Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mayor Protem Castro Hired by District

Lynwood, CA - Local newspaper reports that the Lynwood Unified School District has hired Aide Castro for a newly created position.

Read story here.


Anonymous said...

How did she pass the test?

Anonymous said...

Is it legal ??

Anonymous said...

In the business world it is called conflict of intrest, and that's illegal.
Here we go again, cronyism, a repeat what the last council did.
Favoritism shown to cronies with- out regard for their qualifications

Anonymous said...

c.mon people with that buddy call who needs a test? just ask dr lal did he enjoy that big ass? tremendo pedorron que te cargas aide con eso no ocupas aser linia que esperen los pendejos que aplicaron primero verdad ellos no tienen semejante culote pobre de tu marido como se mira de curioso con esos cuernotes de chivo meeeee" los que aplicaron para esa posicion deverian demandar al distrito por falta de respeto si uno va ala escuela es para aprender a respetar y educarnos sobre los derechos pero tenemos pura corrupcion enpesando desde los de arriva ellos deverian poner la muestra por eso nuestros hijos no aprenden nadad y que les podemos decir alos hijos si el mal lo ponen ellos los del distrito de mi parte vallanse ala mierdad pinches lacras saludes al cuernudo de tu marido aide

Anonymous said...

Castro is a high school drop out. How do you think she will pass the test. Well...someone will have to give her rhe answers like they did for the GED and the real estate exam.

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

Castro doesn't even have a high school diploma.Nothing ever changes.The corruption goes on and on.Castro cheated to get a house and now she's cheated to get this job.She has no shame,what a horrible example she is to our youth.I don't EVER rembering seeing her at ANY school site council meetings or any PTO meetings.She has no academic status.Not even a GED.But, yet she has this position.You gotta admitt, she works faster than Fernando.Sadly,there's no difference.

Anonymous said...

You guys whomever you are are sad. How do you know if she has a diploma or not, I know she does. Also she took her own test and yes she is articulate and understand. I would say it is to the entire community's advantage to have a parent, resident, and council person working with the school district. Someone has to be awful jealous of her to take note of everything she does because she has to be pretty busy to do all that she does. And just for the record, the Real Estate is an EXAM, that is proctored by the state. In other words a state government official gives the test and you can not just get the answers, this entails reading, writing and math. You have to know how to count because there are things called principles and points to be calculated but now you wouldn't know this unless you were in real estate. I commend the young successful lady, notice she does not trash talk like you, but someone in the city who has been here 40 years like me needs to put you in check because don't you want the city to succeed and prosper or are you still stuck on that one block horse town you rode in on. Leave that Lady alone and find something else to do with your time and stop looking in the Dr. bed and pay attention to your own. Maybe if you were watching you, then you wouldn't have so many babies and your baby would not be having a baby.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that comment didn't make any sence. What about Jim Morton who sits on the personnel commission? Why isn't anyone trash talking him?

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me, why Princess is still Mayor? How self absorbent this which is. Mayor two times in a row? The Mayor should have gone to the Mayor pro tem.Just like we agreed a year ago. Maria, do you suffer from long term memory?Because I don't! I will remind you and the community of all your wrong doings.And there's plenty to tell.(remember,,,,,,,,?)
Sylvia Ortiz

Anonymous said...

9:55am - 12/4

Let me put YOU in check!
It is obvious that you do not know
Aide Castro as well as some of us do.
She is successful doing what? Do you have any idea what being successful means? (Having achieved wealth or eminence)Something Aide has not, and is far from it. Trust me.
Apparently you never have heard her trash talk either. Hmm
What is she doing for you, how do you benefit, her having this position?
Aide Castro has nothing anyone would be jealous of. It seems to me, you are the one from that one horse town. You haven't got a clue on what is going on, especially with Aide. And further more, where do you get off talking about people having babies?
Is it because you don't have any?

Anonymous said...

What are Aide Casro's qualifications:
*high school drop out
*drug dealer
*expert at committing fraud and falsifying home loan documents
WOW! She'll do a great job with Lynwood parents!

Anonymous said...

Yes Sylvia, I agree, there's plenty to tell, your story will be told in due time (remember,,,,,,,,?)

Anonymous said...

How about we talk about the last Council meeting. How many more changes will there be with commissioners? Who was Aide talking about an employee attending a school district meeting? since the employees dinner was cancelled and why is the city spending so much money on the commissioners dinner? Oh, i forgot election is coming up and the bitch needs votes.....hey silivia why arent u talking shit about that?

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, what's this about "we agreed a year ago". Since when have you been part of the negotiations? Who agreed? You sound like Alex Landeros.

I know there are some messages that are being played where you call and leave voicemail messages about who should be Mayor in 2007. I don't think you want them played, YOU ARE EITHER DRUNK OR HIGH.

Still mad at them for not hiring your husband to work for the City?

It was Castro, Rodriguez, Flores and Morton who reappointed the Mayor. You had no "SAY SO" in this matter.

Oh and bruja in English is spelled w-i-t-c-h.

Anonymous said...

Santilllan is far from a Princess. She is another high school drop-out that has achieved nothing in life but lie,cheat and steal. She is a haggard old vieja with lipo, chin job and the big T's and other plastic surgery she has done on taxpayer dollars!
She has lived and continues to live on the backs of Lynwood residents. It's no surprise that before she got elected she was livivng in a 1 bedroom apartment she rented from her partner in crime Ramon Rodriguez and 6 years later she has a new house, new cars, plastic surgery etc... You do the math. How does this benefit administrator or secretary do it? Stop the corruption!

Talk to Larura Alderete about about how Sillicone bragged about her plastic surgey. She bragged to her about it for days after the surgery. Sillicone Santillan is just another idiot with a suit in Lynwood.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I haven't traveled to Talpa 6times on the tax payers back. And I didn't vote for Angeles Field.
I didn't charge the tax payer for going to Lynwood city events.I haven't cheated on my husband at Travel Lodge with a old man.
I don't stay at New York New York resort in Las Vegas when attending a conference. I don't make the tax payer pay for a special $900 carriage for the parade.I don't live in sin and pretend to be a saint.I'm not screwing Johnathan Collin. And my significant other isn't e-mailing x employess in his pass time. Shall I go on,or should I just save it for November hit Pieces.I'm seeling all the dirt I have on her for $1.And let's don't forget all the money laundrying that she's done. She will rue the day she decided to f me.Sylvia Ortiz (not anonymous)

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the city employee party? I can count on one hand of employees who are worth a shit.And it's not dept. heads. It's the low paid and over worked shmuck that does all the work while department heads take the credit.And ya, your right! It is election time and the Mayor haters are all lined up.Let count how many haters I know,,,,,
Fernando Pedroza and father in law
Leticia Vasquez,Louis Byrd,Johnson,city employees,her neighbors,her x husband,her son,Arturo Reyes,Armondo Rea,Sylvia Ortiz,most of the commissioners,all of blockwatch,Alex, and I even think Lucy has had with her.All these people make a mean recipe.

Anonymous said...

toda la bola de gentes que se mencionan en el comentario: 1:02 PM, December 16, 2008 son una sarta de corruptos, piratas, degenerados y gente de muy baja calana.. que asco!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Sylvia's comments, and even though 10 or 20% may be true in a distorted, dysfunctional interpretation (which is normal for Sylvia) it sounds to me like she is more jealous than anything else. Most of these comments have nothing to do with the city, city business or taxpayer money. I'm not saying that they are true or false either way, but what does cheating on your husband have to do with Lynwood taxpayer money. Hell, I cheated on my husband, and did it from Downey! Most of her comments sound like she is whining and stomping her foot, because she wants to be treated like an elected official, and she's not!, "I didn't get to go to Talpa" I didn't get to go to Vegas", "I didn't get to ride in the parade". Come on Sylvia, wise up! You don't put your trash out on the curb for everyone to see until the day the man is going to stop by and scoop it up!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, how did she "f u"? Did she strap a dildo? Or, is this part of the cosmetic surgery?

Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

Anonymous said...

It's all about living and learning from our mistakes. Excuse me, if I expect my elected officles to behave like respectable adults. Be a positive example of what you've suffered or encountered in your life.How can one point a finger at someone eles when they have 2 to 3 fingers pointing back? Only a hipocrit does that.If you are unable to live a respectable life within your own family, than how can you be trusted with the fate of other families. Our Mayor has no care for the people of this city or the issues that plague it.What has she done? What legecy will she leave? The only legecy I know is that she was the one councilmember that got away with lying to the community. See, she also would have sold out 800 families to John Mc Donald
just like the rest.And I covered her by not telling or exposing her.Boy, I regret that!!!!!!And how did she appreciate that? By trying to intimidate me with legal threats to discourage me from exercising my first amendment. "Freedom of Speech" during the utility tax issue. I don't feel as though I failed.When I look at the numbers, I only need half of that to get her unelected.So my grassroot effort gave me stats on what I need to do next November. She's been there long enough.Six years and now she may be on council for 8 more years? HELL NO!Put a fork in her,she done!!! Sylvia Ortiz (not anonymous)

Anonymous said...

Sylvia's just mad because Maria took her $50 a month commissioner check. Hey you should have your friend Aide give it to you or maybe have her get you a "job" you don't have to show up to like her. Don't hate imitate!

Anonymous said...

To the follower,if I were a councilmember,I wouldn't take advantage of it. I would use the tax payers money to benifit the tax payer. I wouldn't make him pay more or manipulate my own people with lies. Our Mayor is out of touch with the people of Lynwood. When is the last she has went to a funeral of a innocent murdered teen? When has she lobbied for a drug rehab. You can get any drug you want in this city, but there is nowhere you can go to get clean. Our Mayor lives in a bubble. She lives in a beautiful home with three brand new cars. All her children NEVER attended Lynwood schools.She has no clue of what our resident need.She shops in malls and travels for free and stays in the most expensive hotels when she is SUPPOSE to be conducting city buisness.I'm still waiting to hear what our council learns from these costly trips.So far,nothing earth shattering.Our Mayor lives high on the hog while the rest of us can bearly make it.She doesn't represant us. And I plan to expose all the abuse of power and cover ups that she has been involved with. Stay tuned,,,,

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sylvia don't get mad get elected the the Lynwood City Council. Maria led a more miserable life than you do before getting elected to the Lynwood city council. Remember the one bedroom rat hole she lived in that she f!#$!* Rodriguez for. She was bankrupted, no cars, and no home and look now. We see Aide learned well from the others look at her too. She went from welfare recipient, to committing fraud to get a house to the Lynwood city council and new found CASH. Get with the program. Run for Lynwood city council and get yours!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia let me help you along a little bit.
If you are using, by your standards big words, make sure you spell them right.

Hipocrit = Hypocrite

Next time use two - faced, it's easier to spell for you.

Anonymous said...

Some characteristics come with being a responsible human being. Have you heard of the term, "different strokes for different folks"? Priorities, responsibilities and choices have lots to do with TOMORROW (our future).

Responsible - Keeping a job for over 20 years.
Priorities - Deciding whether to pay a mortgage vs. partying.
Choices - Paying for private school (St. Emydius in LYNWOOD) vs. public education.

Just so you know, Maria's kids are full-time students with full-time jobs. They all have their own vehicles, two of them are paying for their own brand new cars. Mommy doesn't pay - she taught them responsibility!

Oh and it's not being lucky, either. I THINK IT'S BEING BLESSED!

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with being blessed. Just ask Arturo Reyes if Maria has paid him his $ 5,000.00. She steals from everybody and then she claims she is cleaning Lynwood. She sure is cleaning it out of their money.

Anonymous said...

Who is Arturo Reyes? I have heard that name before?

Anonymous said...

Becoming a councilmember in this city requires one to sell out. To take money and launder it to pay for mailers.In order to be in you must break the law first.I found out up close how to become a councilmember.You need money to compete,and since most of us don't have an extra 40k to run, a canidate must take the money from the buisness people who own this city.Some of the owners are frequent visitors to council meetings. They show up to remind the council who paid for thier election.You'll see contracts voted for that don't make any sence to the resident. Like the tow contract that recently went to H.P. tow. They charge the highest fees for retreeving ones car. What about the residents that are victomize by theft? They should be exempt from the charge. But that issue didn't come up.I'm sure that some deal was cut to screw the resident harder. A smart lady told me once, if I wanted to idenify corruption,to follow the money. And I have,And I have uncovered tons of money laundering that is being turned over to the D.A.'s office. The corruption isn't just owns a new face.I never thaught in a million years that I would be the D.A.'s friend. See, how life can take many turns?

Anonymous said...

Se repite la historia otra vez en Lynwood con esta nueva posision.

Raquel es la unica que tiene sentido comun en la mesa directiva.

que se puede esperar del idiota de solache que lo unico que sabe es ir a Bailar con Alfonso al Circus saben que es eso ???? pregunte y yo les digo VERDAD SOLACHE???

Se repite la Historia en Lynwood

Anonymous said...

What? no responce to my comment regarding "how to be a council member in Lynwood".When I'm right,I'm right.Second step to becoming a elected official is to degrade,lie,and expose the opponnet. By any means.even if it's illegal,anonymous and hurtful.The goal is to manipulate the reader or voter with mind games.It's no secret that people believe what they read. The people are just unsuspecting individuals that believe anything that comes through the mail. And all political people know it.They all take advantage of being a trusting hispanic. After all,who would question a face and skin that looks like a family member? It's all a game.And sadly,our people are playing us like a fiddle. And I thought the negros were bad,,,,,.Nothing has changed,we still have high paid department heads that don't do shit!!!!Sick of waiting for a change,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Shut up already. I'll tell you you the qualifications for lynwood city clowncil:
Have led a miserable existance
Must be unempolyed and unemployable
Have declared bankrupcy
Must be unable to read, write or speak standard english
Live in a rat hole
Have the drive to get through the campaign so that once elected you are ready for plastic surgery, getting new homes and new cars
Be a high school drop out
Know how to commit fraud
Know how to lie, cheat and steal
Find crooks to finance your campaign and promise to deliver on hefty contracts that bilk lynwood taxpayers of their hard earned money
Hire your lovers, family and friends when you get elected
Steal all you can while in office
Talk about your fellow clowncilmembers behind their back

These are just some! Lynwood clowncilmemebers are a joke! Ha Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

8:45pm - Jan. 3

The reason why there is no response, is because your comments are not worth a response, but I will say this!

You don't know what you talking about and how to spell.

African Americans, also called Black Americans, are not called Negros since the late fifthies. How old are you anyway?

Responce = Response
Opponnent = Opponent

Have your comments and spelling together the next time you think you know what is going on, otherwise you substantiate more and more what an idiot you are.

Anonymous said...

Blog Master, what is the problem?
You did not publish my comment again. Are you afraid of the truth also? Or do you have a personal problem with me?

Anonymous said...

to 12:30 PM, January 18, 2009

Dumbass! if you post as anonymous, how could the blog master have a personal problem with you?! DUH!

Anonymous said...

So is Aide going to be hired by the district, permanently?

Anonymous said...

To: Feb. 02
Good answer, Good answer.
(cheer cheer)

Anonymous said...

doctors have patients, DUMBASS!

Anonymous said...

12:41 - FEB. 4

There you go again, calling someone a dumb-ass. Realize one thing, every time you feel compelled to do that, it substantiates that in fact YOU are the dumb-ass.
Patient = Calmness; Tolerant; Perservering; Understanding.
Next time get you facts straight.
Doctors are not the only ones who have patient. I could easely call you a (you know what), but I will not bring myself to your level, which is way down.

Anonymous said...

you ALL need to go back and take an English class.

To be patient (calmness, you are correct).
Doctor's DO NOT have patient, they have "patients"

And why don't any of you look up "patience" in the dictionary.

Patience, to be patient!

Class dismissed!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...