembers were recalled.
4,600 x 4 ______ 18,400
The amount was over 4,600 signatures per councilmember so I guess that is how the math was done to come up with the number of over 19,000 signatures.
Leticia are you that stupid that you couldn't figure that out? Wait I forgot you were never a real teacher. That explains it.
By the way Maria De Jesus Garcia from the Chamber has failed to tell everyone that she is not a US Citizen. She has a love child with Ivan Crosbie. She is an illegal immigrant herself. Ivan's wife is going to be very mad when she receives the picture of her husbands love child in the mail with a nice letter explaining what her husband has been doing. Most importantly she is not a Lynwood resident. The only reason she is protecting the council is because she knows that a new council will not continue to give her money. $196,000.00 were given to the Chamber. Maria De Jesus Garcia is already under investigation from Compton Community College for charging for students that were not attending her so called classes. She had one class that started with 30 students. By the end of the week she had 6 students. Maria charged for 30 students even though she only had 6. Then she continued to charge for 30 students claiming they need to retake the class. The college found out because the 6 students went to complain that they were not learning anything. Their was no teacher. Maria would put them to work in the office instead. In other words they became her free labor.
Everyone that has come out in support of the council does not live in the city of Lynwood. The people outside of City Hall chanting YES ON THE RECALL were all Lynwood residents. Better yet they were all registered voters.
Message to the Council: Your political careers are over. You had two choices. One was to do the right thing and protect the residents of Lynwood. Or be brainwashed and suckered by Alfreddie Johnson to make the wrong choice and be recalled. You guys chose to be recalled. Now deal with the consequences.
Doing great in math Aide; counting each person 4 times. Is that the way you're planning to win? Counting each vote you get as four? And you claim you're not corrupt? And no, I'm not Leticia; I want Leticia out but I don't want you in.
Over 4,600 signatures were collected for each councilmember. The resident had to sign 4 times. Each recall was an individual petition. Anyone with basic education would be able to realize that over 19,000 signatures were collected. Are you that up the council ass that you can't see reality. I'm not Aide either....................
If Aide is corrupt then what word do we use for Leticia.
Aide take your pills. You babble to much. Calm down, relax. You so fu--ed up you can't even get your lies straight. What the hell are you talking about. And what is the paranoia with Leticia? Why do you think every blog is written by her. Maybe you should change doctors so you can get better medication and function better. And, no, this is not Leticia! P.S. Do you know math.
Witch vs. Witch (Leticia vs. Aide} Who's gonna win? Hopefully neither one of them. We Already know the damage they have done to the community. Do we want more of that? No, vote for someone else.
What exactly did Leticia do that upset Aide so much. I would like to know. Please tell me about the crimes Leticia supposed to have commited. I'm still waiting for an answer. Do you have one? The only thing going against Leticia is, not to agree with that idiot Aide and her mob, which many other Lynwood citizens follow suit. On the other subject, is profanity the only way you can express your self? Why the name calling? This is the typical mob mentality from Aide. And no, this is not Leticia.
People on the blog have you noticed here lately there are a lot of threats and profanity against bloggers that don't agree with Aide and her mob. Is she getting desperate and resort to scarring people to agree with her? Aide, Aide stop it, we all know who and what you are. No, this is not Leticia.
Have you guys noticed how much credit people are giving Aide. Leticia thinks that everything is Aide's fault. It would be better if she would just accept that her lies and betrayal to the community is why we don't want her to represent us.
I agree, several people on here use name calling to defend themselves or the people they support. They take the easy way out and make accusatory comments of someone being Aide or Leticia instead of actually addressing the real issue.
It shows how ignorant and lacking in civility those people are. I'm surprised they're able to turn on a computer and let alone log onto the internet. It'd be nice if we can all act our age.
Last Friday some little kid walked up to my door and left me some propaganda authored (possibly) by that lady named Leticia. I am a legal, voting citizen of Lynwood and I am sincerely concerned with the steady stream of mob-led outbursts, both outside Leticia's office and at other strategically arranged locales. Where have they gotten the honorable citizens of Lynwood? Anywhere? I'm going to go with nowhere, fast. They're nice for boosting the Leticia-hating morale, but really, do we have anyone better to put up? Everybody is corrupt, everybody has a hidden agenda. I honestly have no idea who to vote for, last time I voted, I believed Leticia's lies... Thought she would do something decent, but we all know how that turned out... I am trying to make an informed decision here, I owe it to my city. I've read every single comment on this page, word for word, and for the love of (God/the English language [special emphasis on grammar]), try out spell check, mi gente. It really is a wonderful tool! On a similar note, your ideas would be much more credible without the show of emotions (i.e. the misspelled curse words, personal attacks, and general hate mongering). I know how heated issues such as these can get, but please, save the melodrama for the novelas. I'm not trying to defend anyone, but I was especially bothered by a blogger who went so far as to insult Aide's "illegitimate" children, if that particular blogger could please explain to me what a couple of kids have to do with any of this, it would be greatly appreciated. At the risk of sounding terribly cliché, pick on someone your own size! In closing, could somebody please post a link to the photographs, screenshots, documents, or whatever form of media available implicating Aide in this over-exhausted claim that she received $40K for her own personal benefit, I would be forever grateful.
I appreciate the comment dated Sept. 1, as far as showing proof about Aide; let me just say that Aide used her "god children" in order to qualify for the First Time Home Buyers program where the city of Lynwood gave her $ 40,000.00 in order for her to pay escrow fees on the house where sh presently lives. She also got that house at a bargain price because it was built under a city program. There are four houses together; the other ones that got the houses and $ 40,000.00 each were Yolanda, (Fernando Pedroza's sister-in-law) Victor Gutierrez, (presta nombres) the house actually belongs to Raul Varela Jr and Lorraine Reed's daughter. All of the applications are located at city hall and by the way these people's applications were brought to the front of the list, at the time they were 250 applicants in front of them. How do I know? I saw all of the documents.
Still waiting for an answer. What did Leticia do and how did she betray the community? As for Aide (obviously you on her side)she is a thief, and I'm greatly alarmed that you are taking steeling $40,000 so lightly Blogger 8/27 - 10:11. As for the blogger refering to Aides illegitimate children, I understand what he was saying. Aide has no morals and good judgement. She also lied and claimed 5 children to get her house. Why would anyone want some one like this to represent them. To make your decision easier, watch how many people on this blog have no commitment towards Aide, because they know her and how unqualified she is to manage a city. Still waiting for an answer on what Leticia did.
P.S. Blogger try not to be so selfrighteous next time.
See I believed the story until today. The application Maria put on her mailer only had 4 kids. Her 2 kids and 2 godchildren.
The other thing I know per her Biography is that she was on welfare. That alone tells me she was low income. When I applied for the city program I was asked for my taxes. In your taxes it shows how much you make and who your dependants are.
Your misinformation today proves to me you're reaching. I want real proof. The application is not enough. It obviously was not enough for Maria either. She had to move on and support her. Now it looks like Leticia is trying to use this against Aide.
If the blogger that posted at 10:12 AM, on September 01, 2007 is referring to me (blogger 9/1 - 1:16 AM) as being self-righteous, I'm forced to conclude that his or her comment may be motivated by jealousy, and I am disappointed that ANYONE'S zeal, not particularly my own, to do the right thing would be the source of it all. Again, if blogger 9/1 (10:12 AM) believes I am on Aide's side, he or she is mistaken again. I, at one point, considered voting for her after having met her and listened to her speak, but in light of events recently brought to my attention, I have been working towards either substantiating said events or ruling them out as rumors. This endeavor is obviously complicated by the fact that nobody can produce any physical evidence; everything I read on this site is considered hearsay, the only possible exception coming from the person that claims to have seen some documents in question at city hall.
Similarly, I might have come off as an Aide supporter by standing up for her "illegitimate" children, but the truth is I will always stand up for children brought into adult conversations solely to be scorned and berated for reasons out of their personal control. I was under the impression that the word "illegitimate" was being used as a noun on this thread, not an adjective, and I based that on the remarks made by a blogger at 7:18 PM, on August 05, 2007. Does anybody see the idiocy in doing something like that to children? Come on, now.
Can anyone answer the question what has Leticia done to betray our community? Nothing... that is why none of the hateful people can answer this question
Blogger 9-3/10:57, very impressive what you have to say, but no matter how smart you TRY to come across, you still don't get it. I explain this to you one more time. This blogger was not talking about AIDES children, he/she was talking about Aides immoral, lying and thiefing character. Hope you get it this time, if not, you are the idiot.
BLOGGER 9/3-5:54, we know what you trying to do, we got you made. People this blogger is trying to misslead you. If you don't want Aide Castro the lier and thief to succeed, you must vote:
My only comment is to vote YES on the recall of Leticia Vasquez and DO NOT vote for Aide Castro to replace her. If we do that we would only be replacing snakes, both deadly to our community. The other option that we have is to replace Leticia with Jim Morton; he might not be very sharp but he is not a thief like the above mentioned "ladies".
I don't know about Leticia, because no one has come up yet with anything she did, but there are plenty of charges agaist Aide. Do not vote for her, she will stop at nothing to get her way. She has been rude, and has insulted so many people, everyone I know, that know Aide is so disgusted with her and her nasty ways, they would not vote for her if hell would freeze over. For example she still is harassing and lying about this Senior Citizen she attacked last month. Read the Lynwood Press. She just want let it go, and still telling lies about a Citizen, whats up with that?
Look, blogger 9/4- 12:32 PM, perhaps I should explain what I am talking about to you, because obviously, my reasoning escapes you. I understand that OTHER bloggers have attacked Aide’s character, but the one I am talking about brings the kids in. The blogger who posted on 8/5-7:18 PM had the following to say about Aide’s children. Mistakes and all, here it is, read closely, retard, “YOU WILL LOOSE. I sugessed you stay home and take care of your illegitimate children. Spend time with them instead of running around in the city trying to be somebody. They need you more then the citizens of Lynwood. But, as you did before when you choose the boys who fathered your children, you made the wrong choice - twice. I understand why no man want's to stay with you. Man don't like pu/as and witches. Give it up Aide. You are a looser in your personal life and you will be a looser running for council.”
Now, do you want to sit there and tell me that is not bringing children “into adult conversations solely to be scorned and berated for reasons out of their personal control”? Really? Read it again if you must, let it sink in.
Thankfully, that is out of the way, now I will respond to the blogger(s) who repeatedly post their confusion as to what Leticia did, exactly. The following is sanctioned by Conny B. McCormack, the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, so any questions or concerns can be directed to her at: 12400 Imperial Highway Norwalk, CA 90650 The grounds for the recall are as follows: -Approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with Imperial Promenade, LLC for 350 acres of land not owned by the City to build a Power Center/NFL Stadium. -Led the Council to increase residential water rates by 30% and increased trash rates despite the fact that the majority of Lynwood voters disapproved and objected. -Admits to supporting the 10% Utility Users Tax and is opposed to any reduction or elimination. -Guilty of nepotism: Created city positions to hire personal friends (Council Assistants) at an annual cost of over $104,000. -Allowed crooked developers to pocket over $2 million of Federal Home Funds, which were never utilized for the development of new residential homes for Lynwood voters. -Is under investigation and is constantly being watched by the Public Integrity Division of the District Attorneys Office and the Political Corruption Unit of the FBI.
So there you have it, Lynwood voters. All of that information can be found on page LA 001-025 of your Official Sample Ballot. I am not sure exactly when everyone should get his or hers by, but I got mine in the mail last week. I wish you all the best of luck, and please, educate yourselves before visiting the polls.
I am Aide's friend and I would like to clarify something on her behalf. At the age of 16 she became a teen mother. She married the father of her children when she was 5 months pregnant and stayed with him till she was 21 years old. She divorced him because he cheated on her with her cousin and the relaitionship became physically abusive. She then met met her 2nd husband who she is still married to. The only 2 children are from her first marriage. Aide has a great relaitionship with her ex husband. In her words because he is a great father but not a good husband. Her 2nd husband is also great with her kids and seem very happy. She's been married to him since 4 years ago. For someone who was a teen mom and on welfare at one point I think she's come a long way. I think she's a winner and not a looser. Most women who have gone through what she has, get stuck in a rut. I don't know why people think men don't want her, because that is simply not the case. She is just vey much in love with her husband. With sll due respect to her her husband is very handsome. I agree with the blogger that we shouldn't attack her children. Her children are not at fault and she's a great mother. She's also a great Nina. I wish some of you would take the time to know her before judging her. Everytime I have visited her home theirs lots of kids in her home. Her 2 kids, nephews, godchildren, friends of her kids, or her whole cheerleading squad. We make fun of her because she's always running around with kids. And if you don't think I'm speaking the truth go check her out at the middle school and see for yourself. Just ask yourself how many people can get along with their ex for the sake if their children. Not many, because I can't stand my ex.
One more thing. When you talk about Leticia to Aide. All she mentions is that she had high expectations for Leticia. And that she feels bad that she was not able to make the right desicions at the right time. Her exact words are Leticia went in fighting battles that weren't hers. She fought battles with out researching them, so in turn she made wrong desicions. We feel that Leticia's personal past has seriously affected her emotionally and it didn't allow for her to develop people skills. We see signs of her being Bi-Polar. We could be wrong, but their is something definately wrong with her. And we don't mean it in a bad way. We all experience things in our life that affect the way we behave. Aide took her failures and used them as inspiration and motivation. Leticia took her failures and uses them to take it out in men. Where are the men in her life?
If we are going to judge these women let's judge their abilities to be good councilwomen.
Sorry Aide that is no justification for recalling Vasquez because all 5 councilmembers voted on those things and why are you only recalling 4? Your excuses are lame. Get over it! You never answered what did she steal and what makes her corrupt? Of course you will continue to LIE your way through the election that is who you are and what you are about!
Leticiia, have you cleaned out your desk yet? Aide will need lots of space to clean up all your misguided and destructive voting. I bet the girls at City managers office will be glad to see you go. They are so tired of all your b-day cards and "from the desk of". Your a joke and a slave driver to your poor old mother. Is she the only support you have? But, then again you are her spawn child.
Blogger 9-6/10:24, you didn't get it the second time, so you are an idiot. As for the allegations against Leticia, nothing is substantiated and factual. Trust me, if all of this were true, she would be in jail by now. It's called allegations, in this case lies. And just to educate you a little more, every government official is constantly watched, this is part of our system. Now, for some one who try to come across so know it all, you ought to know this. With this said, I stop my dialog with you, because the more I read what you have to say, the more I understand how narrow minded you are, and I don't want to waste my time anymore on the same subject. Hope you make an intelligent decision and vote:
TO the friend of Aide, you said it, she was on WELFARE. Using other peoples money to get by. You sobbing piece of crap! With all the family she got, why didn't they support her? It was my tax money that supported her and her children. Other women have hard times, including my self, but I never took money from anybody. But this is Aide, she took money from taxpayers back then, she took $40,000 from taxpayers to buy her house, and lied about her kids, saying she has 5 to get that Hud House, but only has 2. Now you expect people not to talk about it. You are out in left field darling. I still have a hard time, and I still don't have a big house. Maybe I should lie and steal like Aide so I can have all these things too, and then have my frieds justify it. This sobb story is going nowhere.
The only vision Leticia has is to enrich herself and she has proven time and time again. Right now she is trying to get money from businesses in the community. How do I know? She sent me a letter requesting money. But the again, Aide has the same vision as Leticia; both of them are snakes and they can poison our community. Vote YES to recall Leticia and vote for Jim Morton to replace her.
If I were narrow-minded, I wouldn't even consider spending my valuable time on this site looking to see what other people have to say about what is going on in Lynwood. That, I believe, is the exact opposite of narrow-mindedness, but this confusion with the English language is something I've come to expect of you. And another thing, I never said the "allegations" against Leticia were true or facts as you so stupidly imply I do. I merely shared the exact information I was sent by the County of Los Angeles, nothing more, nothing less. This is interesting, though, because if you haven't read those words in your own booklet, then you are most likely NOT a registered voter. Oh, and countless politicians have gotten out of many a political plight, so I won't "believe you" about how Leticia would be in jail by now. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of recent political happenings such as the Scooter Libby case, Karl Rove's fiasco, and the various crimes committed by that malfeasant people call President Bush; there is more out there than just Lynwood, you know. Our legal system isn't as foolproof as your simple little mind seems to think it is and I hope you realize that someday. I'd bet you've attended school somewhere in the United States before, seeing as you attempted to incorporate the word "dialog" (which is actually spelled D-I-A-L-O-G-U-E) into your argument and even if you're only twelve years old (as your cognitive development suggests) you might want to work a bit harder on your grammar. One last thing before I ever give you the time of day again: I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors, particularly your quest to successfully string together a logical English sentence (and before you type up some crybaby retort about how this isn't your first language, I'll have you know I mastered the Spanish language before learning even a word in English... Asi que, si se puede, even you!).
I want to join the ABA group. Leticia is actually the only one my family and I are voting no on the recall just because there's nobody better and we dislike Aide. I doubt Morton has a chance. He has no political clout. However, he will get my vote if the recall passes.
It's always the same losing candidates running. When will Lynwood get new people with substance? All this is great entertainment. I'm sure that if Aide wins, she'll be recalled soonafter just because so many of us don't like her.
We'll take Jim Morton over Aide the Bozo and Leticia anyday. Leticia had her chance and hasn't made a difference in our City. Aide is not even on Council and She already stole $40,000 of our tax dollars and is in the pockets of crooked developers Le Francis Arnold whole stole housing money from the City and fat Billy Martinez who is paying for Aide's campaign along with former City Attorney Arnold Beltran. Billy wants the City to keep funding his sweet haert deal and Aide already sold her vote to him. I hope we residents are not stupid enough to vote for Aide.
Aide you have my support and vote!Your going to kick Leticia's ass at the poles. Your the leader of this community. Don't let no one get you down. You have the respect of the community and the vote. You've made history and the respect of all who know you. The hit piece on you is nothing but lies and envy. Your a leader and a history maker!!!!!!!!!
The mailer that came in today claims she tried smuggling cocaine. If this is true, then that's very sad. I have no reason to vote for her unless she can defend herself and refute these accusations.
You're right Aide started making history since she stole a house from our city plus $ 40,000.00. I hope that the above, is the end of her story. Vote YES to recall Leticia Vasquez and Vote for Jim Morton to replace her; forget about Aide, she owns everything she has to Fernando Pedroza and Raul Varela.
why would Aide respond to a pack of lies. Any fool knows that if she had been guilty of this crime she would still be in jail. And what is even more ridiculas is idea that we could just call up the FBI and ask them. How stupid do you think the community is? Do we dial 5555-FBI? Thank your printer for making you look like an ass AGAIN for us.
Leticia is the one who looks like she's been on coke for ten years. She looks so wasted and old for a man in her thirties.You should start fundraising for your plstic surgery you desparatelly need.
Of course Aide Castro/Ortiz is going to refute the accusations. (By the way these are not accusations, these are facts. It's in the FBI files) Aide will refute and lie just like she lies about everthing else. Like she claimed 5 kids to get this Hud house, and how she stole $40,000 from us taxpayers. For the life of me I do not understand why anybody would vote for her. Just imagen what she will do if she get on Council. You think you have crooks now, think again.
I was not going to respond in regards to the mailer that was sent out by the Lynwood Concerned Citizens Alliance. But I will respond now. The mailer claims that I was arrested in 1994 for attempting to smmugle cocaine. I would hope that the citizens of Lynwood are smart enough to realize that someone caught crossing the border with cocaine would have a felony record and serve jail time. In February of 1994 my son was born. 3 months after the birth of my son I was already working. Their are several things that I am involved in that would not permit me to have a felony record. I hold a real estate license, I work for a bank, and I am a cheerleading coach. These 3 things require for an individual to pass a Live Scan backround check. A Live Scan will advise you if an indiviadual has any type of criminal record or arrest that has to do with drugs, alcohol, and fraud. If any of these things come up in your record you are automatically disqualified. I have never been disqualified.
I appreciate all the phone calls of support from my friends. Including those of Dr. Hananh and Lorna Hawkins. Both Hananh and Hawkins are members of the Lynwood Concerned Citizens Alliance and they have assured me that they were not aware of this hit piece mailer.
This mailer was created and printed by my cousin Fernando Pedroza, Leticia Vasquez, and their printer Angel Gonzalez. This can be verified by comparing the postage permit numbers on Pedroza's mailer and this hit piece mailer. I am embarrased that the residents of Lynwood might think that I am in any way, shape, or form like my cousin Fernando Pedroza. I will be taking legal action on this matter. I invite everyone to call me with any questions or concerns at 310-438-1569. On this hit piece mailer Pedroza and Leticia claim that the information they printed can be verified by the FBI, yet they printed no number for the residents to call. Pedroza and Vasquez were counting on people not taking the time to actually call the FBI. I challenge and invite a backround check.
I ask that we all focus on the real issue of this recall. This recall was caused by a project that puts at risk the community of Lynwood. So rather then the incumbents defending their position of support for this project, they've decided to destroy my credibility. The incumbents think that maybe the comuunity will support the project if they destroy the credibility of the candidates opposing it.
I'm sure glad Aide is not refuting that she stole the house she lives in and $ 40,000.00. The cocaine thing might not be true but the house and the money, she cannot refute there is proof of it. Thank you Aide, you answered and you are guilty of stealing.
Ms. (although you are no where near being a lady) Ortiz aka Castro a.k.a. Cuellar and whatever other alias you might have used to clean your slate. You seem to take us concerned residents for fools. It is well known that your family including Pedroza is trash. Now you condemn your family (Pedroza) for his misdealings knowing full well you accompanied him on several of his trips to Mexico and profited from it.
The concerned residents should also look into the fact that you shot your father and another man, yes that is known to.
Another question the residents should be raising, is all the property Ms. Castro has been buying in California City and where did this HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT, COCAINE SMUGGLING BANK TELLER find the money to buy this property let alone start a beauty salon. All this from a person who illegally qualified for low income housing.
Also worth investigating is when you worked for a major credit corporation you would accept money to wipe peoples credit clean???
Do you really think the people of Lynwood will vote for someone who has stabbed their own family in the back. How can you expect people to trust you, when you don't even respect your own family.
Eventually all of your crimes will catch up to you and you will end up behind bars where trash like you belongs.
Yeah, Aide, why did you put down all those kids to steal $40,000 of our tax dollars to get that City house and then think it was ok when you paid back the money. A thief is a thief no manner you want to define the theft. Aide you are a thief and a load mouth one at that.
"Fernando Pedroza"- Darn! Your patriarchal values tore right through your scornful remarks on my verbal savoir faire... I am not a man, or a boy for that matter, but this speaks volumes on your idea of what gender an educated person is. If you truly are Fernando Pedroza (but really, even if you're not Pedroza), this young erudite Chicana begs that you consider ridding your benighted brain of such horrible stereotypes. Without beating my feminist message into the ground, you would mainly be doing yourself the favor, but also every female you ever encounter for the rest of your life. Considere esto antes de una carrera como un cómico.
Aide the fact that you claim you have no criminal record now, doesn't mean you have not committed any crimes or that you have not expunged your criminal past.
Furthermore, if you were a minor, which perhaps you might have been at the time of the drug related offenses could have occurred, your record would be sealed.
So stop pretending an playing with words.
You can lie to the voters but cannot lie to your family members and close friends.
It would be more respectable for you to admit the truth, then and maybe then, those that know you and know the truth, would be able to forgive you stooping so low and for lying about what you're really after.
Power and money at whatever cost, even at the price of betraying our cousin Fernando Pedroza, whom you owe the very house you live in.
If Aide can betray his own flesh and blood, what can the residents of Lynwood expect?
As someone who was stupid enough to travel with Fernando to Mexico I can tell you that Aide never accompanied Fernando to Mexico. I only saw her once in Talpa and that was with Andrea Hooper. We were all very surprised with her behavior. That's actually when I started to like her.
Fernando should be ashamed of himself. Because I have also met her father I can tell you that Aide never shot her father or any other man. Come on people. Are you guys really going to believe Fernando and Leticia. Even if she was a minor at the time. If she is 30 now that means she was 17. If anyone gets caught on the border with kilos of coacaine they will be prosecuted as adults. We all know how slow the system is, so by the time they went to court she would have been 18. You people are just ridiculous. And with the accusation of her shooting someone just proves it. God bless Lynwood.
Yes on the recall.....don't be an idiot. Just because your not endorsing Aide Castro does not mean you should vote no on the recall. The solution to this would be to vote for Jim Morton.
We simply need to vote for
1. Ramon Rodriguez 2. Jim Morton 3. Patricia Carr 4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Lets work for what we got...And for all you whiners always complaing about diversity...here it is in a silver platter.
Hell, beats having the corrupt council we currently have.....Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, and Johnson.
Para toda la gente que no quiere votar por Aide Castro, No quiere decir que votemos no para el recall.....Solamente quiere decir que deberiamos votar por Jim Morton.
Lo unico que deberiamos de hacer es votar por
1. Ramon Rodriguez 2. Jim Morton 3. Patricia Carr 4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Tenemos que trabajar con los candidatos que tenemos.....Y para todos los llorones que siempre lloran por diversidad, aqui esta en un plato de plata.
De todas maneras es mejor que tener a los corruptos de Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, o Johnson.
I find it hilarious that you human bags of shit would try and demean someone that instead of cowarding out of raising a child when it is your very culture that encourages this type of moral terpitude in women.
You hillbillies and your misogynist ideas. That's really the problem. You all mostly come from mountain folk. So of course you have no respect for education. Your reflexive response is to procreate as much as possible to have kids working on your farm.
It is really funny how much you exude your racism for white people on this blog but when you break it down, you're all exactly the same. Your insecurities about your skin colour amaze me.
You've gotta be really sick in the head to drag someobody's children into an arguments. It is indicative to your single-digit IQ and inability to form a cohesive argument for your ideas.
Its really funny how gullible people are. "Oh wow, they sent out a flyer claiming Aide tried to smuggle in cocaine 13 years ago. They even put on the flyer that it can be confirmed by the FBI!" Oh really. Well damn thats convincing! No refuting that at all! What asshole did Vasquez and Pedroza pull that out of?
Anyone with half a brain knows how corrupt Aide is. I believe everything they say about her. I know a few things that would make your hair stand up on you back. By the way, are you good folks in the development area aware that she is meeting with Mc Donald the developer in secret. Mmmmm, soon or later you will see how she is going to screw you too. People open your eyes, think, she is using you for her own gain.
Yes on the recall.....don't be an idiot. Just because your not endorsing Aide Castro does not mean you should vote no on the recall. The solution to this would be to vote for Jim Morton.
We simply need to vote for
1. Ramon Rodriguez 2. Jim Morton 3. Patricia Carr 4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Lets work for what we got...And for all you whiners always complaing about diversity...here it is in a silver platter.
Hell, beats having the corrupt council we currently have.....Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, and Johnson.
Para toda la gente que no quiere votar por Aide Castro, No quiere decir que votemos no para el recall.....Solamente quiere decir que deberiamos votar por Jim Morton.
Lo unico que deberiamos de hacer es votar por
1. Ramon Rodriguez 2. Jim Morton 3. Patricia Carr 4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Tenemos que trabajar con los candidatos que tenemos.....Y para todos los llorones que siempre lloran por diversidad, aqui esta en un plato de plata.
De todas maneras es mejor que tener a los corruptos de Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, o Johnson.
Who is the hillbillie? I thought they all left Lynwood. It is amazing how everything turns out to be a racial thing. You people just dont give up, do you. What does mountain folk and having babies to do with the shit that is going on right now in Lynwood. They are not involved in anything. What are you fishing for? Are you on drugs, because you sound like you are really triping. Maybe you got some of Aides left overs she brought across the border. And yes we do believe she did it. We happend to know her better then you think.
I am a Lynwood resident who will be voting in the recall election. Being a fairly new resident to Lynwood, I thought it would be a good idea to do some research on the recall and the candidates. After reading these BLOGS, I am full of disappointment. Rather than posting information, or reasons to support the recall or the candidates, people are slandering each other and using Lynwood Watch as a biased personal war against each other. Lynwood will never progress without progressed minds. Everyone claims accountability, but I haven't seen it first-hand. Just the fact that people post uder anonymous to threaten others makes me lose hope for Lynwood. I guess places like Downey and South Gate really are better...
The people have spoken. Yes to the Recall. We got rid of one witch for the time being. We now need to get behind Jim Morton and get rid of both Leticia and Aide for good.
Aide, I hope that the new city council be brave enough to investigate the transaction when you "got" (stole from the community) your home and the $ 40,000.00 you took from all of us.
Well guys, I hope you remember that the original plan was ABA and ABS. Anybody but Aide for City council and Anybody but Solache for School Board. ABA worked. Let's now concentrate on ABS. ABS,ABS,ABS,ABS,ABS,ABS.
This is for Aide, it dont matter what you did in the past, because I can see that you have become a accomplished woman people just talk about you that way because like they say the truth hurts so dont mind them just let God do his work and you'll see,Santillan and all those motherfuckers will go down
Ni modo Aide, ve pidiendole prestado a Raul Varela para que pagues los $ 40,000.00 que le robaste a la comunidad. Dile que venda la casa a lado tuyo que esta en la misma situacion tuya, la de Yolanda Dominguez hijastra del mismo Varela y que tambien robo otros $ 40,000.00. Ojala y todo el mal que has hecho sea reconocido por la comunidad y te traten como lo que eres, una ladrona sin verguenza.
bueno aide ese tres casas que casualidad que los tres tienen que ver con algo ya sea familiar o x tambien la casa que conpro victor tu vecino el que trabaja con raul por las tardes y por la manana en el dpt de agua en la city explicamos como esta ese pinche pedoteee tu pusistes hijos chuecos victor nomas tiene una hija su esposa trabaja como esta ese rollon y todavia quieres robar mas nomames vivoritaaa osea aide the snake shiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiii tu solita te echaste la soga ensima y tellevastes aotros por las patas victor y la ijastras pidweles su voto no creo que te vallan apoyar menos raul varela si no le dio dinero ala hija de fernando que le dejo la difunta mama de herencia te va adar para tu canpana oyeaa como no ay raulito perdistes atu jerno fernie y tu hijastra ora que te pidieron la erencia dices que no es tu hija pero cuando andabas detras del contrato de las gruas que paso mi llernito vengase con su suegro que lo quiere mucho es cierto que el dinero ronpe asta las mejores familias pinches familias unidas donde estan en la quiebra gracias asu maldito langaros de dinero mas vale un platito de frijolitos con su respetivo quesito y su chile jalapeno y miranda una buena pelicula con la familia que no vatos par de ojales fernando dale las ultimas cojidas atu secretaria porque esas nalgitas van acanbiar de camote ok aunke sea de puros lenguetasos
Aide , hang in there. Don't let a loser like Alex upset you on this blog.Alex is a no body without a job.He's hussleing Ramon for now.But remember Alex was trying to kiss your ass for a job? Alex can't pull off a recall and we can. so,tomarrow is another day. Still backing you up!
Yes, back up Aide when she hits you for a loan to pay the $ 40,000.00 she stole from the community; she will also need you when she gets indicted for the house she lives in. Back her up because she will never win an election in Lynwood. She might win an election in jail.
Give us something better. Aide didn't buy the house, and the $40,000.00 were paid a year after her husband received the grant. Get over it.
The ones getting indicted will be Ramon and Maria for taking money like Fernando and the rest. The truth will come out. Don't throw a rock when you live in a glass house.
Aide: Give us proof that you paid the $ 40,000.00; if you did, that's proof that you stole the money in the first place. Now, what are you going to do about the house? I'm hoping that you give it back to the community that you stole it from.
How can you expect anyone to get over beeing cheated out of $40,000. Lynwood voters should never let this go. How dare you sugggest we forget about it. It's our money Aide stole. And even if she paid it back, which she hasen't, the fact remains she stole it. And how about the drug incident? What about the welfare she got? She is always taking money from hard working people and will continue doing so if she ever get on council. She must be stopped, or else we will be victems of theft by Aide again. You think the outgoing council was bad, the incoming will be much, much worse. You will see soon enough.
She paid the money back because she had to to refinance just like any other resident that took the loan in the first place. Go to city hall and ask for the information regarding her house. Are you guys that stupid to think someone can steal a house. The loan was given by HUD not the city. Ramon and Maria are just hating on her because they can't prove their stupid allegations. Hopefully Aide will go thriugh with the law suit against Ramon and Maria now for making her application public. Let's see what bull shit excuse they come up aith now. the fact is Aide has always been honest. Aide is passing out her record where it shows she has no criminal record. Aide always backs up her talk with prof. Ramon, Maria, Fernando, and Leticia just talk but never do they show proof. It doesn't take a genius to realize they are scared of Aide. The part of her receiving welfare was made public by her on her web site. That means she is not hiding it. www.aidecastro.com see it for yourself. Ramon and Maria, this community is not stupid if the rest are guilty so are you guys. You guys took money to. Don't trhow rocks when you live in a glass house.
Aide, the First time homebuyers program is being run by the city not HUD; report how it really happenned, not how you want the community to perceive your crime. You got the money, you got the house; not Ramon or Maria or anybody else. Don't try to spread your poison to others. I guess "Aide the snake" is a good name for you. Citizens of Lynwood, please do not vote for Aide, she is a con artist.
By the way, Maria Santillan has her own problems; getting a house for way under the market price and then giving a full time job at city hall to the developer. She did the same thing that Congressman Cunningham did in San Diego. The developer's name Arsenio Fontela; look it up, he works at city hall, his employment started one month after he sold the house to "Silicone" Santillan.
Aide paid back money she should have never received in the first place. Stealing is stealing. She worked with Mark Fullerton of the City Housing Department and Fernie Pornoza on this scheme and rigged the application. What more do you need to know, don't be stupid, ABA Anybody But Aide.
The bottom line is, that Aide lied on the application for her Hud House. Aide put down more children then she really had to qualify. She lied, she stole, she is a crook like all the rest of them trying to run this City. Do not vote for Aide Castro.
By the way Aide, take that nasty looking couch of your front porch. You are not in T.J. It's against the City Code. Running for City Council you ought to know this.
I don't need to kiss Aides ass to get a job, I have one. And trust me, before I will kiss her ass, she will kiss mine. Trust me. I had a job when Aide was on welfare, and I will have a job, when she is in the unemployment line, or when she scheem money out of someone. Again, Aide get that nasty couch of your porch. This is the kind of sh.t people talk about Lynwood being a dirty City. Sh.t like a nasty couch on the front porch. Just like in T.J, and in the back woods in the south. What is next Aide? Are you going to put your washer and dryer on the porch also? Trash, trash, I guess you never change. You should be ashamed. I know a few Citizens, Code Enforcement made them move their couch and chairs from their porch, why are you getting away with it? Are you in bed with some one in Code Enforcement, or are you intimidate them to? Special favors again huh. Just like the $40,000. People of Lynwood do not vote for Aide Castro/Ortiz, she is getting away with way to much the ordinary Citizen of Lynwood cant even dream of.
Aide, without a doubt you are a thief. Your cousin Fernando Pedroza thaught you good. Aide, no hay duda eres una ladrona. Tu primo Fernando Pedroza te enseno muy bien.
Aide es la perequita del barrio. Translation the Town Parrot. We are not sure who Aide resembles more, the actress that played the Wicked Witch of the west or the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.
It probably should be ABFA "Anybody But Fucking Aide"
Que lastima que el papa de Aide Castro sea manipulado para decir algo que no es verdad. Cuando los hijos crecen dejan de ser ninos, ninas y crean para si mismos una imagen propia. No dudo nada que cuando Aide era nina fue buena, pero ahora no; se ha convertido en una vibora ambiciosa, no piensa para hacer el mal ni para robar, no importa quien se le ponga enfrente. Senor Ortiz, le sugiero que no entre en los terrenos que esta pisando su hija porque puede salir muy lastimado y defraudado hasta de su propia familia. Aunque usted y yo no queramos, la realidad es que su hija se comprometio mucho cuando le regalaron la casa y los $ 40,000.00 y ahora tiene que responderle a la sociedad y a la justicia por ello.
Yeah, but the parrot face is a licensed real estate agent of the State of California. Big deal, you do not have to have a high diploma to be a real estate agent. I know many agents that can't even read or speak english. Hell even Jacinto, Juan Enciso are agents but atleast they took it a step farther and atleast they are brokers. ABA
You guys are funny. That drop out that you guys are referring to still makes more money then any of you guys and already owns businesses. She even put her husband through school. All I know is that you guys are just scared of her. She intimidates the hell out of everyone. She had said it herself. She is no angel. She knows she's a bitch. That is what corporate America has taught her. She is a cut throat business woman, and that is exactly what city hall needs. Not a crazy old man with no back bone.
I agree with everything you say, but there is one thing that will cost Aide the winning vote, and this is respect. She don't have it. It is one thing to be a bitch in the Corporate world, but to be a bitch to people who's vote she needs is political suicide. My self, I like what she stands for, but because of her disrespectful ways I have not voted for her the first time, and I will not vote for her again. You know as well as I do, she needs every vote she can get, because she is way behind. I know, maybe one of her friends, or Aide herself will answer f... you we don't need your vote. This is what she said before, and precisely this attitude will make her lose again.
Respect is the key word. Aide does not have any respect, Self respect and respect for others. Remember we voted out the previously council because they disrespected the community by not hearing our voice. Aide I agree would be a bad selection for our communiy at this point. Say what you want but given what I've seen Aide will lead us in the wrong direction. ABA
Trust me, Aide does not make more money then I do. I was not a bitch when I climed the corporate ladder. All you have to be is intelligent. Aide is far from that. Being a bitch will get her no where. People in the corporate world do not have to deal with anyone like this, because it's an embarrassment to the big wheels. Can you imagen, she would be in a meeting and act like a bitch. I don't think so. There are enough people that are educated and do not have to be a bitch to get things done.
Aide starts the recall. Writes the petition. Get's the community organized. Helps Ramon get elected. Sue's on behalf of the residents. Yet you guys still think she doesn't deserve respect.
Did she get help? Yes, she did. But why did people agree to help her. Could it be because they saw an opportunity to run? Did she include Ramon and Maria in all her meetings? She sure did. Ramon and Maria would just sit their while Aide would include them in everything even giving them credit they didn't deserve. Aide has got the bad end of this stick. But she will win this November 6th. The community is making sure of that. Her signs are at peoples homes not just in public places. We the community know who put their neck on the line for us. She recalled her own cousin, and swallowed her pride to work with Ramon and Maria. Just remember that the truth always comes out. Ramon and Maria's truth is very interesting. Just look into who is Arsenio Frontela, JB Contruction, and Abel Haleu. Why did Ramon and Maria have Arturo Fierro ready to take position? Back door politics that's why. But Aide's boys came to the rescue. Now we have Salinas from South Gate. Too bad Ramon and Maria convinced their pupett Morton to hire Royce Jones for redevelopment. But's it's okay that will also be fixed. Ramon and Maria think that we are not paying attention. Big mistakes because we are well aware who Royce Jones is. Maria should be ashamed to support him. Her of all people. Mrs I took down Paul Richards. What a joke she is. One more thing Mrs Godoy I don't know you but you are so naive to think that Ramon and Maria are good for us. It looks like in your absence they became corrupt like Mr Pedroza. Get your story straight before you open your mouth.
High School drop outs cant touch the corporate world with a ten foot pole. Where does the idiot come from thinking Aide has experiance with this invironment.
Trained Aide to do what? Working since she was sixteen where? Again, big corporations will not touch a high school drop out with a ten foot pole. How stupid are you to think educated people don't know any better and have REAL experiance in the corporate world. I recrute people for one of the biggest corps. in the world, take my word for it, I know how it works. Aide would not have a chance in hell.
Well I guess you are wrong. Aide has worked for these companies so I guess she got her chance in hell. She got her GED at 18 and started working for GTE at 19 as a customer service rep. She worked herself up the ranks very quickly. At 16 she was working in retail. After GTE she went to Countrywide right after she got her Real Estate License. If you looked at her resume you would be recruting her. The fact is you obviously don't know her and you are judging her based on what someone has told you about her.
Judge Aide on what she will do next, forget about the past where she stole $40,000 thats old news and over 800 didn't care about that anyway. Aide was helped heavily in her campaign by Fat Billie Martinez and former City Attorney Arnoldo Beltran. Lets see how she votes on items that involve those two fat bastards. Billie has a project coming up in Casa Grande that was a bad deal for the City to begin with and now requres some action by the City. Arnoldo will be pushing for some legal work from the City. Watch carefully.
First of all I do not judge anybody. Second, I do know Aide, and you are full of bull about her accomplishments. Also, I know the difference between a honest resume, and a resume where accomplishments are fabricated, which more likely Aides resume is. Everybody knows she is a habitual lier.
OK,what a tangled bunch of words the last blogger wrote. (Nov.23 @8:55) I don't judge anyone, (but in this case I will). Your telling someone that her accomplishments are made up and you the know the difference between an honest resume and a dishonest one. Then you make the statement that mostley her resume is false. So your telling me, you really haven't read her resume, right? Isn't that judging someone?
Well I guess you are wrong. Aide has worked for these companies so I guess she got her chance in hell. She got her GED at 18 and started working for GTE at 19 as a customer service rep. She worked herself up the ranks very quickly. At 16 she was working in retail. After GTE she went to Countrywide right after she got her Real Estate License. If you looked at her resume you would be recruting her. The fact is you obviously don't know her and you are judging her based on what someone has told you about her.
You are a genuine idiot. I guess my words to YOU are tangled, thats why you repeat them. Bottem line, and I hope you get it this time, Aide is a liar. It's her second nature. Got it?
11:43, Hello Teacher, I did not asked you to believe anything. The one who is thinking poorly is You. I never claimed to be a writer or a winner of a spelling bee. On the other hand, I can tell that you have not much to say and nitpick on small things trying to hide your own short comings. I hope your narrow mind understand this. With this said, I'm done giving you any more of my time and space on this blog. You are way out in left field. Bottem line, Aide is still a liar and not intelligent enough to be in ANY leading position.
Aide thought she was going to be like her cousin Pedroza and Paul Richards just changing things because she thinks she has the majority. Way to go Martinez and showing that you are not a pawn for that load mouth Aide.
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Another loser!
ABA, Anybody but Aide. Aide Supports Billy Belly Martinez gift of public funds project, Supported Lefrancis Arnold after he stole housing money and Aide wanted the Council to give him more money, Got a low income house and $40,000 after lying on her application using additional kids to qualify. We'll stop there with more to come later. Bottom we support the recall and ABA.
ABA. Anybody but Aide. This woman has no idea what the word 'ethics' means. She's loud and will be an embarrassment to our already discredited city. She refuses to accept that she took $40,000 from our tax dollars and she's in bed with the big time developers that only want to rape Lynwood. Please ABA.
Aide AKA "Walking corruption" should not be eelcted.
She doesn't have a chance!
Aide has done nothing for the Lynwood. Whatever action she has taken it has been out of self-interest. Think about it. She worked hard on the recall. For the sake of Lynwood or because she knows that it was her only chance to get elected. Under the normal process she has no chances.
She met with everyone she could regarding the electoral process in September. Again. Was it for the sake of our city or for the sake of her own political (or should I say Economic) interest. Come on Aide, we know what you want and all that you have done so far has been out of self interest. We are on to you!!!
Angelito, Angelito no empieses halgo que no puedes terminar.
Angel Gonzalez brother in law of Albert Robles. Under investigation himself. Is running the campaign for Fernando Pedroza and Letcia Vasquez.
Try a better one guys. Do you guys really think we would be falling for this one. Let's see who's name is on the law suit against the city?
Aide Castro
Who requested a bill be passed to take the election from the city?
Aide Castro
Who worked on the recall?
Aide Castro
Ramon Rodriguez
Jose Antonio Martinez
Joanette Gutierrez
Sylvia Ortiz
Olga Real
Carmen Sanchez
Evelia Hernandez
Ramona Reyes
Gloria Jaimes
and many others
Who continues to make sure the community is united?
Aide Castro and Ramon Rodriguez
Who's mad because their getting recalled?
Leticia Vasquez and Fernando Pedroza
Who's mad because he wasn't hired?
Angel Gonzalez
Where on to you too........
One more thing Angelito don't mess with my girl Sylvia. She's not alone we have her back 100% even if you don't see us around her. She will see your evil ways and come home to the right team when she is ready. All the money you can offer her won't give her piece of mind or protection.
Surprise, surprise; who did the campaign for Maria Santillan? Answer: Angel Gonzalez
Who did Ramon's campaign?
Answer: Angel Gonzalez
Is Aide related to Ramon and Maria?
Is Angel Gonzalez going to do Aide's campaign? Probably yes.
Anonymous said...
One more thing Angelito don't mess with my girl Sylvia. She's not alone we have her back 100% even if you don't see us around her. She will see your evil ways and come home to the right team when she is ready. All the money you can offer her won't give her piece of mind or protection.
It's you that should not mess with 'Angelito' He has a lot more information about you that you suspect Aide. You should be careful!!!
Angelito Angelito I'm not Aide just an old enemy of yours. You probably don't even remember me anymore. Just know that you are being watched. For you to hurt Aide, Ramon, and Sylvia you actually got to make shit up. The stuff on you is true. The DA and I are on to you.
What the hell are you talking about? I don't need any back up from anyone.
Sylvia Ortiz
Aide, why are you named first on who worked the recall. Wasn't it you who hid in your house until the last two weeks of the recall? Sylvia Ortiz is the only person I saw daily working it! It was Ortiz that served the council with the letter of intent. It was Ortiz that made the recall happen. She did ALL the work, took all the chances and got fucked in the end. Give credit were credit is due. Sylvia Ortiz should have pulled papers for the recall election she would have deserved and earned the seat.It is her face that the residents remember not yours Aide.
I hope Ortiz runs soon and stops helping greedy individuals. The others names that you have listed are mostly made up of people you have brainwashed or paid for thier campaigns. You should know that anyone who is anyone now knows how you are and how low you will go to sit on council. Everyone is on to you and laughing at you.
Wow Sylvia I didn't know you were jealous of Aide. Envy isn't good.
I remember Aide in the front since the first meeting at Firebaugh. And Sylvia Served one council member. Jose Antonio Martinez and Ignacio Arrellano served the other ones. Talk about trying to take credit for something. The list is not in order of who did what. No one brain washed us. We did what we needed to do to save our homes and contiue to do so. Why people are trying to start fights makes no sense. I think it's you Leticia. Nothing you do will ever make us believe in you again. Sylvia knows her worth and doesn't need you.
Sylvia is just jealous of Aide because Aide is pretty and skinny--Sylvia is just getting fatter and uglier!
Don't worry about physical appearances; Aide's soul is the ugliest in Lynwood.
Silvia and Aida what is your agenda for real? From what I learned about you two, you are two sorry bi..hes. Aida why don't you just go away. Why the personal vendetta on Ms. Vasques? Is it because she is better looking?
Or you two are just frustrated women? Does either of you have a steady man in you life?
You are such loosers. God help us and make them go away.
Thank you, I already know I'm fat and getting uglyer. Tell me something I don't know.
I'm not jealous of you Aide, I was your number one fan. I still am .
Aide and Leticia are both crooks; vote for Jim Morton.
You were supposed to substantiate your charges of corruption against Leticia. What happened?
As for you we already know you are corrupt. Or what do you call when you illegally take $40,000 for our money?
Please give examples of why Vasquez is a crook...
The real question is, how the hell is Aide going to get the most votes out of all of the others? I know, ignorant voters. Can we begin to see what a good starting point may be for solving Lynwood's councilperson problem. Educate the voters, make the candidates sweat a bit more. It's too easy.. way too easy.
to the comment of:
Aide I have seen and heard how nasty you talked, and how disrespectful you treated that senior citizen in front of the city hall. Did you forget to take your pills you crazy bitch? If you had talked to me like this I would have kicked your sorry ass. But I guess you are only bad with your mob that is so ignorant and follows you. You really called them quick to gang up on this poor lady. Looks like by your self you would have shit in your pants.
We all know what your problem is. Next time you come to a meeting take your pills so you calm down. One more episode like this and I will not stand back and watch, I will seriously kick your ass. I'm not a senior citizen. Keep this in mind.
5:07 PM, July 31, 2007
I was their that morning and witnessed what happenned. That lady made a very racist comment about all of us ladies standing around. That lady deserved that and more. Most of the ladies Aide was with were seniors themselves. She was defending their rights. The one that didn't take her pills was that crazy lady. Prior to insulting Aide she insulted William Araujo. Prior to that she had insulted my sister. In past meetings she has made very racist comments about the latino race. I hope that lady realizes that what she did was wrong. And who ever you are, before you start talking shit and calling people crazy bitches get your story straight.
Aide, I heard you screaming at the senior citizen outside of City hall on Monday. In my opinion, that is very tacky. You are running for council and you need every vote you can get.
Every vote is needed. But why waste time with someone who already had their mind made up. Tacky is kissing up to people pretending to be something you are not. I was their also. The tacky one was that lady. Not to mention racist.
Aide is an uneducated bufoon. Aide go to college first and get a degree and then we'll talk about you being a representative of our community.
Aide was also screaming at the city council when she demanded $ 40,000.00 for her new house which was also given to her by her cousin Fernando Pedroza. What a pattern!!.
Aide not only is Fernando's cousin; she is also as corrupt as him (probably more) because she stole $ 40,000.00 from the city plus a house when no one knew who she was and had no position at city hall. Just imagine what she is going to do for herself if she is elected.
Aide Castro ... that's all we got?????? what a caca
Still backing you up!!!!!
The mob that Aide hangs around with are not even registered voters. I think one old lady is Tony Martinez mama. Aide hopes that these old ladies will get her in but they may die before election day. Aide will yell and scream at anyone who disagrees with her and her invalid opinions.
wOW!!after reviewing the comments I made my mind to support Aide , after reading that she fought a racist comment and fought back , shows that she has a back bone. GOOD FOR YOU AIDE, YOU GOT MY VOTE, WIFE, 2 BROTHERS AND 1 SISTER.
Aide is so damn invalid that everyone on this blog has to take time out of their day to talk about her. Interesting.........
Aide Castro = Thief - Liar - Racist
Aide is worse than Fernando Pedroza. She's alredy engaged in corruption and fraud and she's not even an elected. Can you imagine what she will do if she wins?
Blood is thicker than water, Aide and Fernando, if he survives the recall, will team up to rape Lynwood.
Carefull Billie "Fatboy" Martinez, Aide will dump your ass as soon as she gets what she wants, after all it runs in the family.
Don't worry the D.A. is on to Aide. We be rid of this thief soon. It's just a matter of time.
Hey what happened to the story form the Wave Newspaper about Maria Santillan's being served with recall papers?
What gives!!!!
Under the direction of your advisers(ha ha),you have lost tons of support. You had a chance b-4 you brought these unknowns to the party. Your credibility is gone. Don't listen to Billy or Chris. They are using you. They will do to you what they did to Fernando the minute you don't follow orders. You should have stuck to the original plan. Now Ramon and Maria and all thier supporters will boycot voting for you. They just deal with you because they have too for now. Stay tuned...
Yes, we will stay tuned. It's the begining of the end for Aide.
Fernando Pornoza will be considered one of the worst council members in the history of lynwood. He will be compared to the likes of Paul Richards, Louise Byrd, and Ricardo Sanchez.
Fernando Pornoza is the worst thing that happen to the city of lynwood. This bastard should be locked up and they should throw away the key.
This city will never prosper with these types of corrupt, unethical, and selfish candidates.
I beg for the D.A.'s office to save our poor city from these greedy wolves.....
Aide is just a common twat. ABA ABA ABA, Anybody but Aide. We are stupid if we elect Aide for Council. The idea is to move Lynwood forward not backwards. Aide will take us in the wrong direction.
Still backing you up!
Aide does not need votes people remember this city is corrupted. Her cousin, Vasquez, Bird will get her in with fake votes
You still have not answered the question what makes Vasquez corrupt?
Aide, your bulletin with half truths is a sham. How come you don't tell the Lynwood residents that you benefited from your corrupt cousin Fernando Pedroza? How come you don't tell them about your house? How did you get it? How about the $ 40,000.00 you stole from the residents through your cousin Fernando Pedroza? How come you are not running against him? When you talk about your family, are you including your godchildren? Remember, the ones you used in order to steal the house you live in from a deserving resident? I feel sorry for you Aide, with your 19,000 signatures.
19,000? The Lynwood registered voters do not amount to that many. What dis you do Aide? Lie again?
19,000 signatures. What a crock of sh-t. Proves again if she got 19,000 most of them were obtained illegal.
If you could read,you would know that the newspaper states 19,000 residents not registered voters. You call yourself a teacher? No wonder Lynwood education experience is a joke. Teachers like YOU LETICIA!
Yes, high school drop-outs like you always want to blame everyone else.
How about the other questions, Aide? No answer. By the way how did you count 19,000 residents when the only figure you know how to count is 40,000? That's $ 40,000.00 dollars. I am right Aide? You're only interested in money same as your cousin Fernando and friends Leticia, Louis Byrd, Alfreddie Johnson and the rest of your gang. Wake up Lynwood, do not vote for Aide, she's been corrupt for years.
Leticia, did you hear Aide yeling"yes on the recall"? She must be your worst nitemare.
To the blogger 8/20-6:59
Hey nubscull, did you actually mean 19,000 NOT registered voters have signed the re-call petition?
I hope you are smart enough and realize what you are saying. 19,000 signatures are fake.
Anyway before you make a statement about someone not reading right, here is what is said in that smot paper:
Aide Castro and Joanette Gutierez
to force the City to follow state law and respect the 19,000 Lynwood residents who signed the recall petition.
19,0000 signatures, what a crock od sh-t.
And by the way I'm not a teacher, my education level is much higher.
No more insults please.
Aide, where do you think you are going with your mob demonstrating?
Do you actually think you get more votes? All these illegal people you have bused in CAN'T VOTE. When do you start to see the light?
The good Citizens of Lynwood can not be scarred by your mob. Majority of voters think demonstrations like this are revolting, especially if the people demonstrating are not U.S. Citizens, and the majority of them can't speak english.
Looks like you pulling on the last and shortest straw. Give it up.
Over 4,600 signatures were collected per councilmember. Four councilmembers were recalled.
x 4
The amount was over 4,600 signatures per councilmember so I guess that is how the math was done to come up with the number of over 19,000 signatures.
Leticia are you that stupid that you couldn't figure that out? Wait I forgot you were never a real teacher. That explains it.
By the way Maria De Jesus Garcia from the Chamber has failed to tell everyone that she is not a US Citizen. She has a love child with Ivan Crosbie. She is an illegal immigrant herself. Ivan's wife is going to be very mad when she receives the picture of her husbands love child in the mail with a nice letter explaining what her husband has been doing. Most importantly she is not a Lynwood resident. The only reason she is protecting the council is because she knows that a new council will not continue to give her money. $196,000.00 were given to the Chamber. Maria De Jesus Garcia is already under investigation from Compton Community College for charging for students that were not attending her so called classes. She had one class that started with 30 students. By the end of the week she had 6 students. Maria charged for 30 students even though she only had 6. Then she continued to charge for 30 students claiming they need to retake the class. The college found out because the 6 students went to complain that they were not learning anything. Their was no teacher. Maria would put them to work in the office instead. In other words they became her free labor.
Everyone that has come out in support of the council does not live in the city of Lynwood. The people outside of City Hall chanting YES ON THE RECALL were all Lynwood residents. Better yet they were all registered voters.
Message to the Council:
Your political careers are over. You had two choices. One was to do the right thing and protect the residents of Lynwood. Or be brainwashed and suckered by Alfreddie Johnson to make the wrong choice and be recalled. You guys chose to be recalled. Now deal with the consequences.
Doing great in math Aide; counting each person 4 times. Is that the way you're planning to win? Counting each vote you get as four? And you claim you're not corrupt? And no, I'm not Leticia; I want Leticia out but I don't want you in.
Over 4,600 signatures were collected for each councilmember. The resident had to sign 4 times. Each recall was an individual petition. Anyone with basic education would be able to realize that over 19,000 signatures were collected. Are you that up the council ass that you can't see reality. I'm not Aide either....................
If Aide is corrupt then what word do we use for Leticia.
I know I know
pathelogical liar, and a ho ho ho.
Aide just tells it like it is.
Can you explain what corrupt acts Leticia has done? You never do that.
Waiting for the hit pieces on Leticia. Someone better hit this outgoing council. So far, I havn't seen anything effective.
Aide take your pills. You babble to much. Calm down, relax. You so fu--ed up you can't even get your lies straight. What the hell are you talking about. And what is the paranoia with Leticia? Why do you think every blog is written by her.
Maybe you should change doctors so you can get better medication and function better.
And, no, this is not Leticia!
P.S. Do you know math.
Witch vs. Witch (Leticia vs. Aide} Who's gonna win? Hopefully neither one of them. We Already know the damage they have done to the community. Do we want more of that? No, vote for someone else.
What damage has Leticia done?
What exactly did Leticia do that upset Aide so much. I would like to know. Please tell me about the crimes Leticia supposed to have commited. I'm still waiting for an answer. Do you have one? The only thing going against Leticia is, not to agree with that idiot Aide and her mob, which many other Lynwood citizens follow suit.
On the other subject, is profanity the only way you can express your self? Why the name calling? This is the typical mob mentality from Aide. And no, this is not Leticia.
People on the blog have you noticed here lately there are a lot of threats and profanity against bloggers that don't agree with Aide and her mob.
Is she getting desperate and resort to scarring people to agree with her?
Aide, Aide stop it, we all know who and what you are.
No, this is not Leticia.
Have you guys noticed how much credit people are giving Aide. Leticia thinks that everything is Aide's fault. It would be better if she would just accept that her lies and betrayal to the community is why we don't want her to represent us.
I agree, several people on here use name calling to defend themselves or the people they support. They take the easy way out and make accusatory comments of someone being Aide or Leticia instead of actually addressing the real issue.
It shows how ignorant and lacking in civility those people are. I'm surprised they're able to turn on a computer and let alone log onto the internet. It'd be nice if we can all act our age.
Well said blogger 8/27 - 12:27
I still would like to know what exactly Leticia did, and how she betrayed the community.
Can some one tell me?
What lies and betrayal of Vasquez? Explain
Last Friday some little kid walked up to my door and left me some propaganda authored (possibly) by that lady named Leticia. I am a legal, voting citizen of Lynwood and I am sincerely concerned with the steady stream of mob-led outbursts, both outside Leticia's office and at other strategically arranged locales. Where have they gotten the honorable citizens of Lynwood? Anywhere? I'm going to go with nowhere, fast. They're nice for boosting the Leticia-hating morale, but really, do we have anyone better to put up? Everybody is corrupt, everybody has a hidden agenda. I honestly have no idea who to vote for, last time I voted, I believed Leticia's lies... Thought she would do something decent, but we all know how that turned out... I am trying to make an informed decision here, I owe it to my city. I've read every single comment on this page, word for word, and for the love of (God/the English language [special emphasis on grammar]), try out spell check, mi gente. It really is a wonderful tool! On a similar note, your ideas would be much more credible without the show of emotions (i.e. the misspelled curse words, personal attacks, and general hate mongering). I know how heated issues such as these can get, but please, save the melodrama for the novelas. I'm not trying to defend anyone, but I was especially bothered by a blogger who went so far as to insult Aide's "illegitimate" children, if that particular blogger could please explain to me what a couple of kids have to do with any of this, it would be greatly appreciated. At the risk of sounding terribly cliché, pick on someone your own size! In closing, could somebody please post a link to the photographs, screenshots, documents, or whatever form of media available implicating Aide in this over-exhausted claim that she received $40K for her own personal benefit, I would be forever grateful.
I appreciate the comment dated Sept. 1, as far as showing proof about Aide; let me just say that Aide used her "god children" in order to qualify for the First Time Home Buyers program where the city of Lynwood gave her $ 40,000.00 in order for her to pay escrow fees on the house where sh presently lives. She also got that house at a bargain price because it was built under a city program. There are four houses together; the other ones that got the houses and $ 40,000.00 each were Yolanda, (Fernando Pedroza's sister-in-law) Victor Gutierrez, (presta nombres) the house actually belongs to Raul Varela Jr and Lorraine Reed's daughter. All of the applications are located at city hall and by the way these people's applications were brought to the front of the list, at the time they were 250 applicants in front of them. How do I know? I saw all of the documents.
Still waiting for an answer. What did Leticia do and how did she betray the community?
As for Aide (obviously you on her side)she is a thief, and I'm greatly alarmed that you are taking steeling $40,000 so lightly Blogger 8/27 - 10:11.
As for the blogger refering to Aides illegitimate children, I understand what he was saying. Aide has no morals and good judgement. She also lied and claimed 5 children to get her house.
Why would anyone want some one like this to represent them.
To make your decision easier, watch how many people on this blog have no commitment towards Aide, because they know her and how unqualified she is to manage a city.
Still waiting for an answer on what Leticia did.
P.S. Blogger try not to be so selfrighteous next time.
Aide:Start asking around so you can get more information about the cases Leticia has stopped.
See I believed the story until today. The application Maria put on her mailer only had 4 kids. Her 2 kids and 2 godchildren.
The other thing I know per her Biography is that she was on welfare. That alone tells me she was low income. When I applied for the city program I was asked for my taxes. In your taxes it shows how much you make and who your dependants are.
Your misinformation today proves to me you're reaching. I want real proof. The application is not enough. It obviously was not enough for Maria either. She had to move on and support her. Now it looks like Leticia is trying to use this against Aide.
Give me something better.
YES ON THE RECALL and ABA, Anybody but Aide. We are all morans if we elect that loud mouth thief Aide Castro to the Council.
If the blogger that posted at 10:12 AM, on September 01, 2007 is referring to me (blogger 9/1 - 1:16 AM) as being self-righteous, I'm forced to conclude that his or her comment may be motivated by jealousy, and I am disappointed that ANYONE'S zeal, not particularly my own, to do the right thing would be the source of it all. Again, if blogger 9/1 (10:12 AM) believes I am on Aide's side, he or she is mistaken again. I, at one point, considered voting for her after having met her and listened to her speak, but in light of events recently brought to my attention, I have been working towards either substantiating said events or ruling them out as rumors. This endeavor is obviously complicated by the fact that nobody can produce any physical evidence; everything I read on this site is considered hearsay, the only possible exception coming from the person that claims to have seen some documents in question at city hall.
Similarly, I might have come off as an Aide supporter by standing up for her "illegitimate" children, but the truth is I will always stand up for children brought into adult conversations solely to be scorned and berated for reasons out of their personal control. I was under the impression that the word "illegitimate" was being used as a noun on this thread, not an adjective, and I based that on the remarks made by a blogger at 7:18 PM, on August 05, 2007. Does anybody see the idiocy in doing something like that to children? Come on, now.
Can anyone answer the question what has Leticia done to betray our community? Nothing... that is why none of the hateful people can answer this question
Blogger 9-3/10:57, very impressive what you have to say, but no matter how smart you TRY to come across, you still don't get it.
I explain this to you one more time.
This blogger was not talking about
AIDES children, he/she was talking about Aides immoral, lying and thiefing character. Hope you get it this time, if not, you are the idiot.
BLOGGER 9/3-5:54, we know what you trying to do, we got you made.
People this blogger is trying to misslead you. If you don't want Aide Castro the lier and thief to succeed, you must vote:
My only comment is to vote YES on the recall of Leticia Vasquez and DO NOT vote for Aide Castro to replace her. If we do that we would only be replacing snakes, both deadly to our community. The other option that we have is to replace Leticia with Jim Morton; he might not be very sharp but he is not a thief like the above mentioned "ladies".
We know what Aide stole what did Leticia steal?
I don't know about Leticia, because no one has come up yet with anything she did, but there are plenty of charges agaist Aide.
Do not vote for her, she will stop at nothing to get her way. She has been rude, and has insulted so many people, everyone I know, that know Aide is so disgusted with her and her nasty ways, they would not vote for her if hell would freeze over. For example she still is harassing and lying about this Senior Citizen she attacked last month. Read the Lynwood Press. She just want let it go, and still telling lies about a Citizen, whats up with that?
Look, blogger 9/4- 12:32 PM, perhaps I should explain what I am talking about to you, because obviously, my reasoning escapes you. I understand that OTHER bloggers have attacked Aide’s character, but the one I am talking about brings the kids in. The blogger who posted on 8/5-7:18 PM had the following to say about Aide’s children. Mistakes and all, here it is, read closely, retard, “YOU WILL LOOSE.
I sugessed you stay home and take care of your illegitimate children.
Spend time with them instead of running around in the city trying to be somebody. They need you more then the citizens of Lynwood. But, as you did before when you choose the boys who fathered your children, you made the wrong choice - twice. I understand why no man want's to stay with you. Man don't like pu/as and witches.
Give it up Aide. You are a looser in your personal life and you will be a looser running for council.”
Now, do you want to sit there and tell me that is not bringing children “into adult conversations solely to be scorned and berated for reasons out of their personal control”? Really? Read it again if you must, let it sink in.
Thankfully, that is out of the way, now I will respond to the blogger(s) who repeatedly post their confusion as to what Leticia did, exactly. The following is sanctioned by Conny B. McCormack, the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, so any questions or concerns can be directed to her at:
12400 Imperial Highway
Norwalk, CA 90650
The grounds for the recall are as follows:
-Approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with Imperial Promenade, LLC for 350 acres of land not owned by the City to build a Power Center/NFL Stadium.
-Led the Council to increase residential water rates by 30% and increased trash rates despite the fact that the majority of Lynwood voters disapproved and objected.
-Admits to supporting the 10% Utility Users Tax and is opposed to any reduction or elimination.
-Guilty of nepotism: Created city positions to hire personal friends (Council Assistants) at an annual cost of over $104,000.
-Allowed crooked developers to pocket over $2 million of Federal Home Funds, which were never utilized for the development of new residential homes for Lynwood voters.
-Is under investigation and is constantly being watched by the Public Integrity Division of the District Attorneys Office and the Political Corruption Unit of the FBI.
So there you have it, Lynwood voters. All of that information can be found on page LA 001-025 of your Official Sample Ballot. I am not sure exactly when everyone should get his or hers by, but I got mine in the mail last week. I wish you all the best of luck, and please, educate yourselves before visiting the polls.
Lies Lies and more lies!
-Vasquez voted twice against the ENA
etc, etc, etc...........
your lies will get you nowhere!
You are sinking Aide!
You will not fool the entire community.
I am Aide's friend and I would like to clarify something on her behalf. At the age of 16 she became a teen mother. She married the father of her children when she was 5 months pregnant and stayed with him till she was 21 years old. She divorced him because he cheated on her with her cousin and the relaitionship became physically abusive. She then met met her 2nd husband who she is still married to. The only 2 children are from her first marriage. Aide has a great relaitionship with her ex husband. In her words because he is a great father but not a good husband. Her 2nd husband is also great with her kids and seem very happy. She's been married to him since 4 years ago. For someone who was a teen mom and on welfare at one point I think she's come a long way. I think she's a winner and not a looser. Most women who have gone through what she has, get stuck in a rut. I don't know why people think men don't want her, because that is simply not the case. She is just vey much in love with her husband. With sll due respect to her her husband is very handsome. I agree with the blogger that we shouldn't attack her children. Her children are not at fault and she's a great mother. She's also a great Nina. I wish some of you would take the time to know her before judging her. Everytime I have visited her home theirs lots of kids in her home. Her 2 kids, nephews, godchildren, friends of her kids, or her whole cheerleading squad. We make fun of her because she's always running around with kids. And if you don't think I'm speaking the truth go check her out at the middle school and see for yourself. Just ask yourself how many people can get along with their ex for the sake if their children. Not many, because I can't stand my ex.
One more thing. When you talk about Leticia to Aide. All she mentions is that she had high expectations for Leticia. And that she feels bad that she was not able to make the right desicions at the right time. Her exact words are Leticia went in fighting battles that weren't hers. She fought battles with out researching them, so in turn she made wrong desicions. We feel that Leticia's personal past has seriously affected her emotionally and it didn't allow for her to develop people skills. We see signs of her being Bi-Polar. We could be wrong, but their is something definately wrong with her. And we don't mean it in a bad way. We all experience things in our life that affect the way we behave. Aide took her failures and used them as inspiration and motivation. Leticia took her failures and uses them to take it out in men. Where are the men in her life?
If we are going to judge these women let's judge their abilities to be good councilwomen.
Aide Castro Supporter
Sorry Aide that is no justification for recalling Vasquez because all 5 councilmembers voted on those things and why are you only recalling 4? Your excuses are lame. Get over it! You never answered what did she steal and what makes her corrupt? Of course you will continue to LIE your way through the election that is who you are and what you are about!
Yes on the recall, no to Aide. She is just a plain embarassment to our community. ABA, Anybody But Aide.
Leticiia, have you cleaned out your desk yet? Aide will need lots of space to clean up all your misguided and destructive voting. I bet the girls at City managers office will be glad to see you go. They are so tired of all your b-day cards and "from the desk of". Your a joke and a slave driver to your poor old mother. Is she the only support you have? But, then again you are her spawn child.
Blogger 9-6/10:24, you didn't get it the second time, so you are an idiot.
As for the allegations against Leticia, nothing is substantiated and factual. Trust me, if all of this were true, she would be in jail by now. It's called allegations, in this case lies.
And just to educate you a little more, every government official is constantly watched, this is part of our system. Now, for some one who try to come across so know it all, you ought to know this.
With this said, I stop my dialog with you, because the more I read what you have to say, the more I understand how narrow minded you are, and I don't want to waste my time anymore on the same subject. Hope you make an intelligent decision and vote:
TO the friend of Aide, you said it, she was on WELFARE. Using other peoples money to get by. You sobbing piece of crap! With all the family she got, why didn't they support her? It was my tax money that supported her and her children. Other women have hard times, including my self, but I never took money from anybody. But this is Aide, she took money from taxpayers back then, she took $40,000 from taxpayers to buy her house, and lied about her kids, saying she has 5 to get that Hud House, but only has 2.
Now you expect people not to talk about it. You are out in left field darling.
I still have a hard time, and I still don't have a big house. Maybe I should lie and steal like Aide so I can have all these things too, and then have my frieds justify it.
This sobb story is going nowhere.
To the blogger 9/8-10:09
You are not confused, you got it right.
The only vision Leticia has is to enrich herself and she has proven time and time again. Right now she is trying to get money from businesses in the community. How do I know? She sent me a letter requesting money. But the again, Aide has the same vision as Leticia; both of them are snakes and they can poison our community. Vote YES to recall Leticia and vote for Jim Morton to replace her.
If I were narrow-minded, I wouldn't even consider spending my valuable time on this site looking to see what other people have to say about what is going on in Lynwood. That, I believe, is the exact opposite of narrow-mindedness, but this confusion with the English language is something I've come to expect of you. And another thing, I never said the "allegations" against Leticia were true or facts as you so stupidly imply I do. I merely shared the exact information I was sent by the County of Los Angeles, nothing more, nothing less. This is interesting, though, because if you haven't read those words in your own booklet, then you are most likely NOT a registered voter. Oh, and countless politicians have gotten out of many a political plight, so I won't "believe you" about how Leticia would be in jail by now. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of recent political happenings such as the Scooter Libby case, Karl Rove's fiasco, and the various crimes committed by that malfeasant people call President Bush; there is more out there than just Lynwood, you know. Our legal system isn't as foolproof as your simple little mind seems to think it is and I hope you realize that someday. I'd bet you've attended school somewhere in the United States before, seeing as you attempted to incorporate the word "dialog" (which is actually spelled D-I-A-L-O-G-U-E) into your argument and even if you're only twelve years old (as your cognitive development suggests) you might want to work a bit harder on your grammar. One last thing before I ever give you the time of day again: I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors, particularly your quest to successfully string together a logical English sentence (and before you type up some crybaby retort about how this isn't your first language, I'll have you know I mastered the Spanish language before learning even a word in English... Asi que, si se puede, even you!).
I want to join the ABA group. Leticia is actually the only one my family and I are voting no on the recall just because there's nobody better and we dislike Aide. I doubt Morton has a chance. He has no political clout. However, he will get my vote if the recall passes.
It's always the same losing candidates running. When will Lynwood get new people with substance? All this is great entertainment. I'm sure that if Aide wins, she'll be recalled soonafter just because so many of us don't like her.
Anyone But Aide!
We'll take Jim Morton over Aide the Bozo and Leticia anyday. Leticia had her chance and hasn't made a difference in our City. Aide is not even on Council and She already stole $40,000 of our tax dollars and is in the pockets of crooked developers Le Francis Arnold whole stole housing money from the City and fat Billy Martinez who is paying for Aide's campaign along with former City Attorney Arnold Beltran. Billy wants the City to keep funding his sweet haert deal and Aide already sold her vote to him. I hope we residents are not stupid enough to vote for Aide.
Blogger Sept. 10 - 1:35, what is your problem, you don't impress nobody you are boring.
News flash! Aide was arrested in the early '90s for cocain trafficing. It's in the FBI records.
Aide you have my support and vote!Your going to kick Leticia's ass at the poles. Your the leader of this community. Don't let no one get you down. You have the respect of the community and the vote. You've made history and the respect of all who know you. The hit piece on you is nothing but lies and envy. Your a leader and a history maker!!!!!!!!!
Blogger Sep 10 11:35pm
hay hay hay! muy chingon no?
-Fernando Pedroza
The mailer that came in today claims she tried smuggling cocaine. If this is true, then that's very sad. I have no reason to vote for her unless she can defend herself and refute these accusations.
You're right Aide started making history since she stole a house from our city plus $ 40,000.00. I hope that the above, is the end of her story.
Vote YES to recall Leticia Vasquez and Vote for Jim Morton to replace her; forget about Aide, she owns everything she has to Fernando Pedroza and Raul Varela.
why would Aide respond to a pack of lies. Any fool knows that if she had been guilty of this crime she would still be in jail. And what is even more ridiculas is idea that we could just call up the FBI and ask them. How stupid do you think the community is? Do we dial 5555-FBI? Thank your printer for making you look like an ass AGAIN for us.
Leticia is the one who looks like she's been on coke for ten years. She looks so wasted and old for a man in her thirties.You should start fundraising for your plstic surgery you desparatelly need.
Drug smuggling across the Mexican border?! Get out of here! Our people don't do that!!
The only thing Aide was carrying 13 years ago was her son.
Of course Aide Castro/Ortiz is going to refute the accusations.
(By the way these are not accusations, these are facts. It's in the FBI files) Aide will refute and lie just like she lies about everthing else. Like she claimed 5 kids to get this Hud house, and how she stole $40,000 from us taxpayers.
For the life of me I do not understand why anybody would vote for her. Just imagen what she will do if she get on Council. You think you have crooks now, think again.
Good Morning Lynwood,
I was not going to respond in regards to the mailer that was sent out by the Lynwood Concerned Citizens Alliance. But I will respond now. The mailer claims that I was arrested in 1994 for attempting to smmugle cocaine. I would hope that the citizens of Lynwood are smart enough to realize that someone caught crossing the border with cocaine would have a felony record and serve jail time. In February of 1994 my son was born. 3 months after the birth of my son I was already working. Their are several things that I am involved in that would not permit me to have a felony record. I hold a real estate license, I work for a bank, and I am a cheerleading coach. These 3 things require for an individual to pass a Live Scan backround check. A Live Scan will advise you if an indiviadual has any type of criminal record or arrest that has to do with drugs, alcohol, and fraud. If any of these things come up in your record you are automatically disqualified. I have never been disqualified.
I appreciate all the phone calls of support from my friends. Including those of Dr. Hananh and Lorna Hawkins. Both Hananh and Hawkins are members of the Lynwood Concerned Citizens Alliance and they have assured me that they were not aware of this hit piece mailer.
This mailer was created and printed by my cousin Fernando Pedroza, Leticia Vasquez, and their printer Angel Gonzalez. This can be verified by comparing the postage permit numbers on Pedroza's mailer and this hit piece mailer. I am embarrased that the residents of Lynwood might think that I am in any way, shape, or form like my cousin Fernando Pedroza. I will be taking legal action on this matter. I invite everyone to call me with any questions or concerns at 310-438-1569. On this hit piece mailer Pedroza and Leticia claim that the information they printed can be verified by the FBI, yet they printed no number for the residents to call. Pedroza and Vasquez were counting on people not taking the time to actually call the FBI. I challenge and invite a backround check.
I ask that we all focus on the real issue of this recall. This recall was caused by a project that puts at risk the community of Lynwood. So rather then the incumbents defending their position of support for this project, they've decided to destroy my credibility. The incumbents think that maybe the comuunity will support the project if they destroy the credibility of the candidates opposing it.
Aide Castro
I'm sure glad Aide is not refuting that she stole the house she lives in and $ 40,000.00. The cocaine thing might not be true but the house and the money, she cannot refute there is proof of it.
Thank you Aide, you answered and you are guilty of stealing.
Aide, it's
Smuggle not smmugle
Individual not indiviadual
Community not comuunity
Embarrassed not embarrased
And so on, and so on.
Whauw, now I believe that you never finished High School.
People we need literate people in office.
Ms. (although you are no where near being a lady) Ortiz aka Castro a.k.a. Cuellar and whatever other alias you might have used to clean your slate. You seem to take us concerned residents for fools. It is well known that your family including Pedroza is trash. Now you condemn your family (Pedroza) for his misdealings knowing full well you accompanied him on several of his trips to Mexico and profited from it.
The concerned residents should also look into the fact that you shot your father and another man, yes that is known to.
Another question the residents should be raising, is all the property Ms. Castro has been buying in California City and where did this HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT, COCAINE SMUGGLING BANK TELLER find the money to buy this property let alone start a beauty salon. All this from a person who illegally qualified for low income housing.
Also worth investigating is when you worked for a major credit corporation you would accept money to wipe peoples credit clean???
Do you really think the people of Lynwood will vote for someone who has stabbed their own family in the back. How can you expect people to trust you, when you don't even respect your own family.
Eventually all of your crimes will catch up to you and you will end up behind bars where trash like you belongs.
Yeah, Aide, why did you put down all those kids to steal $40,000 of our tax dollars to get that City house and then think it was ok when you paid back the money. A thief is a thief no manner you want to define the theft. Aide you are a thief and a load mouth one at that.
The wording of your response let me to believe that the mailer was correct. Shame on you.
"Fernando Pedroza"- Darn! Your patriarchal values tore right through your scornful remarks on my verbal savoir faire... I am not a man, or a boy for that matter, but this speaks volumes on your idea of what gender an educated person is. If you truly are Fernando Pedroza (but really, even if you're not Pedroza), this young erudite Chicana begs that you consider ridding your benighted brain of such horrible stereotypes. Without beating my feminist message into the ground, you would mainly be doing yourself the favor, but also every female you ever encounter for the rest of your life. Considere esto antes de una carrera como un cómico.
Aide the fact that you claim you have no criminal record now, doesn't mean you have not committed any crimes or that you have not expunged your criminal past.
Furthermore, if you were a minor, which perhaps you might have been at the time of the drug related offenses could have occurred, your record would be sealed.
So stop pretending an playing with words.
You can lie to the voters but cannot lie to your family members and close friends.
It would be more respectable for you to admit the truth, then and maybe then, those that know you and know the truth, would be able to forgive you stooping so low and for lying about what you're really after.
Power and money at whatever cost, even at the price of betraying our cousin Fernando Pedroza, whom you owe the very house you live in.
If Aide can betray his own flesh and blood, what can the residents of Lynwood expect?
En boca cerrada no entran moscas.
As someone who was stupid enough to travel with Fernando to Mexico I can tell you that Aide never accompanied Fernando to Mexico. I only saw her once in Talpa and that was with Andrea Hooper. We were all very surprised with her behavior. That's actually when I started to like her.
Fernando should be ashamed of himself. Because I have also met her father I can tell you that Aide never shot her father or any other man. Come on people. Are you guys really going to believe Fernando and Leticia. Even if she was a minor at the time. If she is 30 now that means she was 17. If anyone gets caught on the border with kilos of coacaine they will be prosecuted as adults. We all know how slow the system is, so by the time they went to court she would have been 18. You people are just ridiculous. And with the accusation of her shooting someone just proves it. God bless Lynwood.
9:35 p.m. September 17, 2007
Yes on the recall.....don't be an idiot. Just because your not endorsing Aide Castro does not mean you should vote no on the recall. The solution to this would be to vote for Jim Morton.
We simply need to vote for
1. Ramon Rodriguez
2. Jim Morton
3. Patricia Carr
4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Lets work for what we got...And for all you whiners always complaing about diversity...here it is in a silver platter.
Hell, beats having the corrupt council we currently have.....Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, and Johnson.
Para toda la gente que no quiere votar por Aide Castro, No quiere decir que votemos no para el recall.....Solamente quiere decir que deberiamos votar por Jim Morton.
Lo unico que deberiamos de hacer es votar por
1. Ramon Rodriguez
2. Jim Morton
3. Patricia Carr
4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Tenemos que trabajar con los candidatos que tenemos.....Y para todos los llorones que siempre lloran por diversidad, aqui esta en un plato de plata.
De todas maneras es mejor que tener a los corruptos de Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, o Johnson.
I find it hilarious that you human bags of shit would try and demean someone that instead of cowarding out of raising a child when it is your very culture that encourages this type of moral terpitude in women.
You hillbillies and your misogynist ideas. That's really the problem. You all mostly come from mountain folk. So of course you have no respect for education. Your reflexive response is to procreate as much as possible to have kids working on your farm.
It is really funny how much you exude your racism for white people on this blog but when you break it down, you're all exactly the same. Your insecurities about your skin colour amaze me.
You've gotta be really sick in the head to drag someobody's children into an arguments. It is indicative to your single-digit IQ and inability to form a cohesive argument for your ideas.
Its really funny how gullible people are. "Oh wow, they sent out a flyer claiming Aide tried to smuggle in cocaine 13 years ago. They even put on the flyer that it can be confirmed by the FBI!" Oh really. Well damn thats convincing! No refuting that at all! What asshole did Vasquez and Pedroza pull that out of?
Anyone with half a brain knows how
corrupt Aide is. I believe everything they say about her. I know a few things that would make your hair stand up on you back.
By the way, are you good folks in the development area aware that she is meeting with Mc Donald the developer in secret. Mmmmm, soon or later you will see how she is going to screw you too.
People open your eyes, think, she is using you for her own gain.
Yes on the recall.....don't be an idiot. Just because your not endorsing Aide Castro does not mean you should vote no on the recall. The solution to this would be to vote for Jim Morton.
We simply need to vote for
1. Ramon Rodriguez
2. Jim Morton
3. Patricia Carr
4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Lets work for what we got...And for all you whiners always complaing about diversity...here it is in a silver platter.
Hell, beats having the corrupt council we currently have.....Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, and Johnson.
Para toda la gente que no quiere votar por Aide Castro, No quiere decir que votemos no para el recall.....Solamente quiere decir que deberiamos votar por Jim Morton.
Lo unico que deberiamos de hacer es votar por
1. Ramon Rodriguez
2. Jim Morton
3. Patricia Carr
4. Jose Antonio Martinez
Tenemos que trabajar con los candidatos que tenemos.....Y para todos los llorones que siempre lloran por diversidad, aqui esta en un plato de plata.
De todas maneras es mejor que tener a los corruptos de Byrd, Pedroza, Vasquez, o Johnson.
BLOGGER 9/20-11:04
Who is the hillbillie? I thought they all left Lynwood.
It is amazing how everything turns out to be a racial thing. You people just dont give up, do you.
What does mountain folk and having babies to do with the shit that is going on right now in Lynwood. They are not involved in anything. What are you fishing for?
Are you on drugs, because you sound like you are really triping.
Maybe you got some of Aides left overs she brought across the border. And yes we do believe she did it. We happend to know her better then you think.
I am a Lynwood resident who will be voting in the recall election. Being a fairly new resident to Lynwood, I thought it would be a good idea to do some research on the recall and the candidates. After reading these BLOGS, I am full of disappointment. Rather than posting information, or reasons to support the recall or the candidates, people are slandering each other and using Lynwood Watch as a biased personal war against each other. Lynwood will never progress without progressed minds. Everyone claims accountability, but I haven't seen it first-hand. Just the fact that people post uder anonymous to threaten others makes me lose hope for Lynwood. I guess places like Downey and South Gate really are better...
"I guess places like Downey and South Gate really are better..."
Just like East LA and Huntington Park were once beautiful cities, Downey, Lakewood, Anahaeim will all share the same fate.
Yes to the Recall, No to Aide Castro. We want to move forward not backward a vote for Aide Castro is a vote for corruption.
The ABA campaign worked, now we just have to keep it up until Nov. 6th.
The people have spoken. Yes to the Recall. We got rid of one witch for the time being. We now need to get behind Jim Morton and get rid of both Leticia and Aide for good.
Aide, I hope that the new city council be brave enough to investigate the transaction when you "got" (stole from the community) your home and the $ 40,000.00 you took from all of us.
Well guys,
I hope you remember that the original plan was ABA and ABS. Anybody but Aide for City council and Anybody but Solache for School Board. ABA worked. Let's now concentrate on ABS.
You get behind Jim in November or maybe YOU would enjoy standing in front of him???????????????
How about:
que investiguen ala vivora sobre su casa 40.000 dolars que regrese la papa ok monchis
This is for Aide, it dont matter what you did in the past, because I can see that you have become a accomplished woman people just talk about you that way because like they say the truth hurts so dont mind them just let God do his work and you'll see,Santillan and all those motherfuckers will go down
Ni modo Aide, ve pidiendole prestado a Raul Varela para que pagues los $ 40,000.00 que le robaste a la comunidad. Dile que venda la casa a lado tuyo que esta en la misma situacion tuya, la de Yolanda Dominguez hijastra del mismo Varela y que tambien robo otros $ 40,000.00. Ojala y todo el mal que has hecho sea reconocido por la comunidad y te traten como lo que eres, una ladrona sin verguenza.
bueno aide ese tres casas que casualidad que los tres tienen que ver con algo ya sea familiar o x tambien la casa que conpro victor tu vecino el que trabaja con raul por las tardes y por la manana en el dpt de agua en la city explicamos como esta ese pinche pedoteee tu pusistes hijos chuecos victor nomas tiene una hija su esposa trabaja como esta ese rollon y todavia quieres robar mas nomames vivoritaaa osea aide the snake shiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiii tu solita te echaste la soga ensima y tellevastes aotros por las patas victor y la ijastras pidweles su voto no creo que te vallan apoyar menos raul varela si no le dio dinero ala hija de fernando que le dejo la difunta mama de herencia te va adar para tu canpana oyeaa como no ay raulito perdistes atu jerno fernie y tu hijastra ora que te pidieron la erencia dices que no es tu hija pero cuando andabas detras del contrato de las gruas que paso mi llernito vengase con su suegro que lo quiere mucho es cierto que el dinero ronpe asta las mejores familias pinches familias unidas donde estan en la quiebra gracias asu maldito langaros de dinero mas vale un platito de frijolitos con su respetivo quesito y su chile jalapeno y miranda una buena pelicula con la familia que no vatos par de ojales fernando dale las ultimas cojidas atu secretaria porque esas nalgitas van acanbiar de camote ok aunke sea de puros lenguetasos
to la disque alma gerrera mis huevos de seguro tanbien quieres casa gratis estas vien pendeja deamadresss
Aide , hang in there. Don't let a loser like Alex upset you on this blog.Alex is a no body without a job.He's hussleing Ramon for now.But remember Alex was trying to kiss your ass for a job? Alex can't pull off a recall and we can. so,tomarrow is another day. Still backing you up!
Yes, back up Aide when she hits you for a loan to pay the $ 40,000.00 she stole from the community; she will also need you when she gets indicted for the house she lives in. Back her up because she will never win an election in Lynwood. She might win an election in jail.
Give us something better. Aide didn't buy the house, and the $40,000.00 were paid a year after her husband received the grant. Get over it.
The ones getting indicted will be Ramon and Maria for taking money like Fernando and the rest. The truth will come out. Don't throw a rock when you live in a glass house.
Aide: Give us proof that you paid the $ 40,000.00; if you did, that's proof that you stole the money in the first place. Now, what are you going to do about the house? I'm hoping that you give it back to the community that you stole it from.
How can you expect anyone to get over beeing cheated out of $40,000. Lynwood voters should never let this go. How dare you sugggest we forget about it. It's our money Aide stole. And even if she paid it back, which she hasen't, the fact remains she stole it. And how about the drug incident? What about the welfare she got? She is always taking money from hard working people and will continue doing so if she ever get on council.
She must be stopped, or else we will be victems of theft by Aide again.
You think the outgoing council was bad, the incoming will be much, much worse. You will see soon enough.
She paid the money back because she had to to refinance just like any other resident that took the loan in the first place. Go to city hall and ask for the information regarding her house. Are you guys that stupid to think someone can steal a house. The loan was given by HUD not the city. Ramon and Maria are just hating on her because they can't prove their stupid allegations. Hopefully Aide will go thriugh with the law suit against Ramon and Maria now for making her application public. Let's see what bull shit excuse they come up aith now. the fact is Aide has always been honest. Aide is passing out her record where it shows she has no criminal record. Aide always backs up her talk with prof. Ramon, Maria, Fernando, and Leticia just talk but never do they show proof. It doesn't take a genius to realize they are scared of Aide. The part of her receiving welfare was made public by her on her web site. That means she is not hiding it. www.aidecastro.com see it for yourself. Ramon and Maria, this community is not stupid if the rest are guilty so are you guys. You guys took money to. Don't trhow rocks when you live in a glass house.
Aide, the First time homebuyers program is being run by the city not HUD; report how it really happenned, not how you want the community to perceive your crime. You got the money, you got the house; not Ramon or Maria or anybody else. Don't try to spread your poison to others. I guess "Aide the snake" is a good name for you. Citizens of Lynwood, please do not vote for Aide, she is a con artist.
By the way, Maria Santillan has her own problems; getting a house for way under the market price and then giving a full time job at city hall to the developer. She did the same thing that Congressman Cunningham did in San Diego. The developer's name Arsenio Fontela; look it up, he works at city hall, his employment started one month after he sold the house to "Silicone" Santillan.
Aide paid back money she should have never received in the first place. Stealing is stealing. She worked with Mark Fullerton of the City Housing Department and Fernie Pornoza on this scheme and rigged the application. What more do you need to know, don't be stupid, ABA Anybody But Aide.
The bottom line is, that Aide lied on the application for her Hud House. Aide put down more children then she really had to qualify.
She lied, she stole, she is a crook like all the rest of them trying to run this City.
Do not vote for Aide Castro.
By the way Aide, take that nasty looking couch of your front porch. You are not in T.J. It's against the City Code. Running for City Council you ought to know this.
We hear that Aide is frigid.
Stop it Alex! what happen, Aide turn you down? ABA, Anybody but Alex.
Blogger 10/10-5:35
I don't need to kiss Aides ass to get a job, I have one. And trust me, before I will kiss her ass, she will kiss mine. Trust me.
I had a job when Aide was on welfare, and I will have a job, when she is in the unemployment line, or when she scheem money out of someone.
Again, Aide get that nasty couch of your porch. This is the kind of sh.t people talk about Lynwood being a dirty City. Sh.t like a nasty couch on the front porch. Just like in T.J, and in the back woods in the south. What is next Aide? Are you going to put your washer and dryer on the porch also?
Trash, trash, I guess you never change. You should be ashamed.
I know a few Citizens, Code Enforcement made them move their couch and chairs from their porch,
why are you getting away with it?
Are you in bed with some one in Code Enforcement, or are you intimidate them to?
Special favors again huh. Just like the $40,000.
People of Lynwood do not vote for Aide Castro/Ortiz, she is getting away with way to much the ordinary Citizen of Lynwood cant even dream of.
This is the response everbody expects from trash. Aide, just take the damned couch of your porch.
Haven't you trashed Lynwood enough already.
Aide, without a doubt you are a thief. Your cousin Fernando Pedroza thaught you good.
Aide, no hay duda eres una ladrona. Tu primo Fernando Pedroza te enseno muy bien.
Aide, es cierto lo que nos dice tu familia?
More to come.....
Ella habla mucho pero es puro culo!
Aide es la perequita del barrio. Translation the Town Parrot. We are not sure who Aide resembles more, the actress that played the Wicked Witch of the west or the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.
It probably should be ABFA "Anybody But Fucking Aide"
Leave the City parrot face Aide, nobody wants you here.
Que lastima que el papa de Aide Castro sea manipulado para decir algo que no es verdad. Cuando los hijos crecen dejan de ser ninos, ninas y crean para si mismos una imagen propia. No dudo nada que cuando Aide era nina fue buena, pero ahora no; se ha convertido en una vibora ambiciosa, no piensa para hacer el mal ni para robar, no importa quien se le ponga enfrente. Senor Ortiz, le sugiero que no entre en los terrenos que esta pisando su hija porque puede salir muy lastimado y defraudado hasta de su propia familia. Aunque usted y yo no queramos, la realidad es que su hija se comprometio mucho cuando le regalaron la casa y los $ 40,000.00 y ahora tiene que responderle a la sociedad y a la justicia por ello.
Leave the parrot face with down syndrome alone! It's not her fault she is a high school drop out!Blame it on the sorry Lynwood teachers.
Yeah, but the parrot face is a licensed real estate agent of the State of California. Big deal, you do not have to have a high diploma to be a real estate agent. I know many agents that can't even read or speak english. Hell even Jacinto, Juan Enciso are agents but atleast they took it a step farther and atleast they are brokers. ABA
You guys are funny. That drop out that you guys are referring to still makes more money then any of you guys and already owns businesses. She even put her husband through school. All I know is that you guys are just scared of her. She intimidates the hell out of everyone. She had said it herself. She is no angel. She knows she's a bitch. That is what corporate America has taught her. She is a cut throat business woman, and that is exactly what city hall needs. Not a crazy old man with no back bone.
Blogger, October 26th - 11:37
I agree with everything you say, but there is one thing that will cost Aide the winning vote, and this is respect. She don't have it. It is one thing to be a bitch in the Corporate world, but to be a bitch to people who's vote she needs is political suicide. My self, I like what she stands for, but because of her disrespectful ways I have not voted for her the first time, and I will not vote for her again. You know as well as I do, she needs every vote she can get, because she is way behind. I know, maybe one of her friends, or Aide herself will answer f... you we don't need your vote. This is what she said before, and precisely this attitude will make her lose again.
No matter what you say, its ABA.
Respect is the key word. Aide does not have any respect, Self respect and respect for others. Remember we voted out the previously council because they disrespected the community by not hearing our voice. Aide I agree would be a bad selection for our communiy at this point. Say what you want but given what I've seen Aide will lead us in the wrong direction. ABA
Trust me, Aide does not make more money then I do. I was not a bitch when I climed the corporate ladder. All you have to be is intelligent. Aide is far from that.
Being a bitch will get her no where. People in the corporate world do not have to deal with anyone like this, because it's an embarrassment to the big wheels. Can you imagen, she would be in a meeting and act like a bitch. I don't think so. There are enough people that are educated and do not have to be a bitch to get things done.
Funny funny funny
Aide starts the recall. Writes the petition. Get's the community organized. Helps Ramon get elected. Sue's on behalf of the residents. Yet you guys still think she doesn't deserve respect.
Did she get help? Yes, she did. But why did people agree to help her. Could it be because they saw an opportunity to run? Did she include Ramon and Maria in all her meetings? She sure did. Ramon and Maria would just sit their while Aide would include them in everything even giving them credit they didn't deserve. Aide has got the bad end of this stick. But she will win this November 6th. The community is making sure of that. Her signs are at peoples homes not just in public places. We the community know who put their neck on the line for us. She recalled her own cousin, and swallowed her pride to work with Ramon and Maria. Just remember that the truth always comes out. Ramon and Maria's truth is very interesting. Just look into who is Arsenio Frontela, JB Contruction, and Abel Haleu. Why did Ramon and Maria have Arturo Fierro ready to take position? Back door politics that's why. But Aide's boys came to the rescue. Now we have Salinas from South Gate. Too bad Ramon and Maria convinced their pupett Morton to hire Royce Jones for redevelopment. But's it's okay that will also be fixed. Ramon and Maria think that we are not paying attention. Big mistakes because we are well aware who Royce Jones is. Maria should be ashamed to support him. Her of all people. Mrs I took down Paul Richards. What a joke she is. One more thing Mrs Godoy I don't know you but you are so naive to think that Ramon and Maria are good for us. It looks like in your absence they became corrupt like Mr Pedroza. Get your story straight before you open your mouth.
You have to be a complete moran to support and believe in Aide.
Aide is a bozo.
Aide is desperate, which could be dangerous. To make a story about someone wanting to kill her, is unbelievable.
I pray every day that God puts the write people on the council. Even if it's someone I don't support, like Aide.
Let's all pray that the people that are elected tomorrow are the people that HE chooses, not us.
What Corporate world has Aide been in?
High School drop outs cant touch the corporate world with a ten foot pole. Where does the idiot come from thinking Aide has experiance with this invironment.
Countrywide, Aames,and GTE trained her. She's been working since she was 16. Stop hating and accept that drop outs don't always have to be statistics.
Trained Aide to do what? Working since she was sixteen where?
Again, big corporations will not touch a high school drop out with a ten foot pole. How stupid are you to think educated people don't know any better and have REAL experiance in the corporate world.
I recrute people for one of the biggest corps. in the world, take my word for it, I know how it works. Aide would not have a chance in hell.
Well I guess you are wrong. Aide has worked for these companies so I guess she got her chance in hell. She got her GED at 18 and started working for GTE at 19 as a customer service rep. She worked herself up the ranks very quickly. At 16 she was working in retail. After GTE she went to Countrywide right after she got her Real Estate License. If you looked at her resume you would be recruting her. The fact is you obviously don't know her and you are judging her based on what someone has told you about her.
Judge Aide on what she will do next, forget about the past where she stole $40,000 thats old news and over 800 didn't care about that anyway. Aide was helped heavily in her campaign by Fat Billie Martinez and former City Attorney Arnoldo Beltran. Lets see how she votes on items that involve those two fat bastards. Billie has a project coming up in Casa Grande that was a bad deal for the City to begin with and now requres some action by the City. Arnoldo will be pushing for some legal work from the City. Watch carefully.
First of all I do not judge anybody. Second, I do know Aide, and you are full of bull about her accomplishments. Also, I know the difference between a honest resume, and a resume where accomplishments are fabricated, which more likely Aides resume is. Everybody knows she is a habitual lier.
OK,what a tangled bunch of words the last blogger wrote. (Nov.23 @8:55) I don't judge anyone, (but in this case I will). Your telling someone that her accomplishments are made up and you the know the difference between an honest resume and a dishonest one. Then you make the statement that mostley her resume is false. So your telling me, you really haven't read her resume, right? Isn't that judging someone?
Aide has NO RESUME!
Talk to 8:55 this person seems to think she has one.
Well I guess you are wrong. Aide has worked for these companies so I guess she got her chance in hell. She got her GED at 18 and started working for GTE at 19 as a customer service rep. She worked herself up the ranks very quickly. At 16 she was working in retail. After GTE she went to Countrywide right after she got her Real Estate License. If you looked at her resume you would be recruting her. The fact is you obviously don't know her and you are judging her based on what someone has told you about her.
Try a better one guys. Do you guys really think we would be falling for this one.
Try a better one guys. Do you guys really think we would be falling for this one.
November 28-7:54
You are a genuine idiot. I guess my words to YOU are tangled, thats why you repeat them. Bottem line, and I hope you get it this time, Aide is a liar. It's her second nature. Got it?
Ugh, you guys giving me a headache. Bottem line is, Aide is not educated enough to make intelligent decisions. She is useless.
5:06PM, how do you spell bottom? Why would I believe anything you write? You write like you think, poorly!!!!
5:06PM, how do you spell bottom? Why would I believe anything you write? You write like you think, poorly!!!!
11:43, Hello Teacher, I did not asked you to believe anything. The one who is thinking poorly is You. I never claimed to be a writer or a winner of a spelling bee. On the other hand, I can tell that you have not much to say and nitpick on small things trying to hide your own short comings. I hope your narrow mind understand this. With this said, I'm done giving you any more of my time and space on this blog.
You are way out in left field.
Bottem line, Aide is still a liar and not intelligent enough to be in ANY leading position.
Aide thought she was going to be like her cousin Pedroza and Paul Richards just changing things because she thinks she has the majority. Way to go Martinez and showing that you are not a pawn for that load mouth Aide.
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