Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lynwood Recall Attorney Submits $266,000 Bill

Lynwood, CA - Local newspaper reports that attorney for Aide Castro and Joanette Gutierrez submits bill for $266,000.

Read story here.


Anonymous said...

I have no problem with the attorney fees. My tax dollar and my house that got saved from greedy developors. The attorney is well worth the money says 800 residents.Lets don't forget how much the Mayor has cost us in legal fees for personnal screw ups.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes on Measure II

Yes on Measure II

Anonymous said...


I'm sure you have no problem with the lawyers fees. What about the rest of us tax payers who don't want to pay for it. I guess you are against the UUT also.
Where is this money going to come from? This developement would have given the city a big boost, and for once we could have all the quality of live other cities have.
Oh well, you see already what a big mistake this was.
Prostitutes, graffity, drugs, gangs, filthy streets etc., etc.
The city is going down, down, down.

Anonymous said...

No way! Aide Castro the one who talked about Santillan's "attorney bill" and now she's in the same situation.

At least Paul Richards is behind bars. This last recall was to get in office.... all four of them used the project to recall the council.

Anonymous said...

The recall was supported by everybody and now, no one wants to pay the bill? w.t.f?

Anonymous said...

only the moulinyans wanted this project

Anonymous said...

Its true....

The F#cken Calderon's are the first ones that should be ashamed of themselves.

The Calderon's are the worst free loaders in the city of lynwood. Yet, they are the main ones that are against the UUT. What I don't get is why in the hell are they against the UUT if they don't even pay into it. If it doesn't pass, they are going to be the first ones to b*tch and complain about services being cut. I JUST HOPE THAT IF THE UUT DOESN'T PASS, THE FIRST THING THEY CLOSE IS THE SENIOR CENTER!!!!THEN WE'LL SEE WHERE THE CALDERON'S LIVE.

It makes no sense when they claim that fire and police services are being subsidized by the state. Its not true, but even if it were....WHAT IS THEIR REASON AND MOTIVE FOR THEM NOT WANTING THE UUT TO PASS?

What are they getting in return if the UUT doesn't pass? Is it because they are upset that the new council is not giving them free food at the council meetings or because they are not getting the attention they use to get from the old corrupt council? I'm not saying this council is not corrupt, but at least they are not as bad as the old council was.

Freakin' Calderon's......they should go feed off a dumpster where they belong. Damn Dirty ol' Free loaders....DIE ALREADY AND LEAVE LET THE CITY OPERATE AS IT SHOULD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Measure II will NOT pass. I've dropped the whole city and every elementary school in this city with flyers that reveal the truth about the UUT.Not one REAL resident is willing to pay this unfair tax. In addition my volunteers and myself have been thanked by dozens of REAL residents for watching city officials every move and revealing the truth to them.I stand firm when I say that the UUT will NOT pass.And I stand firm on I WILL continue my crusade against unfair and corrupted council members. And to the one, who hopes I can afford my crusade?GOD will provide.Always has and always will.
Sylvia Ortiz (not anonymous)

Anonymous said...

Sylvia you are nothing but talk. The UUT will pass. Don't forget you have no power and more importantly you have no money behind you. In the past, people with money have just used you and that's how youhave gotten your message across--This time that's not happening! We offered you a job and you refused. Stop complaining.

Anonymous said...

What is a moulinyan?

Anonymous said...

You really should not bring God into this, especially when you have not ever stepped foot in church. If you are so fed up with the City Council why don't you run next year???? We all need a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

bye bye bye debra jacson gregg woods and all the aces cards sincerly a city enployee no on uut tax this people makes over a $120.000 a year for not doing shit yes only smoking cigarrets that "s why the city is so broke think about autra adams she was making alots of money we dont care if the city dont give a raice i prefer not to see these people getting alot of money no more thank yuo a city enployyee and put your 3 percent in yuor ass hole you need it more than me

Anonymous said...

We get enough laughs with the current clowncil

Anonymous said...

That's the problem. It probably is an employee of the city...

We need the mayor to step up and lead.

Inside and outside city workers need to have measurable expectations. Make each department accountable, and when residents repeatedly complain... that should be the worst thing that can happen prior to removing someone from city employment.

Anonymous said...

How could I compete? Eight mailers to residents telling lies.Your right,I don't have money but I have guts.My poor community is so nieve and unaware of city hall dirty tricks. The sad thing is,the residents think that elected officials are the good guys.Latino politicians are financially raping thier own people.Elected officials are a gang of thier own,they just dress better.Believe me,I've learned the hard way.I've been on both sides and choose to support the raza.At least I know who I can trust and who I can't.I'm completely sick of Lynwood politics.Politics is just another addiction.One I can do without.I've seen canidates sell thier sole to be a council member.I've seen one go to jail for years and others who still don't know thier fate.And some current council that don't know what's in store for them. You can have it. Sylvia Ortiz (not anonymous)

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I witness the Calderons doing a good dead.... passing turkeys out at Plaza Mexico. I wonder how many turkeys they were given for their good deed.

p.s. This site is getting very boring.